Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) .NET
2) Activex OLE
3) ADO Database
4) Algorithm Math
5) API
6) COM
7) Compiler Directives
8) Constants
9) Examples
10) Files
11) Forms
12) Forum
13) Functions
14) Games
15) Graphic
16) Hardware
17) Ide Indy
18) Keywords
19) LAN Web TCP
20) Multimedia
21) OOP
22) Printing
23) Procedures
24) String
25) Strings
26) System
27) Types
28) Variables
29) VCL
30) XML
1) [] Ağ üzerinde veya diskteki bir dosyanın sürücüsünü, yolunu, dosya adını ve uzantısını döndüren functi
2) [] Application associated with a specific file name extension
3) [] Text dosyalarına kayıt ve okuma
4) 1 elinizin altında olması gereken kodlar 1 [system directorys and create link vb ]
5) 4 elinizin altında olması gereken kodlar 4 [file drag drop]
6) A Quick Way to Determine If a File has One of Several File Extensions
7) A simple File Comparison Utility
8) Access listbox items with api
9) Activate a Running Instance of an Application when a User Opens an Associated File by Extension
10) Activating an Object from a File
11) Add a file to the document menu
12) Add data to a compiled exe-file
13) Add File Into Other File
14) Add Line into the end of a file
15) Add new index file at runtime
16) Add your help file to the Delphi
17) Adding FileDrop capabilities to any visual control
18) Adding Text to Log Files
19) Advanced exception handler to find the exception source file name, call stack and all other related information
20) All information about file
21) An easier alternative for a TIniFile object
22) An easier function to get a files Size
23) Analyze PE file headers
24) Another ExtractFileName( ); function
25) Append one file to other
26) Application help file set properly
27) Are 2 files identical do a 32bit crc sum
28) Assign the text of a file to a string
29) Assign the text of a file to a string
30) Associate an application with a file extension
31) Associate your programm with file extensions
32) Automatically change the extension of the filename in save dialog
33) Baslat menüsü programlarinin tespit edilmesi
34) Belirtilen klasör ve alt klasörlerde belirtilen maska göre dosya listesini bulma
35) Binary dosyanin icindeki yazının değiştirilmesi
36) Bir dizinin adını değiştirmek
37) Bir dosyanın sürüm bilgilerinin alınması[exe, dll vs ]
38) Bir dosyanın text dosyası mı yoksa binary dosya mı olduğunu bulma
39) Bir dosyanin salt okunur olarak acilmasi
40) Bir dosyanin tarih ve saat bilgisinin alinmasi
41) Bir klasörde rastgele isimle tek bir dosya ismi olusturmak
42) Bir klasörün özelliginin degistirilmesi
43) Bir klasörün toplam boyutu nasil alinir
44) Bir uygulamayı başka bir uygulamadan parametresiz olarak çalıştırmak
45) Browse Directories and Files
46) Browsing through windows folders
47) Build one Resfile from files located in a Directory
48) Build resources from files located in a directory
49) Build Resources from files located in a Directory
50) Calculate estimated download time of a file
51) Calculate the checksum of a file
52) Calculate the checksum of a file
53) Calışan exe ve dll listesi
54) Call some topic in help file
55) Capture the date and time stamp of a file
56) Capture the output from a dos application
57) Change dos files date time stamp
58) Change file attributes
59) Change file attributes
60) Change JPEG File Size vs Quality (CompressionQuality)
61) Change the color of a tpagecontrols
62) Change the default project directory in Delphi
63) Change-read the document properties for a specified word document
64) Changing attributes of files
65) Changing Creation and Last accessed dattime for files
66) Changing Date and time stamp of a file
67) Check a file name against a list of masks
68) Check if a file can be opened
69) Check if a file can be opened
70) Check if a file exists
71) Check if a file has an ASCII format
72) Check if a file has an ascii format
73) Check if a file is a text file or a binary one
74) Check if a file is a text file or a binary one
75) Check if a file is in use
76) Check if a file is in use
77) Check if a file should be overwritten using version control etc
78) Check if a filedirectory exists
79) Check if a file-directory exists
80) Check if a files volume is NTFS
81) Check if a path exists
82) Check if a path exists
83) Check to see if files are pending to be burned om a CD
84) Check, if a directory is empty
85) Check, if a directory is empty
86) Check, if a file is on a local drive
87) Check, if a file is on a local drive
88) Check, if a filename statement is masked
89) Check, if a filename statement is masked
90) Check, if two files are equal
91) Check, if two files are equal
92) Class names of common applications that are included in windows
93) Class to extract file version in a variety of formats
94) Clipboarda dosya[lar] gönder
95) Clipboarddaki dosyaların isimlerinin listelenmesi
96) Code and decode strings and files
97) Compare two files of txt format
98) Component to read text files delimited or fixed
99) Compress files
100) Compress, decompress a stream
101) Concatenate and compress files into one destination file
102) Concatenate and compress files into one destination file
103) Connect to an ftp server and download a file
104) Convert a .dfm file to text and vise versa
105) Convert a Bitamp to a emf (Enhanced Metafile)
106) Convert a csv file to xml
107) Convert a CSV file to XML
108) Convert a partitionfile size to a String
109) Convert a short path in a long one
110) Convert long filename to DOS filename
111) Convert long filenames in short filenames
112) Convert long filenames in short filenames
113) Convert oem to ansi
114) Convert short to long filenames
115) Convert Short to Long filenames
116) Convert text string to gif file
117) Convert TFileTime to TDateTime
118) Converting from Long to Short file names and paths
119) Converting from Windows ASCII to UNIX ASCII Text Files
120) Copy - move - delete whole directory
121) Copy a file using a progressbar
122) Copy a file using a progressbar
123) Copy a FileStream from Server to Client
124) Copy files
125) Copy files
126) Copy files to the windows clipboard
127) Copy Files to the Windows clipboard
128) Copy move delete whole directory
129) Copy NTFS file security from a source to a destination
130) Copy or move a file
131) Copy the clipboard to a stream and restore it again
132) Copying files in delphi
133) Copying files in delphi using streams
134) Copying files like window explorer, with flying files... (with attached example)
135) Copying files using the Standard Windows Copy file dialog box
136) Copymoverename file operations
137) Create a CSV file
138) Create a directory
139) Create a directory
140) Create a new folder in the start menu
141) Create a shortcut in the startmenu, on the desktop,
142) Create a whole path at once
143) Create an excel file without ole
144) Create an Excel File without OLE
145) Create an mht (web page single file) file
146) Create binary resource files (.res)
147) Create DB file at runtime
148) Create help files contents
149) Create meeting request in outlook by delphi using .vcs file
150) Create PDF files from your apps with the shareware PDFReport component a primer
151) Create PDF files from your QReports with Adobe Acrobat
152) Create string resource files (.res)
153) Create temp file
154) CreateRemove folder
155) Creating a errors log file to facility the technical support
156) Creating a file association for my application
157) Creating a logfile and append text to it
158) Creating Components Depending on Inifile Paramiters
159) Creating Matlab files
160) Creating The ADO file connection string in Run time
161) Custom file list view in file dialogs
162) Custom resource files for games
163) Dd an item to the folder popupmenu (explorer)
164) Default Outlook Profiles SMTP Address
165) Define binary exe type
166) Delete a directory without any confirmations
167) Delete a file and wait till complete before continuing
168) Delete a file permanently
169) Delete a file permanently
170) Delete a file to the RecycleBin
171) Delete all files within directory
172) Delete an entire directory tree using recursion
173) Delete Files from FileMask older than X days
174) Delete files next time the computer is rebooted
175) Delete files with Undo
176) Delete the files in the document folder
177) Delete the files in the document folder
178) Delete the own program after its finish
179) Delete the Temporary Internet Files
180) Deleting a directory and all the directories files
181) Deleting a directory and all the directories files and all the subfolders
182) Deleting or renaming open files
183) Delphi - file yönetimi ipuçları
184) Delphi 4 Using UDL files to simplify ADO
185) Delphi de dosya nasıl kopyalanır
186) Delving into the formats of files MARC, Microsofts MSNe Archive Format
187) Demo of file copying (TFileStream) in a thread (TThread)
188) Detect all files in directory
189) Detect changings of a directory
190) Detect UNIX textfiles
191) Detect whether a files volume is ntfs
192) Detect whether a files volume is NTFS
193) Determinate the bitrate of a WAV file
194) Determine the length of a wave file
195) Determine the owner of a file
196) Determine which application is associated with a file type
197) Determine which Application is associated with a File Type
198) Determining if a file name matches a specification
199) DISConfigEx an Alternative to ini file
200) Dinamik dll çağırma
201) Direct File Access with a StringGrid
202) Directory ismi değiştirme
203) DirectoryTree Component
204) Disable the close [x] button on a form
205) Diskteki her hangi bir dosyanin uzunlugunu bulunmasi
206) Display a long path as c pathfile txt
207) Display a long path as c...pathfile.txt
208) Display the file properties dialog
209) Display the file properties dialog
210) Display the first frame of an .avi file using TMediaPlayer
211) Divide a file into 1.44 mb volumes
212) Dll function listesini almak [çalışıyor]
213) Dll içerisinde bir fonksiyonun var olup olmadığının öğrenilmesi
214) Dll içindeki fonksiyonları bulma
215) Dll yazma ve kullanma
216) Dokumanlar klasörüne bir dosya eklemek
217) Dosya adıyla program kapat
218) Dosya böl-birleştir
219) Dosya kopyalamada progres bar gösterimi
220) Dosya kullanılıyor mu
221) Dosya nitelikleri [ file attributes ]
222) Dosya sıkıstırma ve acma
223) Dosya sistemi ntfs mi
224) Dosya tarihini değiştirmek
225) Dosya tarihini set etme
226) Dosya tipini bulmak [kısa kod] [non regedit]
227) Dosya uzantısı hangi programla bağlantılı
228) Dosya yaratilma tarihi
229) Dosyalama için write ve read komutları kullanımı
230) Dosyaları clipboarda yollamak
231) Dosyalarınızı geri alınayamayacak şekilde silin
232) Dosyanın değiştirilme tarih ve saatinin öğrenilmesi
233) Dosyanin son degistirildigi tarih
234) Dosyanin son kullanildigi tarih
235) Download a file from the Internet
236) Downloading a file from a URL
237) Downloading Files
238) Drag and drop files from your application to windows explorer
239) Drag and Drop files from your application to Windows Explorer
240) Drag and Drop with Files
241) Drag Multiple Files From Delphis TShellListView
242) Drive DirList FileList Combo
243) Dynamically build a menu from an XML file
244) Easy Parsing an XML File
245) Embedding files as resources in a Delphi executable
246) Embedding files in a program
247) Embedding files in an exe and then extracting them using D5
248) Encrypt decrypt files or strings
249) Encrypt- decrypt files or strings
250) Encryptdecrypt files with windows NTFS functions
251) Encrypt-decrypt files with windows ntfs functions
252) Ensure that a path name ends with a delimiter
253) Enumerate a users Active Directory Security group membership
254) Enumerate drives on a computer
255) Etrieve the path of the selected file in a TShellListView
256) Etrieve version information for a specified file
257) Everything About a File
258) Exe dosyaya veri eklemek
259) Exe tipinin öğrenilmesi
260) Execute a document and wait for it to finish
261) Execute another program
262) Execute the Explorers find file dialog box
263) Exenin içine exe gömmek
264) Export a StringGrid to an Excel File
265) Extract a frame from a AVI file
266) Extract email addresses from Outlook .dbx files
267) Extract email adresses from a csv file
268) Extract eMail adresses from a csv file
269) Extract Icons from a File
270) Extract icon of file
271) Extract icons from a file
272) Extract the audio stream from an AVI file
273) Extract the filename of an URL
274) Fast search of a string into a file
275) FastFindFiles
276) File & directory iterator
277) File attributelarını deiştirmek
278) File context menu entry for Explorer
279) File is locked
280) File Operations the 32 bit way
281) File Size Get the Size of a File in Bytes using Delphi
282) File split and merge
283) File Splitter
284) File streaming
285) Filede deltree
286) Fileoperations on a whole tree
287) Files Bigger than 2 gig
288) FilesDirectories
289) Filesearch function Searching a file anywhere (a simple way)
290) FileToVariant VariantToFile
291) Filling a list box with like files (long filenames)
292) Find all files in the harddisk without using recursion
293) Find out total size of directory
294) Find text in MS Word files, without Word app loading
295) Find the file name by string with ActiveXOLE class name
296) Find the number of files or the oldest file matching a file spec
297) Find the size of a file
298) Find the size of a file
299) Finding special folders of the shell
300) FirstLast changed File in Folder
301) Fit path+filename on the caption of a label
302) Folder Copy By Recursion
303) Folderın tarihini alma ayarlama
304) Folders recursive scanning class
305) Formatting a File Size in Bytes for Display Convert Bytes to String using Delphi
306) From File Systems To The Cloud And Back
307) Generic File Importer Base Class
308) Gerçekten zipmi
309) Get a files date
310) Get a files date
311) Get a list of all running Exe Files Check if a Exe File is running
312) Get a list of all running exe-files- check if a exe-file is running
313) Get a mp3s id3-tag
314) Get absolute Path from Relative Path
315) Get all files from a directory
316) Get associated icon of a file shortcut
317) Get attached files using NMPop3
318) Get data from excel file
319) Get datetime of creation of file
320) Get default a folder Path Location e.g my documents
321) Get Directory Creation, Modified, Last Accessed and Last Write Date and Time using Delphi
322) Get directory from BDE alias
323) Get directory size
324) Get directory size
325) Get File Information Component
326) Get file size as a string revisited supports huge files
327) Get filepath from shortcut
328) Get folderfile names(in specified folder) and folderfile modified times
329) Get full path to the file
330) Get Long File Name
331) Get module filename of current process
332) Get paths of the folders in My Computer
333) Get properties of a video file with TMediaPlayer
334) Get short path to the file
335) Get Shortcut Target File
336) Get Start Menu Directory
337) Get Subdirectories of a specified Directory from Delphi
338) Get the associated icon of a file shortcut (2)
339) Get the extension of the filename to change when the filetype is changed in a save dialog box
340) Get the free disk space
341) Get the free, total size of a disk disk volume
342) Get the icon of a file extension without having a file
343) Get the image size of a jpg, gif and png image file
344) Get the image size of a TIF image file
345) Get the last access date to file
346) Get the last access from a file
347) Get the last access from a file
348) Get the length of wav file (in second)
349) Get The list of function that an executable file imports
350) Get the MIME type of a file
351) Get the mime type of a file
352) Get the modify date of files
353) Get the modify date of files
354) Get the name of the local file that is being cached
355) Get the number of files in a directory with recurtion
356) Get the number of files in recycle bin and the size of recycle bin
357) Get the number of Files in the Recycle Bin and their total size
358) Get the owner of a file
359) Get the owner of a file
360) Get the path to program files
361) Get the Path to Program files
362) Get the pathes of the windows special folders
363) Get the startmenus directory
364) Get the width and height of a Gif File
365) Get the width and height of a gif-file
366) Get the windows file type
367) Get the windows file type
368) Get width and height of a GIF image file
369) Get width and height of a JPEG image file
370) Get width and height of a PNG image file
371) Get windows, system, temporary directory
372) Get your programs directory
373) Get your programs directory
374) Getdirectorysize
375) GetFileSizeFormat
376) Getset the current directory
377) Get-set the current directory
378) Getset the Date of a folder
379) Get-set the date of a folder
380) Getting an exe file type
381) Getting the associated Icon of any file
382) Getting the filename and path of a local table
383) Getting the path of the Start Menu directory
384) Give Me the Details or File Summary Info
385) Group Policy Attributes in the Active Directory
386) Hange DOS Files Date Time Stamp
387) How can I know an application file whether it is in use or not
388) How can I open a HTML file
389) How cryptdecrypt the file in Crypt API
390) How do I write a text file device driver
391) How do i identify a file
392) How get notifications on changes at the filesystem
393) accept dropped files from the explorer
394) accept dropped files from the explorer
395) add a file to the document menu
396) add an item to the folder popupmenu (explorer)
397) add data to a compiled Exe File
398) analyze PE file headers
399) assign the text of a file to a string
400) Associate an application with a file extension
401) Build Resources from files located in a Directory
402) Calculate estimated download time of a file
403) calculate the checksum of a file
404) call another help file from your application
405) change an EXE files icon in runtime
406) change DOS Files Date Time Stamp
407) change file attributes
408) change the default project directory in Delphi
409) check a file name against a list of masks
410) check if a directory is empty
411) check if a file can be opened
412) check if a file has an ASCII format
413) check if a file is a text file or a binary one
414) check if a file is in use
415) check if a file is in use
416) check if a filedirectory exists
417) check if a given folder is empty
418) check if a path exists
419) check if there is a valid disk in drive a
420) check to see if files are pending to be burned om a CD
421) check, if a directory is empty
422) check, if a file is on a local drive
423) check, if a filename statement is masked
424) check, if two files are equal
425) code and decode strings and files
426) Compress, Decompress a Stream
427) concatenate and compress files into one destination file
428) connect to an ftp server and download a file
429) convert a .dfm file to text and vise versa
430) convert a Bitamp to a emf (Enhanced Metafile)
431) convert a partitionfile size to a String
432) convert long filenames in short filenames
433) convert Short to Long filenames
434) convert TFileTime to TDateTime
435) copy a file using a progressbar
436) copy a folder with files inside
437) copy files
438) Copy Files to the Windows clipboard
439) copy move delete whole directory
440) create a directory
441) create a directory tree
442) create a drop handler for a file type
443) create a menu from a directory tree (easy to use)
444) create a new folder in the start menu
445) create a structured storage file Part 1
446) create an Excel File without OLE
447) create and modify Application INI Files
448) create binary resource files (.res)
449) create menus from folder tree (advanced)
450) create read from a structured storage file Part 2
451) create string resource files (.res)
452) Custom File List View in File Dialogs
453) delete a file permanently
454) delete multiple files from a directory
455) delete the files in the document folder
456) delete the Temporary Internet Files
457) detect whether a files volume is ntfs
458) detect whether a files volume is NTFS
459) determinate the bitrate of a WAV file
460) determine the length of a wave file
461) determine which Application is associated with a File Type
462) display a long path as c...pathfile.txt
463) display the file properties dialog
464) display the first frame of an avi file using TMediaPlayer
465) display the full text search tab of a help file
466) download a file from the Internet
467) Drag and Drop files from your application to Windows Explorer
468) Drag and Drop Image Files to a Timage Delphi control (from Windows Explorer)
469) dynamically build a menu from an XML file
470) easily use HTML Help files in your programs
471) Encode a File Made Easy
472) encrypt decrypt files or strings
473) encryptdecrypt files with windows NTFS functions
474) ensure that a path name ends with a delimiter
475) et the last access from a file
476) execute the Explorers find file dialog box
477) export a StringGrid to an Excel File
478) extract email addresses from Outlook .dbx files
479) extract eMail adresses from a csv file
480) Extract Icons from a File
481) extract the audio stream from an AVI file
482) Extract the Cookie Direcory
483) extract the filename of an URL
484) extract WAV files from Audio CD
485) find the size of a file
486) generate a UNIQUE Temporary Workfile (API Calls)
487) get a CRC 32 of a file
488) get a file size algorithmic way
489) get a files date
490) get a files size like Microsoft
491) get a list of all running Exe Files Check if a Exe File is running
492) get an Unique Identifier for a File or Folder
493) get associated icon of a file shortcut
494) get directory size
495) get File Created,Modified and Accessed dates
496) get icon from a shortcut file
497) get paths of the folders in My Computer
498) get properties of a video file with TMediaPlayer
499) get the associated icon of a file shortcut
500) get the filename, if a file is opened with your application
501) get the length of wav file (in second)
502) get the long path and file name of an existing file
503) get the MIME type of a file
504) get the modify date of files
505) get the name of the local file that is being cached
506) get the number of Files in the Recycle Bin and their total size
507) get the owner of a file
508) get the Path to Program files
509) get the short name of the path name
510) get the startmenus directory
511) get the width and height of a Gif File
512) get the windows file type
513) get windows, system, temporary directory
514) get your programs directory
515) getset the current directory
516) getset the Date of a folder
517) identifying a file through CRC 32
518) include a Exe File in your Application and execute it
519) include a Wav File in your Exe
520) insert a .swf Flash file into your program
521) insert a file in a TMemo at the cursor position
522) install an INF file with Delphi
523) List all files in a directory
524) list all Subdirectories of a Directory
525) list files in a directory
526) load a string into the WebBrowser without navigating to a file
527) load Rft Text from a resource file into a TRichEdit
528) maintain a list of recently used files in a TMainMenu
529) move a file in the recycle bin
530) open a Delphi text file fmShareDenyNone
531) open a password protected xls file and save it without password
532) open local files in a TWebbrowser and start links directly
533) open special folders
534) parse a wave file
535) parse an XML file
536) Parse TAB Delimited Files in Delphi
537) parse text from a HTML File using IHTMLDocument2
538) patch binary files
539) play a MIDI file without using TMediaPlayer
540) play a sound file without using TMediaPlayer
541) play a wave file backwards
542) play Flash Files in Delphi
543) produce Logfile Data from your Application
544) read a binary file and display the byte values as ASCII
545) read a string from a text file at a certain line number
546) read a table textfile in a StringGrid
547) read Adobe Acrobat PDF files from my application
548) read infos in MP3 files
549) read line by line and modify a textfile
550) read out the main icon of a EXE File
551) read the hard disk serial number and volume label
552) read the version of a file
553) really make a resource file
554) record wave files (.wav)
555) Recover Bitmaps from Resource Files by code
556) register a menu entry to a File
557) register a OCX File
558) rename a directory
559) rename, remove, delete, move a filedirectory
560) replace text in a text file
561) retrieve information from an AVI file
562) retrieve the filenames in the clipboard
563) retrieve the path of the selected file in a TShellListView
564) retrieve version information for a specified file
565) run a program or open an associated file
566) Run your Delphi Application by Double Clicking on a File (Register a FileType Extension with Your Program)
567) save a Excel file as Text file
568) save a file to a TBlobStream and read it back
569) save a Page in TWebbroser to a file
570) save a StringGrid as a CSV file
571) save a TImagelist with all its images to a file
572) save a TTreeView to a Ini File
573) save and Load Font from a configuration file
574) save load TFont information to an INI file
575) save many streams in a (compressed, encrypted) file
576) SaveLoad a TStringGrid tofrom a file
577) saving several controls to one single file
578) search a directory tree for a specified file
579) search a file for a specified text
580) search a file for a string
581) search a file for a string
582) search for files recursively
583) send a file from a TServerSocket to a TClientSocket
584) send files across the internet using FTP
585) set a files compression state
586) set a files date
587) set Directory Select in Editfields
588) show files and their associated Icons in a Listview
589) show multi files properties dialog
590) show multiple columns in a TFileListBox
591) show the select directory dialog
592) show the select directory dialog and sepeify the initial directory
593) show the SelectDirectory Dialog with a button to create directories
594) shred (delete wo traces) files
595) Split and Merge Files using Delphi code
596) splitmerge files
597) store a file into a component
598) tell if a folder is shared
599) tell if two files are equal
600) touch a file with a specified datetime
601) upload a local directory to an ftp server
602) use ADO Connections ConnectionString property in a flexible way using .udl files
603) use an Exe Internal Virtual File System @ RunTime
604) use CHM Help files
605) Use GetTempFileName to Create a Unique Temporary File
606) use help files (.hlp)
607) use INI files (.ini)
608) use TFileStream
609) use the shell function to copymove a file
610) use XML file as replacement for INI file
611) work with HTML Help (.chm) files
612) write append Text to a file
613) write toread text files
614) HTTP POST using Delphi and TWebBrowser Multiple File Upload
615) ID3 tags and MPEG headers information of MP3 files
616) Identifying a file through CRC 32
617) Identifying a file through crc-32
618) Identifying a file thru CRC 32
619) Identifying files
620) If drive[volume] supports persistent security
621) Ikili dosyadan okuma
622) Image can show preview image in dwg file
623) Include a Exe File in your Application and execute it
624) Include a exe-file in your application and execute it
625) Include a JPEG in your EXE file
626) Include a Wav File in your Exe
627) Include font from from a resource file
628) Initialize StringGrid from INI file
629) Insert a file in a tmemo at the cursor position
630) Insert a file in a TMemo at the cursor position
631) Inserting contents of a file at current position in TMemo
632) Install an INF file with Delphi
633) Install an inf file with delphi
634) Installing an INF file inside your application
635) Intelligently reading a file one line at a time
636) Is the directory empty (the simpliest way !)
637) ISAPI Filter Header Files
638) IsDirectoryEmpty Delphi function to Determine if a Directory is Empty (no files, no sub folders)
639) Istenen klasörü treeviewde göstermek
640) Istenilen herhangibir klasör icerisinde joker karakterlerini kullanarak dosya arama
641) IsValidFileName How to Check if a Given File Name is Valid Using Delphi
642) Klasör paylaşıma açık mı
643) Klasör ve alt klasörlerde dosya aramak ve bulunanlari bir listeye atmak
644) Klasörleri kopyalamak-tasimak-silmek [windows fonksiyonlarini kullanarak]
645) Let User Create a UDL file from within your app
646) Let users receive files via online download manager
647) List all directories, files and drives in a listbox
648) List all files in a directory
649) List all files in a directory
650) List all subdirectories of a directory
651) List all Subdirectories of a Directory
652) Load rft text from a resource file into a trichedit
653) Load Rft Text from a resource file into a TRichEdit
654) Load the cd-rom icon
655) Loading any registered picturefile format into a stream
656) Logging a Memos text to a TextFile or LogFile
657) Looking for files
658) Looking for files recursively in a directory or the hard disk
659) Maintain a list of recently used files in a TMainMenu
660) Making a recent files menu
661) Most recently used files
662) Move a file in the recycle bin
663) Move a file in the recycle bin
664) NetFileEnum
665) Not Allow That Your EXE File Twice Running
666) Notilus - metin dosyasını satır satır okumak
667) Ntfs dosya sistemi ile dosya ve dizin şifreleleme ve çözme[decrypt]
668) Open a password protected xls file and save it without password
669) Open a url or a file with the associated application
670) Open a URL or a file with the associated application
671) Open help file in Delphi
672) Open local files in a TWebbrowser and start links directly
673) Open registered file types
674) Open the password protected xls file and save without password
675) Open the windows explorer and show the specified folder
676) Opening a password protected access 97 file using ADO
677) Pan, zoom and rotate grid, Find files
678) Parse an XML file
679) Parse text from a HTML File using IHTMLDocument2
680) Patch binary files
681) Patch binary files
682) Perform Some NTFS specific File Functions
683) Persistant logfile
684) Personal settings and ini files
685) Play a MIDI file without using TMediaPlayer
686) Play a sound file without using TMediaPlayer
687) Play a wav file
688) Play a wave file backwards
689) Play Flash Files in Delphi
690) Play wav sound from a resource file
691) Playing a wav file without TMediaPlayer
692) Playing with File Dates (Data Hiding)
693) Programdan dosya kopyalama islemi
694) Programmatically Check If File is In Use Delphi Code
695) Programmatically Get Parent Folder for a Specified File Folder Name using Delphi
696) Quick and Dirty CSV file parsing
697) Read a binary file and display the byte values as ASCII
698) Read a binary file and display the byte values as ascii
699) Read a certain line number from a text file
700) Read a string from a text file at a certain line number
701) Read a string from a text file at a certain line number
702) Read a table textfile in a StringGrid
703) Read a table-textfile in a stringgrid
704) Read from a busy file
705) Read line by line and modify a textfile
706) Read line-by-line and modify a textfile
707) Read out the main icon of a EXE File
708) Read picture maketime from digital camera file (JPEG)
709) Read text from a pdf doc without using activex
710) Read the ID3 Tag from a MP3 File (without using a component)
711) Read the version of a file
712) Read the version of a file
713) Reading a locked or busy file
714) Reading and writing text files
715) Reconstruct full paths from a treeview
716) Record wave files (.wav)
717) Recover Bitmaps from Resource Files by code
718) Reduce the application exe size
719) Register a File Command for a Windows Shell Menu from Delphi code
720) Register a menu entry to a file
721) Register a menu entry to a File
722) Register a OCX File
723) Remove all files from directory
724) Removing the todays date display from a tdatetimepicker
725) Rename a directory
726) Rename a directory
727) Rename a Directory Folder Using Delphi Code
728) Rename directory
729) Rename, remove, delete, move a filedirectory
730) Rename, remove, delete, move a file-directory
731) Replace a running dll
732) Replace text in a text file
733) Replace text in a text file
734) Replace textfont in doc file
735) Reporting file size in a descriptive string
736) Resolving Primary key property is invalid... Error in DBF File
737) Resources inside .exe files
738) Reterive windowsiexplorer special folders
739) Retrieve a shortcuts link information
740) Retrieve information from an AVI file
741) Retrieve informations about a wave file
742) Retrieve the filenames in the clipboard
743) Retrieve the filenames in the clipboard
744) Retrieve unc paths
745) Retrieve version information for a specified file
746) Retrieving a long file name from the command line
747) Retrieving folder size
748) Run a program automatically at windows start-up
749) Run a program or open an associated file
750) Run a program or open an associated file
751) Run program not in StartUp Folder
752) Running files programs from your application
753) Save - load tfont information to an ini file
754) Save (and Load) all the Images from a Delphi TImageList to a Single File
755) Save a Excel file as Text file
756) Save a file to a TBlobStream and read it back
757) Save a Page in TWebbroser to a file
758) Save a stringgrid as a csv file
759) Save a StringGrid as a CSV file
760) Save a TImagelist with all its images to a file
761) Save a TTreeView to a Ini File
762) Save and Load Font from a configuration file
763) Save and load metafiles in a BLOB field without using DBImage
764) Save load TFont information to an INI file
765) Save many streams in a (compressed, encrypted) file
766) Save StringGrid to file
767) Save TWinControl components image to file
768) Saveload a font information in INItext file
769) SaveLoad a TStringGrid tofrom a file
770) Saving several controls to one single file
771) Search a directory tree for a specified file
772) Search a directory tree for a specified file
773) Search a file for a specified text
774) Search a file for a specified text
775) Search an entire drive for a file QUICKLY
776) Search bookmark in help file
777) Search for a File in a Tree
778) Search for files
779) Search for files recursively
780) Search for files recursively
781) Search for text in textfiles
782) Search for text in textfiles
783) Searching for a directory
784) Seçilen dosyanın tarih bilgileri
785) Selecting files
786) Send a file from a TServerSocket to a TClientSocket
787) Send a file to windows recycle bin
788) Send data to another program by auto-drag-drop
789) Send Files with speed limit
790) Sending a file for the garbage can
791) Sending a file to Windows Recycle Bin (for beginners)
792) Set a files compression state
793) Set a files compression state
794) Set a files date
795) Set a files date
796) Set datetime of the file
797) Set other file mode
798) Setchange file attributes
799) Setting File Summary Information
800) Setting NTFS FileFolder Security
801) SHGetFileInfo (API)
802) ShortFileName LongFileName
803) ShortFileName, LongFileName, and Mince functions
804) Show directories in a ttreeview
805) Show files and their associated Icons in a Listview
806) Show multi files properties dialog
807) Show multi-files properties dialog
808) Show multiple columns in a TFileListBox
809) Show special folders
810) Show the open with-dialog
811) Show the select directory dialog
812) Show the select directory dialog
813) Show the select directory dialog and sepeify the initial directory
814) Show the select directory dialog and sepeify the initial directory
815) Show the selectdirectory dialog with a button to create directories
816) Show the SelectDirectory Dialog with a button to create directories
817) Shred (delete wo traces) files
818) Shred [delete w-o traces] files
819) Silcopyala
820) Simplify a filepath
821) Splitmerge files
822) Split-merge files
823) Splitting Files (Small Code & Blazing Fast)
824) Start a program and wait for its termination
825) Start a program and wait for its termination [2]
826) Storing Vlaues to the DFM files during design Time
827) Stream multiple components to clipboard
828) String Grid to HTML file
829) Synchronise a directory including all sub directories
830) TCheckListBox LoadFromFileSaveToFile Method, included checked state
831) TDBIniFile Class to Handle Application Settings
832) Tek satır komutla klasör kopyalama, alt klasörlerle birlikte
833) Tell if a folder is shared
834) Temporary files in Windows
835) Text dosya içinde arama ve değiştirme
836) The five methods to copy file
837) THvHQuery for exporting query to CSV file
838) Tidy up your Temporary Files
839) Tips to Resolve filename.dbf has become corrupted Error Message
840) TMapTextfile Class
841) To convert the file size to string (a la Explorer)
842) To cryptdecrypt the file using Crypt API
843) To display a Property dialog for file, folder or drive
844) To fill a listbox with file names
845) To get icon from a shortcut file
846) To open files with associated application
847) To read a file datetime
848) To Register Associate a file type with your application
849) To save file in BLOB and read from BLOB
850) Tom File List View in File Dialogs
851) Traverse files in a folder structure
852) TWFolderProtector 1.10 [090317]
853) TXLSFile library benchmark compared to OLE Automation
854) Ultra Fast File Compare
855) Understanding what files are and choosing a delphi file type - part 1
856) Understanding what files are and choosing a delphi file type - part 2
857) Understanding what files are and choosing a delphi file type - part 3
858) Universal embedding of files in Delphi units
859) Upload a local directory to an ftp server
860) UploadFile Function for .NET for SendMail, example
861) Use an Exe Internal Virtual File System @ RunTime
862) Use CHM Help files
863) Use gettempfilename to create a unique temporary file
864) Use GetTempFileName to Create a Unique Temporary File
865) Use help files (.hlp)
866) Use INI files (.ini)
867) Use ini files [ ini]
868) Use pathcombine - extractrelativepath
869) Use registry instead of .ini file
870) Use some tstream utility functions
871) Use tfilestream
872) Use TFileStream
873) Use the shell function to copymove a file
874) Use the shell function to copy-move a file
875) Use the Windows Crypto API to get a Hash of a file
876) Use XML file as replacement for INI file
877) Use xml file as replacement for ini file
878) Using file mapping objects ( Shared Memory )
879) Using SHBrowseForFolder to locate specific file
880) Using TFilterComboBox with TShellTreeView to Filter Files and Folders being Displayed by the Shell Tree View
881) Using the SHFileOperation function
882) Using XmlTextReader to read an XML file in Delphi 8
883) Utility to archive files based on a date range
884) Uygulama içerisinden chm yardım dosyalarının kullanımı
885) Uygulamanızın icine exe koyun ve çalıştırın [trojancılar icin ideal]
886) Uzak yoldan dosya adının ayıklanması
887) Uzun dosya isimlerini kısa olarak kullanmak
888) Viewing PCX File Format in Delphi (256 colors)
889) Viewing Targa Bitmap File Format in Delphi (256 colors)
890) Web Page to Image File
891) What are the Common Causes of DBF File Corruption in Visual FoxPro
892) What to do when you are facing corruption issues in the MS Visual FoxPro 6.0 DBF file
893) Wildcard Comparing Files And String Variables !
894) Windows dosya ozellikleri kutusunun program icinden acilmasi
895) Windows explorer favorites klasörünün alinmasi
896) Windows explorerdan programa sürüklenen dosyalarin program tarafindan alinmasi
897) Windows klasör sec kutusunun gösterilmesi ve secilen klasörün alinmasi
898) Windowsu kullarak dosya kolyalama islemi
899) Word Repair Tool Microsoft Word, .DOC and .DOCX Lost Files Recovery Problem
900) Work with HTML Help (.chm) files
901) Working with files of records
902) Write append Text to a file
903) Write- append text to a file
904) Write toread text files
905) Write to-read text files
906) Writing a file from a string
907) Writing wave files to disk
908) XML File Viewer
909) Yet another recent file menu
910) Yüklenmis dll dosyalarinin hafizadan atilmasi