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Get File Information Component

Title: Get File Information Component Question: TgtFileInfo is a TComponent which can retrieve file information Version,Copyright,e.t.c Answer: {*******************************************************} { } { GT Delphi Components } { TgtFileInfo } { } { Copyright (c) GT Delphi Components } { } { } { } {*******************************************************} unit o_FileInfo; interface uses Classes; type TgtFileInfo = class(TComponent) private { Private declarations } FVerSize : Integer; FVerBuf : PChar; FVerBufValue : Pointer; FVerHandle : Cardinal; FVerBufLen : Cardinal; FVerKey : string; FCompanyName : string; FLegalCopyright : string; FLegalTrademarks : string; FOriginalFilename : string; FInternalName : string; FFileDescription : string; FFileName : string; FFileVersion : string; FProductVersion : string; FProductName : string; FComments : string; procedure SetFileName(const Value: string); function GetFileVersionAsNumeric: Integer; protected { Protected declarations } procedure ParseFile; function GetInfo(const aKey: string): string; public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner :TComponent);override; destructor Destroy;override; public function QueryValue(S : string):string; function AllInfoAsIni:string; published { Published declarations} property FileName : string read FFileName write SetFileName; property CompanyName : string read FCompanyName; property FileDescription : string read FFileDescription; property FileVersion : string read FFileVersion; property FileVersionAsNumeric : Integer read GetFileVersionAsNumeric; property InternalName : string read FInternalName; property LegalCopyright : string read FLegalCopyright; property LegalTrademarks : string read FLegalTrademarks; property OriginalFilename : string read FOriginalFilename; property ProductName : string read FProductName; property ProductVersion : string read FProductVersion; property Comments : string read FComments; end; implementation uses Forms ,SysUtils ,StrUtils ,Windows ; { TgtFileInfo } {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} constructor TgtFileInfo.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); ParseFile; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} destructor TgtFileInfo.Destroy; begin inherited; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TgtFileInfo.ParseFile; begin if Trim(FileName) = '' then FileName := Application.ExeName; if not FileExists(FileName) then raise Exception.CreateFmt('File %s does not exist',[FileName]); FVerSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(FileName), FVerHandle); if FVerSize 0 then begin try FVerBuf := AllocMem(FVerSize); FCompanyName := QueryValue('CompanyName'); FFileDescription := QueryValue('FileDescription'); FFileVersion := QueryValue('FileVersion'); FInternalName := QueryValue('InternalName'); FLegalCopyRight := QueryValue('LegalCopyRight'); FLegalTradeMarks := QueryValue('LegalTradeMarks'); FOriginalFileName := QueryValue('OriginalFileName'); FProductName := QueryValue('ProductName'); FProductVersion := QueryValue('ProductVersion'); FComments := QueryValue('Comments'); finally FreeMem(FVerBuf); end; end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TgtFileInfo.QueryValue(S: string): string; begin Result := ''; if GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(FileName), FVerHandle, FVerSize, FVerBuf) and VerQueryValue(FVerBuf, '\VarFileInfo\Translation', FVerBufValue, FVerBufLen) then Result := GetInfo(S); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TgtFileInfo.GetInfo(const aKey: string): string; begin Result := ''; FVerKey := Format('\StringFileInfo\%.4x%.4x\%s', [LoWord(Integer(FVerBufValue^)), HiWord(Integer(FVerBufValue^)), aKey]); if VerQueryValue(FVerBuf, PChar(FVerKey), FVerBufValue, FVerBufLen) then Result := StrPas(FVerBufValue); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TgtFileInfo.AllInfoAsIni: string; begin Result := ''; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TgtFileInfo.GetFileVersionAsNumeric: Integer; var Temp : string; i : Integer; Temp2: string; begin Temp := ''; Temp2:= ''; Temp := ReverseString(FFileVersion); for i := 1 to Length(Temp) do begin if Temp[i] '.' then Temp2 := Temp2 + Temp[i] else Break; end; Result := StrToInt(Trim(ReverseString(Temp2))); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //Getters - Setters \\ {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TgtFileInfo.SetFileName(const Value: string); begin FFileName := Value; ParseFile; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} end.