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Browse Directories and Files

Title: Browse Directories and Files Just a code sample. This is a component that encapsulates SHBrowseForFolder and should hold most of the functionality offered through it. I do not have the capability to test a lot of it, so YMMV. Please let me know if you find a problem, find it useful, or both. Download to the source, documentation, and a demo here: CODE unit DirBrowseDialog; {TDirBrowse component by Glenn9999 at } interface {$R DIRBROWSEDIALOG.DCR} uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, shlobj, DsgnIntf; const BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE = $40; type TBDirFlag = (bifBrowseFolders, bifBrowseFiles, bifBrowseComputer, bifBrowsePrinter); TBStartFlag = (ciNone, ciRecycleBin, ciControlPanel, ciDesktopDirectory, ciMyComputer, ciFonts, ciNetHood, ciMyDocuments, ciPrograms, ciRecent, ciSendTo, ciStartMenu, ciStartup, ciTemplates); TBDSelectEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; selitem: string; var stext: string; var valid: Boolean) of object; TStub = packed record PopEDX: Byte; MovEAX: Byte; SelfPointer: Pointer; PushEAX: Byte; PushEDX: Byte; JmpShort: Byte; Displacement: Integer; end; // property editor for TFileName within this component TFileNameProperty = class(TStringProperty) public function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override; procedure Edit; override; end; TDirBrowseDialog = class(TCommonDialog) private // processing variables FBrowseInfo : TBrowseInfo; FHandle: Cardinal; FFlag: Integer; FTitle: String; // title or caption FDirName: String; // path or dir returned FStartDir: TFileName; // directory to start with FUserFlag: TBDirFlag; // determines functionality FStartFlag: TBStartFlag; // determines special start places FStatusMsg: Boolean; // show status messages? FNewStyle: Boolean; // use new display style? FCenter: Boolean; // center the dialog? FFSAncestors: Boolean; // allow only file system ancestors? FBelowDomain: Boolean; // do not go below domain level in network browse? FRootDir: Boolean; // truncate browse in root dir instead of simply select? FOnItemSelect: TBDSelectEvent; procedure UFlagHandle; procedure SFlagHandle; protected function BD_Callback(wnd: hwnd; umsg: uint; lparam, lpdata: lparam): integer; stdcall; public FMyCallBack: Pointer; Constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; Destructor Destroy; override; function Execute: Boolean; override; published property Title: string read FTitle write FTitle; property StartDir: TFileName read FStartDir write FStartDir; property StatusMsg: Boolean read FStatusMsg write FStatusMsg; property DirName: string read FDirName write FDirName; property UserFlag: TBDirFlag read FUserFlag write FUserFlag default bifbrowsefolders; property StartFlag: TBStartFlag read FStartFlag write FStartFlag default ciNone; property NewStyle: Boolean read FNewStyle write FNewStyle default false; property Centered: Boolean read FCenter write FCenter; property FSAncestors: Boolean read FFSAncestors write FFSAncestors; property BelowDomain: Boolean read FBelowDomain write FBelowDomain; property RootDir: Boolean read FRootDir write FRootDir; property OnItemSelect: TBDSelectEvent read FOnItemSelect write FOnItemSelect; end; procedure Register; implementation function CreateStub(ObjectPtr: Pointer; MethodPtr: Pointer): Pointer; { Jeroen Mineur's code as found on the Internet. Allows a class method to be called as a procedure in the case of call backs} const AsmPopEDX = $5A; AsmMovEAX = $B8; AsmPushEAX = $50; AsmPushEDX = $52; AsmJmpShort = $E9; var Stub: ^TStub; begin New(Stub); Stub^.PopEDX := AsmPopEDX; Stub^.MovEAX := AsmMovEAX; Stub^.SelfPointer := ObjectPtr; Stub^.PushEAX := AsmPushEAX; Stub^.PushEDX := AsmPushEDX; Stub^.JmpShort := AsmJmpShort; Stub^.Displacement := (Integer(MethodPtr) - Integer(@(Stub^.JmpShort))) - (Sizeof(Stub^.JmpShort) + Sizeof(Stub^.Displacement)); Result := Stub; end; procedure DisposeStub(Stub: Pointer); // dispose of the procedure reference made in createstub begin Dispose(Stub); end; procedure centercbwindow(wnd: HWnd); // centers a window on the screen. var wa, rect: TRect; dialogPT: TPoint; begin wa.Top := 0; wa.Left := 0; Wa.Right := Screen.Width; Wa.Bottom := Screen.Height; GetWindowRect(Wnd, Rect); dialogPT.X := ((wa.Right - wa.Left) div 2) - ((rect.Right - rect.Left) div 2); dialogPT.Y := ((wa.Bottom - wa.Top) div 2) - ((rect.Bottom - rect.Top) div 2); MoveWindow(Wnd, dialogPT.X, dialogPT.Y, rect.Right - Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top, True); end; function BD_Callback(wnd: hwnd; umsg: uint; lparam, lpdata: lparam): integer; stdcall; // callback function for SHBrowseforfolder, TFileNameProperty begin case uMsg of BFFM_INITIALIZED: // initialization code begin SendMessage(wnd, BFFM_SETSELECTIONA, Longint(true), lpdata); centercbwindow(wnd); end; end; Result := 0; end; function TFileNameProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; // property handler for file dir paths, set attributes begin Result := [paDialog, paReadOnly] end {GetAttributes}; procedure TFileNameProperty.Edit; // property handler for file paths. Returns directory path. var lpItemID : PItemIDList; DisplayName : array[0..MAX_PATH] of char; TempPath : array[0..MAX_PATH] of char; FBr: TBrowseInfo; begin FillChar(FBr, sizeof(TBrowseInfo), #0); with FBr do begin hwndOwner := Application.Handle; pszDisplayName := @DisplayName; lpszTitle := PChar('Select the value for ' + GetName); lpfn := BD_Callback; lparam := Longint(PChar(GetValue)); ulFlags := BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS; end; lpItemID := SHBrowseForFolder(FBr); if lpItemId nil then begin if SHGetPathFromIDList(lpItemID, TempPath) then SetValue(String(TempPath)); GlobalFreePtr(lpItemID); end else SetValue(''); end; function TDirBrowseDialog.BD_Callback(wnd: hwnd; umsg: uint; lparam, lpdata: lparam): integer; stdcall; // callback function for SHBrowseforfolder var TempPath : array[0..MAX_PATH] of char; SText: string; valid: Boolean; begin case uMsg of BFFM_INITIALIZED: // initialization code begin { set browse directory } SendMessage(wnd, BFFM_SETSELECTIONA, Longint(true), lpdata); if FCenter then centercbwindow(wnd); end; BFFM_SELCHANGED: // selection code, handles status message & validation begin SHGetPathFromIDList(PItemIDList(lparam), @TempPath); if Assigned(FOnItemSelect) then begin OnItemSelect(Self, String(TempPath), stext, valid); if valid then SendMessage(wnd, BFFM_ENABLEOK, 1, 1) else SendMessage(wnd, BFFM_ENABLEOK, 0, 0); SendMessage(wnd, BFFM_SETSTATUSTEXT, 0, Longint(@stext[1])); end; end; end; Result := 0; end; Constructor TDirBrowseDialog.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin FHandle := Application.Handle; FMyCallBack := CreateStub(Self, @TDirBrowseDialog.BD_CallBack); inherited create(aowner); end; Destructor TDirBrowseDialog.Destroy; begin DisposeStub(FMyCallBack); Inherited; end; procedure TDirBrowseDialog.SFlagHandle; // handles the special starting flag var IDRoot: PItemIDList; sflag: integer; begin case FStartflag of ciNone: sflag := CSIDL_DESKTOP; ciRecycleBin: sflag := CSIDL_BITBUCKET; ciControlPanel: sflag := CSIDL_CONTROLS; ciDesktopDirectory: sflag := CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY; ciMyComputer: sflag := CSIDL_DRIVES; ciFonts: sflag := CSIDL_FONTS; ciNetHood: sflag := CSIDL_NETHOOD; ciMyDocuments: sflag := CSIDL_PERSONAL; ciPrograms: sflag := CSIDL_PROGRAMS; ciRecent: sflag := CSIDL_RECENT; ciSendTo: sflag := CSIDL_SENDTO; ciStartMenu: sflag := CSIDL_STARTMENU; ciStartup: sflag := CSIDL_STARTUP; ciTemplates: sflag := CSIDL_TEMPLATES; else sFlag := 0; end; SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(FHandle, sflag, IDRoot); FBrowseInfo.pidlRoot := IDRoot; end; procedure TDirBrowseDialog.UFlagHandle; // handles the user functionality flag var IDRoot: PItemIDList; begin case FUserFlag of bifBrowseFolders: Fflag := BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS; bifBrowseFiles: Fflag := BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES; bifBrowseComputer: Fflag := BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER; bifBrowsePrinter: Fflag := BIF_BROWSEFORPRINTER; else Fflag := 0; end; // special cases if Fflag = BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER then begin SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(FHandle, CSIDL_NETWORK, IDRoot); FBrowseInfo.pidlRoot := IDRoot; end; if Fflag = BIF_BROWSEFORPRINTER then begin SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(FHandle, CSIDL_PRINTERS, IDRoot); FBrowseInfo.pidlRoot := IDRoot; end; // not mutually exclusive options if FStatusMsg then FFlag := FFlag + BIF_STATUSTEXT; if FNewStyle then FFlag := FFlag + BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE; if FBelowDomain then FFlag := FFlag + BIF_DONTGOBELOWDOMAIN; if FFSAncestors then FFlag := FFlag + BIF_RETURNFSANCESTORS; end; function TDirBrowseDialog.Execute: boolean; var lpItemID : PItemIDList; DisplayName : array[0..MAX_PATH] of char; TempPath : array[0..MAX_PATH] of char; RootIDList: PItemIDList; IDesktopFolder: IShellFolder; Dummy: Longint; begin FillChar(FBrowseInfo, sizeof(TBrowseInfo), #0); SFlagHandle; UFlagHandle; // find the ItemIDList for startdir if truncate the dir if FRootDir then begin RootIDList := nil; if StartDir '' then begin SHGetDesktopFolder(IDesktopFolder); IDesktopFolder.ParseDisplayName(FHandle, nil, PWideChar(WideString(startdir)), Dummy, RootIDList, Dummy); FBrowseInfo.pidlRoot := RootIDList; end; end; with FBrowseInfo do begin hwndOwner := FHandle; pszDisplayName := @DisplayName; lpszTitle := PChar(Title); lpfn := FMyCallback; lparam := Longint(PChar(FStartDir)); ulFlags := FFlag; end; lpItemID := SHBrowseForFolder(FBrowseInfo); if lpItemId nil then begin { must check whether the item selected is file system item or not display name is selected item if it is a printer or machine and not a file or directory } if SHGetPathFromIDList(lpItemID, TempPath) then FDirName := temppath else FDirName := String(DisplayName); Result := true; GlobalFreePtr(lpItemID); end else Result := false; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TDirBrowseDialog]); RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TFileName), nil, '', TFileNameProperty) end; end.