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Categories / Delphi / Files

Search for files recursively

Title: search for files recursively? procedure GetAllFiles(mask: string); var search: TSearchRec; directory: string; begin directory := ExtractFilePath(mask); // find all files if FindFirst(mask, $23, search) = 0 then begin repeat // add the files to the listbox Form1.ListBox1.Items.Add(directory + search.Name); Inc(Count); until FindNext(search) 0; end; // Subdirectories/ Unterverzeichnisse if FindFirst(directory + '*.*', faDirectory, search) = 0 then begin repeat if ((search.Attr and faDirectory) = faDirectory) and (search.Name[1] '.') then GetAllFiles(directory + search.Name + '\' + ExtractFileName(mask)); until FindNext(search) 0; FindClose(search); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var directory: string; mask: string; begin Count := 0; Listbox1.Items.Clear; directory := 'C:\temp\'; mask := '*.*'; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; try GetAllFiles(directory + mask); finally Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; ShowMessage(IntToStr(Count) + ' Files found'); end; {**************************************} { Code from P. Below: } // recursively scanning all drives { excerpt from form declaration, form has a listbox1 for the results, a label1 for progress, a button2 to start the scan, an edit1 to get the search mask from, a button3 to stop the scan. } private { Private declarations } FScanAborted: Boolean; public { Public declarations } function ScanDrive(root, filemask: string; hitlist: TStrings): Boolean; implementation function TForm1.ScanDrive(root, filemask: string; hitlist: TStrings): Boolean; function ScanDirectory(var path: string): Boolean; var SRec: TSearchRec; pathlen: Integer; res: Integer; begin label1.Caption := path; pathlen := Length(path); { first pass, files } res := FindFirst(path + filemask, faAnyfile, SRec); if res = 0 then try while res = 0 do begin hitlist.Add(path + SRec.Name); res := FindNext(SRec); end; finally FindClose(SRec) end; Application.ProcessMessages; Result := not (FScanAborted or Application.Terminated); if not Result then Exit; {second pass, directories} res := FindFirst(path + '*.*', faDirectory, SRec); if res = 0 then try while (res = 0) and Result do begin if ((Srec.Attr and faDirectory) = faDirectory) and (Srec.Name '.') and (Srec.Name '..') then begin path := path + SRec.Name + '\'; Result := ScanDirectory(path); SetLength(path, pathlen); end; res := FindNext(SRec); end; finally FindClose(SRec) end; end; begin FScanAborted := False; Screen.Cursor := crHourglass; try Result := ScanDirectory(root); finally Screen.Cursor := crDefault end; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var ch: Char; root: string; begin root := 'C:\'; for ch := 'A' to 'Z' do begin root[1] := ch; case GetDriveType(PChar(root)) of DRIVE_FIXED, DRIVE_REMOTE: if not ScanDrive(root, edit1.Text, listbox1.Items) then Break; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); begin // aborts scan FScanAborted := True; end;