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Get the free, total size of a disk disk volume

{ * Place a Button1 and DriveComboBox1 on your form. * The function "SetCurrentDir" well be true if the disk in drive * The procedure "GetDiskFreeSpaceEx" returns the free and total disk size } uses SysUtils; implementation function GetDiskSize(drive: Char; var free_size, total_size: Int64): Boolean; var RootPath: array[0..4] of Char; RootPtr: PChar; current_dir: string; begin RootPath[0] := Drive; RootPath[1] := ':'; RootPath[2] := '\'; RootPath[3] := #0; RootPtr := RootPath; current_dir := GetCurrentDir; if SetCurrentDir(drive + ':\') then begin GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(RootPtr, Free_size, Total_size, nil); // this to turn back to original dir SetCurrentDir(current_dir); Result := True; end else begin Result := False; Free_size := -1; Total_size := -1; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var free_size, total_size: Int64; begin if GetDiskSize(DriveComboBox1.Drive, free_size, total_size) then ShowMessage('free space =' + IntToStr(free_size) + #13 + 'total size=' + IntToStr(total_size)) else ShowMessage('No disk in drive!'); end;