Mega Code Archive

Categories / Delphi / Files

Patch binary files

Title: patch binary files? // Replaces a string in a file with new string. // Ersetzt eine Zeichenkette in einer Datei mit einer anderen Zeichenkette. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var f: file; l: Longint; FileName, oldstring, newstring, s: string; begin oldstring := 'old string'; newstring := 'new string'; FileName := 'c:\'; s := oldstring; AssignFile(f, FileName); Reset(f, 1); for l := 0 to FileSize(f) - Length(oldstring) - 1 do begin Application.ProcessMessages; Seek(f, l); BlockRead(f, oldstring[1], Length(oldstring)); if oldstring = s then begin Seek(f, l); BlockWrite(f, newstring[1], Length(newstring)); ShowMessage('String successfully replaced!'); end; Application.ProcessMessages; end; CloseFile(f); end;