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Get a mp3s id3-tag

{ Byte 1-3 = ID 'TAG' Byte 4-33 = Titel / Title Byte 34-63 = Artist Byte 64-93 = Album Byte 94-97 = Jahr / Year Byte 98-127 = Kommentar / Comment Byte 128 = Genre } type TID3Tag = record ID: string[3]; Titel: string[30]; Artist: string[30]; Album: string[30]; Year: string[4]; Comment: string[30]; Genre: Byte; end; const Genres : array[0..146] of string = ('Blues','Classic Rock','Country','Dance','Disco','Funk','Grunge', 'Hip- Hop','Jazz','Metal','New Age','Oldies','Other','Pop','R&B', 'Rap','Reggae','Rock','Techno','Industrial','Alternative','Ska', 'Death Metal','Pranks','Soundtrack','Euro-Techno','Ambient', 'Trip-Hop','Vocal','Jazz+Funk','Fusion','Trance','Classical', 'Instrumental','Acid','House','Game','Sound Clip','Gospel','Noise', 'Alternative Rock','Bass','Punk','Space','Meditative','Instrumental Pop', 'Instrumental Rock','Ethnic','Gothic','Darkwave','Techno-Industrial','Electronic', 'Pop-Folk','Eurodance','Dream','Southern Rock','Comedy','Cult','Gangsta', 'Top 40','Christian Rap','Pop/Funk','Jungle','Native US','Cabaret','New Wave', 'Psychadelic','Rave','Showtunes','Trailer','Lo-Fi','Tribal','Acid Punk', 'Acid Jazz','Polka','Retro','Musical','Rock & Roll','Hard Rock','Folk', 'Folk-Rock','National Folk','Swing','Fast Fusion','Bebob','Latin','Revival', 'Celtic','Bluegrass','Avantgarde','Gothic Rock','Progressive Rock', 'Psychedelic Rock','Symphonic Rock','Slow Rock','Big Band','Chorus', 'Easy Listening','Acoustic','Humour','Speech','Chanson','Opera', 'Chamber Music','Sonata','Symphony','Booty Bass','Primus','Porn Groove', 'Satire','Slow Jam','Club','Tango','Samba','Folklore','Ballad', 'Power Ballad','Rhytmic Soul','Freestyle','Duet','Punk Rock','Drum Solo', 'Acapella','Euro-House','Dance Hall','Goa','Drum & Bass','Club-House', 'Hardcore','Terror','Indie','BritPop','Negerpunk','Polsk Punk','Beat', 'Christian Gangsta','Heavy Metal','Black Metal','Crossover','Contemporary C', 'Christian Rock','Merengue','Salsa','Thrash Metal','Anime','JPop','SynthPop'); var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} function readID3Tag(FileName: string): TID3Tag; var FS: TFileStream; Buffer: array [1..128] of Char; begin FS := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); try FS.Seek(-128, soFromEnd); FS.Read(Buffer, 128); with Result do begin ID := Copy(Buffer, 1, 3); Titel := Copy(Buffer, 4, 30); Artist := Copy(Buffer, 34, 30); Album := Copy(Buffer, 64, 30); Year := Copy(Buffer, 94, 4); Comment := Copy(Buffer, 98, 30); Genre := Ord(Buffer[128]); end; finally FS.Free; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin with readID3Tag(OpenDialog1.FileName) do begin LlbID.Caption := 'ID: ' + ID; LlbTitel.Caption := 'Titel: ' + Titel; LlbArtist.Caption := 'Artist: ' + Artist; LlbAlbum.Caption := 'Album: ' + Album; LlbYear.Caption := 'Year: ' + Year; LlbComment.Caption := 'Comment: ' + Comment; if (Genre >= 0) and (Genre <=146) then LlbGenre.Caption := 'Genre: ' + Genres[Genre] else LlbGenre.Caption := 'N/A'; end; end; end;