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Categories / Delphi / Files


uses ShellApi; function CopyDir(const fromDir, toDir: string): Boolean; var fos: TSHFileOpStruct; begin ZeroMemory(@fos, SizeOf(fos)); with fos do begin wFunc := FO_COPY; fFlags := FOF_FILESONLY; pFrom := PChar(fromDir + #0); pTo := PChar(toDir) end; Result := (0 = ShFileOperation(fos)); end; function MoveDir(const fromDir, toDir: string): Boolean; var fos: TSHFileOpStruct; begin ZeroMemory(@fos, SizeOf(fos)); with fos do begin wFunc := FO_MOVE; fFlags := FOF_FILESONLY; pFrom := PChar(fromDir + #0); pTo := PChar(toDir) end; Result := (0 = ShFileOperation(fos)); end; function DelDir(dir: string): Boolean; var fos: TSHFileOpStruct; begin ZeroMemory(@fos, SizeOf(fos)); with fos do begin wFunc := FO_DELETE; fFlags := FOF_SILENT or FOF_NOCONFIRMATION; pFrom := PChar(dir + #0); end; Result := (0 = ShFileOperation(fos)); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if cCopyDir('d:\download', 'e:\') = True then ShowMessage('Directory copied.'); end;