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Display all Application EventLog

Imports System.Diagnostics Module Module1     Sub Main()         Dim Log As New EventLog("Application")         Dim Evt As EventLogEntry         For Each Evt In Log.Entries             Console.WriteLine(Evt.Message)             Console.WriteLine(Evt.TimeGenerated)                          Console.WriteLine(Evt.Source)                      Next     End Sub End Module The description for Event ID '0' in Source 'CacheMgr' cannot be found. The local computer may not h ave the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display the message, or you may not h ave permission to access them. The following information is part of the event:'Service started' 15/04/2007 12:41:55 PM CacheMgr The description for Event ID '1073872930' in Source 'Oracle.xe' cannot be found. The local computer ...