Mega Code Archive

Categories / Php / User Management

User authorization class

<?php class USER{ var $user_name = ""; var $encripted_pass = ""; var $db = -1; var $db_name = "database name"; var $logged_in = false; var $member_type = ""; = // Initialization function USER($user,$pass){ $this->db_connect(); $this->log_in($user,$pass); } function db_connect(){ if($this->db == -1){ $this->db = mysql_connect("","username","pass") or die ("connection error"); } } function db_close(){ mysql_close($this->db); $this->db= -1; } // information functions function is_admin(){ if($this->logged_in && $this->member_type == "admin"){ return true; }else{ return false; } } function is_basic(){ if($this->logged_in && $this->member_type == "basic"){ return true; }else{ return false; } } function get_user(){ if($this->user_name != ""){ return $this->user_name; } return false; } function get_pass(){ if($this->encripted_pass != ""){ return $this->user_name; } return false; } // control functions function log_out(){ $this->user_name = ""; $this->member_type = ""; $this->logged_in = false; } function log_in($user,$pass){ // secret md5() variables to make this script harder to crack // got the idea from phpbuilder $key[basic] = "345hjk435oo4i2mdhndf"; $key[admin] = "hajh389asdmf9291asd"; $type = 0; // check to see if the users is in the database and // return the type of user they are. $query = "SELECT type FROM users WHERE username='" .$user."' AND password='".$pass."'"; $result = mysql_db_query($this->db_name,$query,$this->db) or die ("Query error: getting username"); if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){ $type = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $type = $type[type]; $this->user_name = $user; $this->encripted_pass = md5($pass.$key[$type]); $this->logged_in = true; $this->member_type = $type; }else{ $this->user_name = ""; $this->encripted_pass = ""; $this->logged_in = false; $this->member_type = ""; } } function register($user,$pass){ // check if user exists $query = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE username='" .$this->user_name."';"; $result = mysql_db_query($this->db_name,$query,$this->db) or die ("Write 1 error"); if(mysql_num_rows($result) <= 0){ // if not than add user to the database $query = "INSERT INTO users VALUES('0','".$user . "','" . $pass . "','basic')"; } if(mysql_db_query($db_name,$query,$db)){ $this->log_in($user,$pass); return true; } return false; } } ?> //Examples <?php // user with a session session_start(); if($_SESSION["user"]){ $localuser = unserialize($_SESSION["user"]); }else{ $localuser = new USER($_POST["username"],$POST["username"]); } // make sure you close the user if you use the db functions. $localuser->db_close(); if(!$_SESSION["user"]){ session_register("user"); } $_SESSION["user"] = $localuser; ?> All you have to do once you get the users authorized is check them to see if they can do certen things on the site. ie <?php if($localuser->is_basic() || $localuser->is_admin()){ // can add messages or something } ?> = mysql table structure = CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users VALUES(id INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,username TEXT,password TEXT,type TEXT)