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Graph Maker Function

function GraphRows($rows, $opts) { # options # # box_x_size: width of values area # box_y_size: height of the values area # x_size: total width of the graph # y_size: total height of the graph # x_val: array element of record to assign as x_value # y_val: array element to assign as y_value # x_label: label for the Bottom of the graph # y_label: label for the left side # font: font number to use from system # font_file: file to use as the font # show_x_val: true == show X value of each bar with the y_label # show_y_val: true == show Y value labels # title: string for top of graph # bar_color: color array to use for bars # box_color: color to use for the box edging and value box. # label_color: color for the labels # val_color: color to to use for the values # title_color: color to use for the title. # bg_color: color for the background. # bg_trans: make the background transparant. # img_format: can be "png", "gif", or "jpg". $defaults = array("show_x_val" => 1, "show_y_val" => 1, "show_y_lines" => 1, "font" => 1, "x_val" => NULL, "y_val" => NULL, "title" => NULL, "x_label" => NULL, "y_label" => NULL, "x_title" => NULL, "y_title" => NULL, "x_slant" => NULL, "font_file" => NULL, "x_size" => NULL, "y_size" => NULL, "box_x_size" => 300, "box_y_size" => 200, "right_margin" => 2, "fg_color" => array(1,1,1), "bg_color" => array(232, 226, 202), "bg_trans" => NULL, "bar_color" => array(128, 128, 128), "box_color" => NULL, "val_color" => NULL, "title_color" => NULL, "return" => NULL, "img_format" => "png"); foreach($defaults as $opt => $val) { if(!array_Key_exists($opt, $opts)) { $opts["$opt"] = $val; } } if($opts["font_file"]) { $opts["font"] =imageloadfont($opts["font_file"]); } $font_y = imagefontheight($opts["font"]); $font_x = imagefontwidth($opts["font"]); #the boxed area with be 2 from the top and right, 30 from the left, and 12 from the bottom. # the border will be 1px wide. $max_x = 0; $max_y = 0; $longest_x = 0; $longest_y = 0; $x_mod = 1.3; $y_mod = 1.3; # find the longest x and y value str lengths for the label margin size. foreach($rows as $idx => $row) { $y_val = $row; $x_val = $idx; if(is_array($row)) { foreach($row as $idx => $val) { $y_val = $val; break; } if($opts["y_val"]) { if(array_key_exists($opts["y_val"], $row)) { $y_val = $row[$opts["y_val"]]; } } if($opts["x_val"]) { if(array_key_exists($opts["x_val"], $row)) { $x_val = $row[$opts["x_val"]]; } } } if($y_val > $max_y) { $max_y = $y_val; } if($x_val > $max_x) { $max_x = $x_val; } $y_len = strlen($y_val); $x_len = strlen($x_val); if($y_len > $longest_y) { $longest_y = $y_len; } if($x_len > $longest_x) { $longest_x = $x_len; } } $left_margin = 0; $bottom_margin = 0; $top_margin = $font_y * ($y_mod/2); if($opts["title"] != NULL) { $top_margin = $font_y * $y_mod + $font_y * ($y_mod/2); } if($opts["show_x_val"]) { $bottom_margin += $font_y * $y_mod; if($opts["x_slant"]) { $bottom_margin += $font_x * $longest_x - $font_y * $y_mod; } } if($opts["show_y_in_x"]) { $bottom_margin += $font_y * $y_mod; } if($opts["x_title"]) { $bottom_margin += $font_y * $y_mod; } if($opts["show_y_val"]) { $left_margin += $font_x * $x_mod * $longest_y; } if($opts["y_title"]) { $t_margin = $font_y * $y_mod + $font_y * ($y_mod/2); $l_margin = $font_x * $x_mod * strlen($opts["y_title"]); if($t_margin > $top_margin) { $top_margin = $t_margin; } if($l_margin > $left_margin) { $left_margin = $l_margin; } } # we have to calculate the x and y image and box sizes depending on which is present. # img sizing overrides the box size; if($opts["x_size"]) { $opts["box_x_size"] = $img_x - $left_margin - 2 - $opts["right_margin"] ; } else { $opts["x_size"] = $left_margin + $opts["box_x_size"] + 2 + $opts["right_margin"]; } if($opts["y_size"]) { $opts["box_y_size"] = $img_y - $top_margin - 2 - $bottom_margin; } else { $opts["y_size"] = $top_margin + 2 + $opts["box_y_size"] + $bottom_margin; } $box_top = $top_margin+1; $box_bottom = $box_top + 2 + $opts["box_y_size"]; $box_left = $left_margin+1; $box_right = $box_left + $opts["box_x_size"]; $img = imagecreate($opts["x_size"]+1, $opts["y_size"]+1); list($r, $g, $b) = $opts["bg_color"]; $bg_color = imagecolorallocate($img, $r, $g, $b); if($opts["bg_trans"]) { imagecolortransparent($img, $bg_color); } list($r, $g, $b) = $opts["fg_color"]; $fg_color = imagecolorallocate($img, $r, $g, $b); if(is_array($opts["val_color"])) { list($r, $g, $b) = $opts["val_color"]; } $box_color = $fg_color; if(is_array($opts["box_color"])) { list($r, $g, $b) = $opts["box_color"]; $box_color = imagecolorallocate($img, $r, $g, $b); } $bar_color = $fg_color; if(is_array($opts["bar_color"])) { list($r, $g, $b) = $opts["bar_color"]; $bar_color = imagecolorallocate($img, $r, $g, $b); } $title_color = $fg_color; if(is_array($opts["title_color"])) { list($r, $g, $b) = $opts["title_color"]; $title_color = imagecolorallocate($img, $r, $g, $b); } $val_color = $fg_color; if(is_array($opts["val_color"])) { list($r, $g, $b) = $opts["val_color"]; $val_color = imagecolorallocate($img, $r, $g, $b); } imagerectangle($img, 0, 0, $opts["x_size"], $opts["y_size"], $box_color); imagerectangle($img, $box_left, $box_top, $box_right, $box_bottom, $box_color); $num_records = count($rows); # lets find the next item up. # find the maximal marker. $finder = $max_y; $multiple = 1; while($finder > 10) { $finder = $finder/10; $multiple *= 10; } $oldfinder =$finder; $finder = round($finder); if($finder < $oldfinder) { $finder++; } # ok, so we have UP to 10 marks. $num_marks = $finder; $max_y = $finder * $multiple; $xspan = ($opts["box_x_size"] - $num_records -1)/$num_records; $yspan = $opts["box_y_size"]/$num_marks; for($x=$num_marks;$x>=0;$x--) { if($opts["show_y_lines"]) { imageline($img, $box_left, ($x*$yspan)+$top_margin+1, $box_right, ($x*$yspan)+$top_margin+1, $box_color); } if($opts["show_y_val"]) { $text = ($num_marks - $x)*$multiple; imagestring($img, $opts["font"], $left_margin - strlen($text)*$x_mod*$font_x, ($x*$yspan)+$top_margin-($font_y/2)+2, $text, $box_color); } } if($opts["title"]) { $txtlen = strlen($opts["title"]) * $font_x; $left = $opts["box_x_size"]/2 - $txtlen/2 + $left_margin +1; $top = $font_y * $y_mod / 3; imagestring($img, $opts["font"], $left, $top, $opts["title"], $title_color); } if($opts["y_title"]) { $txtlen = strlen($opts["y_title"]) * $font_x; $left = $left_margin / 2 - $txtlen / 2; $top = $font_y * $y_mod / 3; imagestring($img, $opts["font"], $left, $top, $opts["y_title"], $title_color); } if($opts["x_title"]) { $left = $left_margin; $top = $opts["box_y_size"] + $top_margin + $font_y * $y_mod / 3; if($opts["show_x_val"]) { $top += $font_y * $y_mod; } if($opts["show_y_in_x"]) { $top += $font_y * $y_mod; } imagestring($img, $opts["font"], $left, $top, $opts["x_title"], $title_color); } $x_pos = 0; foreach($rows as $idx => $row) { $y_value = $row; $x_value = $idx; if(is_array($row)) { if($opts["y_val"] && array_key_exists($opts["y_val"], $row)) { $y_value = $row[$opts["y_val"]]; } else { foreach($row as $var => $val) { $y_value = $val; break; } } } if($opts["x_val"]) { $x_value = $row[$opts["x_val"]]; } if(!is_numeric($x_value)) { $x_value = $x_pos; } $top = $box_bottom - $y_value * $yspan / $multiple; $left = $box_left + $xspan * $x_value + 1 + $x_value; $right = $left + $xspan - 1; imagefilledrectangle($img, $left, $top, $right, $box_bottom, $bar_color); $y_txt = $x_pos + 1; if($opts["x_val"]) { if(array_key_exists($opts["x_val"], $row)) { $y_txt = $row[$opts["x_val"]]; } } $top = $box_bottom + $font_y * $y_mod / 5; $txt_left = $left + $xspan / 2 - strlen($y_txt) * $font_x / 2 + 2; imagestring($img, $opts["font"], $txt_left, $top, $y_txt, $val_color); if($opts["show_y_in_x"]) { $top += $font_y * $y_mod; $txt_left = $left + $xspan / 2 - strlen($y_value) * $font_x / 2 + 2; imagestring($img, $opts["font"], $txt_left, $top, $y_value, $val_color); } $x_pos++; } if($opts["return"]) { return($img); } switch(strtolower($opts["img_format"])) { case "png": Header("Content-Type: image/png"); ImagePNG($img); break; case "jpg": case "jpeg": Header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); ImageJPEG($img); break; case "gif": Header("Content-Type: image/gif"); ImageGIF($img); break; } ImageDestroy($img); return; }