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Categories / Php / Site Navigation

Page Lister Class

<?php class mysql_pager { // define properties var $page; var $result; var $results_per_page = 3; var $total_pages; /* Define the methods 1st method is the constructor, which has the same name as the class and is called on every instantiation of the class pass in the query result handle, current page number and integer how many results per page like: $f->mysql_pager($result, 1, 15); */ function mysql_pager( $result, $current_page, $results_per_page ) { if(!$result){ # Bogus Query, or mysqld isn't running... echo "<div align=center>Either the database is down, or the query was invalid.</div>\n"; return; } $this->result = $result; if(!$current_page || $current_page < 0) $this->page = 1; else $this->page = $current_page; if(!empty($results_per_page)) $this->results_per_page = $results_per_page; $numrows = @mysql_num_rows($this->result); if(!$numrows) { echo "<div align=center>No results for that query.</div>\n"; return; } $this->total_pages = ceil($numrows / $this->results_per_page); # how many pages you WILL get. } // end constructor function function print_paged_results() { /* echo "Current Page: ". $this->page ."<br>". "Results per Page: ". $this->results_per_page ."<br>"; */ echo "<table border=0 align=center>\n"; $start = ($this->page - 1) * $this->results_per_page; mysql_data_seek($this->result, $start); #Moves the pointer to right row $x = 0; for($i = 1; $i <= $this->results_per_page && $row = @mysql_fetch_array($this->result); $i++) { if($x++ & 1) $bgcolor = "#F2F2FF"; else $bgcolor = "#EEEEEE"; echo "<tr bgcolor=$bgcolor><td>". $row["lastactiondate"] . "</td></tr>"; // edit this part to spit out whatever html you want } // end for loop echo "</table>\n"; } // end function print_paged_results function print_navigation() { global $PHP_SELF; echo "<div align=center>"; for($i = 1; $i <= $this->total_pages; $i++) { #loop to print << 1 2 3... $total_pages >> if($i == 1 && $this->page > 1) #Prints the << first to goto the previous page (not on page 1) echo "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?page=".($this->page - 1)."\" onMouseOver=\"status='Previous Page';return true;\" onMouseOut=\"status=' ';return true;\">&#0171;&nbsp;</a>"; if($i == $this->page) #Doesn't print a link itself, just prints page number echo "<font color=\"#ff3333\">&nbsp;$i&nbsp;</font>"; if($i != $this->page) #Other links that aren't this page go here echo "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?page=$i\" onMouseOver=\"status='Go to Page $i';return true;\" onMouseOut=\"status=' ';return true;\">&nbsp;$i&nbsp;</a>"; if($i == $this->total_pages && $this->page != $this->total_pages) # Link for next page >> (not on last page) echo "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?page=".($this->page + 1)."\" onMouseOver=\"status='Go to the Next Page';return true;\" onMouseOut=\"status=' ';return true;\">&nbsp;&#0187</a>"; } // end for echo "</div>\n"; } // end function print_navigation } // end class definition /* mysql_connect($server, $uname, $pass ); mysql_select_db("$db"); $result= @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table"); $p = new mysql_pager( $result, $page, 10 ); // the variable $page will be created by the output and passed back // in as a GET var when you click any of the navigation links $p->print_navigation(); $p->print_paged_results(); $p->print_navigation(); } */ ?>