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Database Searching Class

// Function List void = load_properties((string user_name,string password,string host_add,string database_ name); void = connect(void); // note the column can be an array when the table is a string // this allows for searchs of more than one column in a table // seting the column name to ALL_COLUMNS will make the script // search all the columns of that table (if sensitive information // is in that table do not do this). void = load_tables(string table_name,string column_name||array); void = load_tables(array table_names,array column_names||array); void = add_table(string table_name,string column_name||array); void = add_table(array table_names,array column_names||array); void = all_columns(int table_num); void = all_columns(string table_name); void = exec(string search_text); void = free_results(void); void = close(void); array = get_row(void); array = get_exact_row(int row_number); int = num_rows(void); void = delete_row(int row_number); // // sample of use $search = new db_search("user name","password","","this site"); $tables = array("name","forum","text"); $columns = array("column","column","body"); $search->load_tables($tables,$columns); $search->add_table("another","column"); $search->exec("search for"); $i = 0; while($i < $search->num_rows()){ $row = $search->get_row(); for($n = 0;$n < count($row);$n++){ echo "$row[$n] "; } $i++; echo "<br>"; } // complex use of db_search $search = new db_search("dev","not gonna tell you","","devsite"); $tables = array("users","articles"); $s = array("body","subject"); $columns = array("body","body",); $search->load_tables($tables,$columns); $search->add_table("forum_topic",$s); $search->exec("php"); echo $search->num_rows(); <?php // // db_search class can be scaled for any database system // you might have. // class db_search{ // data members // var $tables = ""; var $field = ""; var $results = ""; var $result_loc = 0; var $host = ""; var $user_name = ""; var $pass_word = ""; var $data_base = ""; var $connection = ""; // // constructors // function db_search($set_user,$set_pass,$set_host,$set_db_name){ $this->load_properties($set_user,$set_pass,$set_host,$set_db_name); $this->connect(); // start the mySQL connection } // // Connection and initialization functions // function load_properties($set_user,$set_pass,$set_host,$set_db_name){ $this->user_name = $set_user; $this->pass_word = $set_pass; $this->data_base = $set_db_name; $this->host = $set_host; } function connect(){ if(!$this->host){ $this->error("Host was not set"); }elseif(!$this->user_name){ $this->error("User was not set"); }elseif(!$this->pass_word){ $this->error("Password was not set"); } $this->connection = mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user_name,$this->pass_word); if(!$this->connection){ $this->error("Connection could not be established"); } } // // Table functions // // warning running load_tables function more than once // will overwrite prevously entered tables, to add another // table use the add_table function function load_tables($set_tables,$set_field){ $this->tables = $set_tables; $this->field = $set_field; $this->scan_tables(); } function add_table($new_table,$set_field){ if(is_array($new_table) AND is_array($set_field)){ $i = count($this->tables); for($j = 0;$j < count($new_table);$j++,$i++){ $this->tables[$i] = $new_table[$j]; $this->field[$i] = $set_field[$j]; } }elseif(is_string($new_table)){ $i = count($this->tables); $this->tables[$i] = $new_table; $this->field[$i] = $set_field; }else{ $this->error("Pass a string or an array of strings"); } $this->scan_tables(); } function all_columns($table){ if(is_string($table)){ $temp = $table; $table = 0; while($this->tables[$table] != $temp && $table < count($this->tables)){ $table++; } } if($table >= count($this->tables)){ // if table was not yet entered $this->error("table <b>".$temp."</b> is not in the records."); return false; } if($this->connection){ $i = 0; $query = "SHOW FIELDS FROM ".$this->tables[$table].";"; $tempory = mysql_db_query($this->data_base,$query,$this->connection); $this->field[$table] = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($tempory)){ $this->field[$table][$i] = $row[Field]; $i++; } }else{ $this->error("function <b>all_columns()</b> can only be run after " ."a connection is made."); } } function scan_tables(){ for($i = 0;$i < count($this->tables);$i++){ if($this->field[$i] == "ALL_COLUMNS"){ $this->all_columns($i); } } } // // exacution functions // function exec($search_string){ if($this->connection){ if($this->results){ $loc = count($this->results); }else{ $loc = 0; } for($i = 0; $i < count($this->tables);$i++){ if(is_array($this->field[$i])){ $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->tables[$i]." WHERE "; $query .= $this->field[$i][0]; $query .= " LIKE '%$search_string%'"; for($n = 1;$n < count($this->field[$i]);$n++){ $query .= " OR ".$this->field[$i][$n]; $query .= " LIKE '%$search_string%'"; } }else{ $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->tables[$i]." WHERE "; $query .= $this->field[$i]." "; $query .= "LIKE '%$search_string%';"; } $tempory = mysql_db_query($this->data_base,$query,$this->connection); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($tempory)){ $this->results[$loc] = $row; $loc++; } } }else{ $this->error("function <b>exec()</b> can only be run after " ."a connection is made."); } } // // memory release functions // function close(){ $this->tables = ""; $this->field = ""; $this->host =""; $this->user_name = ""; $this->pass_word = ""; $this->free_results(); $this->data_base = ""; $this->connection = ""; } function free_results(){ $this->results = ""; $this->result_loc = 0; } // // Result functions // function set_row_pos($pos){ if($pos <= count($this->results)){ $this->result_loc = $pos; } } function get_row(){ return $this->results[$this->result_loc++]; } function get_exact_row($row_num){ return $this->results[$row_num]; } function num_rows(){ $count = 0; while($this->results[$count])$count++; return $count; } // Warning deleting rows will change the row order. function delete_row($row_num){ for(;$row_num < count($this->results);$row_num++){ $this->results[$row_num] = $this->results[$row_num + 1]; } $this->results[$row_num] = 0; } // // Internal functions // function error($error_text){ echo $error_text . "<br>"; } } ?>