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Categories / Php / MySQL Database

This script is meant for drilling through your db

drill.php <html> <head> <style> tr,td,th { font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; color: black; white-space: nowrap; } .BlueHeader { background-color: Gray; color: DarkBlue; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; white-space: nowrap; line-height: 1.2em; } .TableHeader { background-color: Black; color: White; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; white-space: nowrap; line-height: 1.2em; } .WhiteHeader { background-color: 808080; color: White; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; white-space: nowrap; line-height: 1.2em; } .MainHeading { background-color: c0c0c0; color: Black; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; white-space: nowrap; line-height: 2.0em; } </style> </head> <body> <?php # #Modify as needed or desired # $TESTING = false; error_reporting( ($TESTING ? E_ALL : 0) ); # # Initialize variables used in this script # $thisPAGE = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $thisHILITE = "LightGreen"; # # MySQL login information # $UserName = ""; $UserPass = ""; $dbHost = "localhost"; # #Connect to the database and get a database handle # $dbh = mysql_pconnect ("$dbHost", "$UserName", "$UserPass") or die ("Can't connect to server"); # # Assign URL Parameters to Variables # $thisDATABASE = (isset($_REQUEST["db"]) ? $_REQUEST["db"] : ""); $thisTABLE = (isset($_REQUEST["tbl"]) ? $_REQUEST["tbl"] : ""); $thisACTION = (isset($_REQUEST["axn"]) ? $_REQUEST["axn"] : ""); # # Start buffering output # ob_start(); print "<table border=0>"; # display the main heading print "<tr><td colspan=10 class='MainHeading'> DB-DRILL : $rootName @ $dbHost : $thisDATABASE : $thisTABLE</td></tr>"; # # Get a list of available databases on server # $dbh_rs = mysql_query("show databases"); print "<td valign=top bgcolor=f0f0f0>"; # # If the query succeeded, display the results # IF ($dbh_rs AND mysql_num_rows($dbh_rs)) : print "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpading=0>"; print "<tr><td class='TableHeader'>Databases<td></tr>"; # # Get each database a row at a time # WHILE ( list($thisDB) = mysql_fetch_row($dbh_rs) ) : # highlight the "current" database $bgColor = ($thisDB == $thisDATABASE ? "bgcolor='$thisHILITE'" : ""); print "<tr><td $bgColor><a href='$thisPAGE?axn=tbl&db=$thisDB'>$thisDB</a><br></td></tr>"; ENDWHILE; print "</table>"; # # Otherwise, display appropriate message # ELSE : print "<tr><td>No databases found on system server.</td></tr>"; ENDIF; print "</td>"; # # User requested a list of tables # IF ($thisACTION == "tbl") : print "<td valign=top>"; # # Make sure that a database is selected # IF ($thisDATABASE == "") : print "Database name not given: A list of tables cannot be displayed."; EXIT; ENDIF; print "<table bgcolor=black cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1 border=0>"; print "<tr bgcolor=808080><th colspan=8 class='TableHeader'>Tables in DB: $thisDATABASE</th></tr>"; print "<tr bgcolor=a0a0a0 style='color:black;'>"; print "<th align=left> Table </th>"; print "<th align=left> Type </th>"; print "<th align=left> RowFmt </th>"; print "<th align=left> Recs </th>"; print "<th align=left> FileLen </th>"; print "<th align=left> Created </th>"; print "<th align=left> LUpdate </th>"; print "<th align=left> LCheck </th>"; print "</tr>"; # # Get a list of tables and related information # $dbh_rs = mysql_query("show table status from $thisDATABASE"); # # If the query succeeded, display the results # IF ($dbh_rs AND mysql_num_rows($dbh_rs)) : # # Get the tables information a row at a time # $loop = 0; WHILE ($thisROW = mysql_fetch_row($dbh_rs)) : # alternate background color for each row $thisBG = ($loop++%2 ? "white" : "e0e0e0"); # display table information print "<tr bgcolor=$thisBG>"; print "<td> <b><a href='$thisPAGE?axn=fld&db=$thisDATABASE&tbl=" . $thisROW[0] . "'>" . $thisROW[0] . "</a></td>"; print "<td> " . $thisROW[ 1] . " </td>"; print "<td> " . $thisROW[ 2] . " </td>"; print "<td align=right> " . $thisROW[ 3] . " </td>"; print "<td align=right> " . $thisROW[ 5] . " </td>"; print "<td> " . $thisROW[10] . " </td>"; print "<td> " . $thisROW[11] . " </td>"; print "<td> " . $thisROW[12] . " </td>"; print "</tr>"; ENDWHILE; # # Otherwise, display appropriate message # ELSE : print "<tr><th colspan=8 bgcolor=white>No tables were found in this database.</th></tr>"; ENDIF; print "</table>"; print "</td>"; # # User requested field information from a table # ELSEIF ($thisACTION== "fld") : # # Make sure that a database is selected # IF ($thisDATABASE == "") : print "Database name not given: A list of tables cannot be displayed."; EXIT; ENDIF; # # Make sure that a table is selected # IF ($thisTABLE == "") : print "Table name not given: A list of fields cannot be displayed."; EXIT; ENDIF; # # Get a list of tables for navigation purposes # $dbh_rs = mysql_query("show tables from $thisDATABASE"); # # If the query succeeded, display the results # IF ($dbh_rs AND mysql_num_rows($dbh_rs)) : print "<td bgcolor=c0c0c0 valign=top>"; print "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpading=0>"; print "<tr><td class='TableHeader'>Tables</td></tr>"; # Retrieve table information a row at a time WHILE (list($tblName) = mysql_fetch_row($dbh_rs)) : # Highlite the "current" table $bgColor = ($tblName == $thisTABLE ? "bgcolor='$thisHILITE'" : ""); print "<tr><td $bgColor> <a href='$thisPAGE?axn=fld&db=$thisDATABASE&tbl=$tblName'>$tblName</a></td></tr>"; ENDWHILE; print "</table>"; print "</td>"; # # Otherwise, display appropriate message # ELSE : print "<tr><th colspan=8 bgcolor=white>No tables were found in this database.</th></tr>"; ENDIF; print "<td bgcolor=c0c0c0 valign=top>"; # # Get fields list from selected table # $dbh_rs = mysql_query("show fields from $thisDATABASE.$thisTABLE"); print "<table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0>"; # # If the query succeeded, display the results # IF ($dbh_rs) : print "<tr><td colspan=10 class='TableHeader'>Table: $thisTABLE</td></tr>"; print "<tr><td colspan=10 class='WhiteHeader' align=center>F I E L D S</td></tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td class='BlueHeader'> Name </td>"; print "<td class='BlueHeader'> Type </td>"; print "<td class='BlueHeader'> Null </td>"; print "<td class='BlueHeader'> Key </td>"; print "<td class='BlueHeader'> Default </td>"; print "<td class='BlueHeader' colspan=5> Attributes </td>"; print "</tr>"; $loop = 0; # # Get/Display field information a row at a time # WHILE ( list ($col_name, $col_type, $col_null, $col_key, $col_default, $col_extra) = mysql_fetch_row($dbh_rs) ) : # alternate background color for each row $thisBG = ($loop++%2 ? "f0f0f0" : "e0e0e0"); # display field information print "<tr bgcolor=$thisBG style='font-size:11px;'>"; print "<td style='white-space:nowrap; font-weight:bold;'> $col_name </td>"; print "<td style='white-space:nowrap;'> $col_type </td>"; print "<td style='white-space:nowrap;'> $col_null </td>"; print "<td style='white-space:nowrap;'> $col_key </td>"; print "<td style='white-space:nowrap;'> $col_default </td>"; print "<td colspan=5 style='white-space:nowrap;'> $col_extra </td>"; print "</tr>"; ENDWHILE; ENDIF; # # Get list of indices associated with the selected table # $dbh_rs = mysql_query("show index from $thisDATABASE.$thisTABLE"); # # If the query succeeded, display the results # IF ($dbh_rs) : print "<tr><td colspan=10 class='WhiteHeader' align=center>I N D I C E S</td></tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td class='BlueHeader'> Name </td>"; print "<td class='BlueHeader'> Type </td>"; print "<td class='BlueHeader'> Unique? </td>"; print "<td class='BlueHeader'> Column </td>"; print "<td class='BlueHeader'> Seq </td>"; print "<td class='BlueHeader'> Collate </td>"; print "<td class='BlueHeader'> Cardinality </td>"; print "<td class='BlueHeader'> Packed </td>"; print "<td class='BlueHeader'> Null? </td>"; print "<td class='BlueHeader'> Comment </td>"; print "</tr>"; # # If no indices available, display appropriate message # IF (mysql_num_rows($dbh_rs) == 0) : print "<tr><td colspan=10 align=center><b>No index has been defined for this table.</b></td></tr>"; # # Otherwise, display index/key information # ELSE : $old_idx_name = ""; WHILE ( list ($idx_table, $idx_unique, $idx_name, $idx_seq, $idx_col, $idx_collate, $idx_card, $idx_sub, $idx_packed, $idx_null, $idx_type, $idx_comment) = mysql_fetch_row($dbh_rs) ) : # Prepare field information for "readability" $idx_unique = ($idx_unique ? "False" : "True" ); $idx_comment = ($idx_comment == "" ? "None" : $idx_comment); $idx_card = ($idx_card == "" ? "0" : $idx_card ); $idx_null = ($idx_null == "" ? "NO" : $idx_null ); # suppress repetition of index name in case of multiple field keys $thisIDXname = ($idx_name == $old_idx_name ? " " : $idx_name); $old_idx_name = $idx_name; # alternate background color for each row $thisBG = ($loop++%2 ? "f0f0f0" : "e0e0e0"); # display index information print "<tr bgcolor=$thisBG>"; print "<td style='font-weight:bold;'> $thisIDXname </td>"; print "<td> $idx_type </td>"; print "<td> $idx_unique </td>"; print "<td> $idx_col </td>"; print "<td> $idx_seq </td>"; print "<td> $idx_collate </td>"; print "<td> $idx_card </td>"; print "<td> $idx_packed </td>"; print "<td> $idx_null </td>"; print "<td> $idx_comment </td>"; print "</tr>"; ENDWHILE; ENDIF; ENDIF; # # Display the table creation script for this table # $dbh_rs = mysql_query("show create table $thisDATABASE.$thisTABLE"); # # If the query succeeded, display the results # IF ($dbh_rs) : # display header print "<tr bgcolor=gray><td colspan=10 class='WhiteHeader' align=center>CREATE SYNTAX</td></tr>"; # track index name $old_idx_name = ""; # Fetch the code generated by server list ($cre_table, $cre_code) = mysql_fetch_row($dbh_rs); # "Format" the code and print it $cre_code = str_replace(chr(10), "<br> ", $cre_code); print "<tr><td colspan=10>$cre_code</td></tr>"; ENDIF; print "</table>"; print "</td>"; ENDIF; print "</tr></table>"; # # Flush the output buffer to the user's browser # ob_end_flush(); ?> </body> </html>