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Categories / Php / MySQL Database

This is a class with functions that are taken from simple SQL statements

<?php **** This class is provided with no guarantees that it will either work properly or not trash your machine. So don't blame me if it does. It works great for me though, and you can do whatever you want to it in the name of free software. **** I wanted to have a sort of SQL connection with the dbase connectivity of PHP3. The functions in this class are like simple SQL statements. select_all = SELECT * FROM table select_fields = SELECT field1, field2, ect. FROM table select_all_where_values = SELECT * FROM table WHERE values select_fields_where_values = SELECT field1, field2, ect. FROM table WHERE values delete_rows_where_values = DELETE FROM table WHERE values Functions: connect (string filename) // Connect to a dbase table close () // Close the connection with the dbase table num_rows () // Returns the number of records (rows) in the dbase table fields_num () // Returns the number of fields (collums) in the dbase table create_table (string filename, array fields) // Creates a new dbase table and connects to it insert_values (array values) // Add values (a record) to the dbase table delete_rows_where_values (array array-values) // Delete row(s) where specified values are in select_all () // Returns a two- dimensional array with all the rows and with all the fields of the dbase table select_fields (array fields) // Returns a two- dimensional array with all the rows and with all the specified fields of the dbase table select_all_where_values (array array-values) // Returns a two- dimensional array with all the fields and with all rows which are filtered on specified values in the rows of the dbase table select_fields_where_values (array fields, array array-values) // Returns a two- dimensional array with all the specified fields and with all rows which are filtered on specified values in the rows of the dbase table result_current () // Returns a HTML-table with the last select function that was done on the dbase table result_all () // Returns a HTML-table of the complete dbase table Array fields is an array like: 'array (1, 2, 3, ect. )' Array values is a two-dimentional array like : 'array ("1" => "VALUE", "2" => "VALUE2", ect.)' Example: ******** Table: /databases/numbers.dbf 0 1 2 <--- Field numbers !!! ------------------------------ |Number1 | Number2 | Number3 | |--------|---------|---------| 0 | 2 | 5 | 8 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 5 | 9 | ------------------------------ ^ |-- Row numbers !!!! **** $table_numbers = new dbase; $table_numbers->connect (/databases/numbers.dbf); echo ("$table_numbers->fields_num()<BR>"); echo ("$table_numbers->num_rows()<BR>"); $fields = array (1, 2) $values = array ("0" => "2"); $data = $table_numbers->select_fields_where_values ($fields, $values); print $data; $table_numbers->result_current (); $table_numbers->close(); ******** Result of code above: 3 4 Array <--- This is a two-dimensional array ------------- | 5 | 8 | <---(This is an HTML-table) ------------- | 6 | 2 | ------------- ******** */ class dbase { var $database_identifier, $number_of_records, $number_of_fields, $data, $dbase_file; function connect ($dbase_filename) { $this->database_identifier = dbase_open($dbase_filename, 2); $this->number_of_records = dbase_numrecords($this- >database_identifier); $this->number_of_fields = dbase_numfields($this- >database_identifier); $this->dbase_file = $dbase_filename; } function close () { dbase_close($this->database_identifier); } function num_rows () { return $this->number_of_records; } function fields_num () { return $this->number_of_fields; } function create_table ($file_name, $fields_array) { if (dbase_create($file_name, $fields_array)) $this->connect($file_name); } function insert_values ($data) { dbase_add_record( $this->database_identifier, $data ); $this->close(); $this->connect($this->dbase_file); } function delete_rows_where_values ($values) { $nothing_to_delete = 0; $i = 1; while ($this->number_of_records >= $i) { $row = dbase_get_record($this->database_identifier, "$i"); $with_if = "{dbase_delete_record(\$this->database_identifier, \$i); \$nothing_to_delete = 1; }"; eval( 'if ( '. $this->return_expr2($values) .')'. $with_if ); $i++; } if ($nothing_to_delete) dbase_pack($this->database_identifier); $this->close(); $this->connect($this->dbase_file); } function select_all () { $i = 1; while ($this->number_of_records >= $i) { $row_data = dbase_get_record($this->database_identifier, "$i"); $table_data[] = $row_data; $i++; } if ( !is_array($table_data) ) $table_data = 0; $this->data = $table_data; return $this->data; } function select_fields ($fields) { $i = 1; while ($this->number_of_records >= $i) { $row_data = dbase_get_record($this->database_identifier, "$i"); $table_data[] = $this->return_fields($fields, $row_data); $i++; } if ( !is_array($table_data) ) $table_data = 0; $this->data = $table_data; return $this->data; } function select_all_where_values ($values) { $with_expr = "\$table_data[] = \$row_data;"; $i = 1; while ($this->number_of_records >= $i) { $row_data = dbase_get_record($this->database_identifier, "$i"); eval( 'if ( '. $this->return_expr($values) .')'. $with_expr ); $i++; } if ( !is_array($table_data) ) $table_data = 0; $this->data = $table_data; return $this->data; } function select_fields_where_values ($fields, $values) { $with_expr = "\$table_data[] = \$this->return_fields(\$fields, \$row_data);"; $i = 1; while ($this->number_of_records >= $i) { $row_data = dbase_get_record($this->database_identifier, "$i"); eval( 'if ( '. $this->return_expr($values) .')'. $with_expr ); $i++; } if ( !is_array($table_data) ) $table_data = 0; $this->data = $table_data; return $this->data; } function result_current () { if ($this->data) { echo ("<TABLE BORDER=\"1\">\n"); reset($this->data); do { $row_data = current($this->data); echo ("<TR>"); for ( reset($row_data); $row_element = current($row_data); next ($row_data) ) echo ("<TD>$row_element</TD>"); echo ("</TR>\n"); } while ( next($this->data) ); echo ("</TABLE>\n"); } else return 0; } function result_all () { $table_data = $this->select_all(); if ( is_array($table_data) ) { echo ("<TABLE BORDER=\"1\">\n"); reset($table_data); do { $row_data = current($table_data); echo ("<TR>"); for ( reset($row_data); $row_element = current($row_data); next ($row_data) ) echo ("<TD>$row_element</TD>"); echo ("</TR>\n"); } while ( next($table_data) ); echo ("</TABLE>\n"); } else return 0; } function return_fields ($fields, &$row_data) { while ( $fields_elements = each ($fields) ) { $fields_array[] = $row_data[$fields_elements[value]]; } return $fields_array; } function return_expr ($values) { while ( $bar = each( $values ) ) { $expr .= "ereg(\"$bar[value]\", \$row_data[$bar[key]]) && "; } $expr = substr($expr, 0, strrpos( $expr, "&" ) - 2); return $expr; } function return_expr2($values) { while ( $bar = each( $values ) ) { $back .= "ereg(\"$bar[value]\", \$row[$bar[key]]) && "; } $back = substr($back, 0, strrpos( $text, "&&" ) - 3); return $back; } } // end class dbase ?>