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Setting up InnoDB on MySQL and using Transactions Begin

,Commit, Rollback in PHP. In order to use transactions in MySQL your tables must be of type InnoDB or BDB. This example uses InnoDB tables. I have set up a php object called MySQL which I include in any page that requires a connection to MySQL. Here is the Object. <? class mysqldb { //set up the object var $host; var $db; var $dbuser; var $dbpassword; var $sql; var $numberrows; var $dbopenstatus; var $dbconnection; var $qry; var $result; var $InsertSwitch; /* Use these functions to get and set the values of this object's variables. This is good OO practice, as it means that datatype checking can be completed and errors raised accordingly. */ // Property Get & Set function gethost() { return $this->dbhost; } function sethost($req_host) { $this->dbhost = $req_host; } function getdb() { return $this->db; } function setdb($req_db) { $this->db = $req_db; } function getdbuser() { return $this->dbuser; } function setdbuser($req_user) { $this->dbuser = $req_user; } function getdbpassword() { return $this->dbpassword; } function setdbpassword($req_password) { $this->dbpassword = $req_password; } function getsql() { return $this->sql; } function setsql($req_sql) { $this->sql = $req_sql; } function getnumberrows() { return $this->numberrows; } function setnumberrows($req_numberresults) { $this->numberesults = $req_numberresults; } function setdbconnection($req_dbconnection) { $this->dbconnection = $req_connection; } function getdbconnection() { return $this->dbconnection; } function setInsertSwitch($switch) { $this->InsertSwitch = $switch; } function getInsertSwitch() { return $this->InsertSwitch; } /* This is the constructor for the object. In this case I have set the initial values of a number of the object properties to those values declared in the global By doing this, I only need to change the values of these properties for specific operations, which we will not need to do throughout this example */ function mysqldb() { global $HOST, $DB, $WEBUSER, $WEBPASSWORD; global $TRUE, $FALSE; $this->sethost($HOST); $this->setdb($DB); $this->setdbuser($WEBUSER); $this->setdbpassword($WEBPASSWORD); $this->setdbconnection($FALSE); } /* These are the methods for the object. They provide for opening a connection to the database, closing a connection and executing a SELECT query. Of course, these can be expanded upon to allow for INSERT's, UPDATE's and DELETE's etc... */ function opendbconnection() { global $TRUE, $FALSE; $this->dbconnection = mysql_connect("$this->dbhost", "$this->dbuser", "$this- >dbpassword"); if ($this->dbconnection == $TRUE) { $this->db = mysql_select_db("$this->db"); $this->setdbconnection($TRUE); } else { $this->setdbconnection($FALSE); return false; } return true; } function closedbconnection() { if ($this->dbconnection = $TRUE) { mysql_close($this->dbconnection); } } function begin( ) { if ($this->dbconnection == $FALSE) { $this->opendbconnection(); } $this->setsql("BEGIN"); $this->qry = mysql_query($this->sql); if (!$this->qry) { return false; } else { return true; } } function rollback( ) { if ($this->dbconnection == $FALSE) { $this->opendbconnection(); } $this->setsql("ROLLBACK"); $this->qry = mysql_query($this->sql); if (!$this->qry) { return false; } else { return true; } } function commit( ) { if ($this->dbconnection == $FALSE) { $this->opendbconnection(); } $this->setsql("COMMIT"); $this->qry = mysql_query($this->sql); if (!$this->qry) { return false; } else { return true; } } function selectquery() { global $TRUE, $FALSE; if ($this->dbconnection == $FALSE) { $this->opendbconnection(); } $this->qry = mysql_query($this->sql); if (!$this->qry) { return false; } else { $this->numberrows = mysql_num_rows($this->qry); if ($this->numberrows > 0) { for($x = 0; $x < $this->numberrows; $x++) { $this->result[$x] = mysql_fetch_row($this->qry); } } else { echo("[Error:] Retrieving data"); return false; } return true; } } function insertquery() { global $TRUE, $FALSE; if ($this->dbconnection == $FALSE) { $this->opendbconnection(); } $this->qry = mysql_query($this->sql); if (!$this->qry) { return false; } else { return true; } } } ?> An example of using this would be : $db1 = new mysqldb(); //create new instance of object. $sql = "Select * test"; $db1->begin(); //let MySQL know that you are begining the transaction and that nothing will //be written to your tables until it recieves the "Commit" command. $db1->setInsertSwitch("true"); //I use a switch to determine if all inserts worked. for ($i = 0; $i < count($cart); $i++){ $insert_query = "INSERT INTO test VALUES('$var[$i]'...etc) $db1->setsql($insert_query); //set the MySQL object sql string. if (!$db1->insertquery()) //if the insert query fails... $db1->setInsertSwitch("false"); //set it to false, a rollback will need to be done. }//end for if($db1->getInsertSwitch() == "false") { $db1->rollback(); //do the rollback. echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\">alert(\"Order could not be created, please try again.\")</script>"; } else { $db1->commit(); //commit the changes to the table. echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\">alert(\"Your Order has been placed Successfully.\")</script>"; } }//end if selectquery. } } So that takes care of the php part, now to set up InnoDB in MySQL. If you are using Linux open my.cnf, on windows open my.ini. Add the following lines: //for windows...for linux just changes the dir paths to be your own. a note: the dir must be created, MySQL will not create them for you. # You can write your other MySQL server options here # ... # innodb_data_home_dir = c:\ibdata # Datafiles must be able to # hold your data and indexes innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:200M;ibdata2:200M # Set buffer pool size to 50 - 80 % # of your computer's memory set-variable = innodb_buffer_pool_size=100M set-variable = innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=10M innodb_log_group_home_dir = c:\iblogs # .._log_arch_dir must be the same # as .._log_group_home_dir innodb_log_arch_dir = c:\iblogs innodb_log_archive=0 set-variable = innodb_log_files_in_group=3 # Set the log file-size to about # 15 % of the buffer pool size set-variable = innodb_log_file_size=10M set-variable = innodb_log_buffer_size=8M # Set ..flush_log_at_trx_commit to # 0 if you can afford losing # a few last transactions innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1 set-variable = innodb_file_io_threads=4 set-variable = innodb_lock_wait_timeout=50 Now shut down the MySQL server and restart it using your-path-to-mysqld>mysqld-max --standalone --console MySQL will now create the appropriate files...and thats it. A note for heavy traffic sites you will need to increase the size of the ibdata file in the following line found in your my.ini, or my.cnf file. "innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:200M;ibdata2:200M" And thats it! for more info here's the mysql page I used to get started.