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Categories / Php / MySQL Database

Script for postgresql to walk through the results limiting the results shown per

<? // This is a script to walk through the results of a query to a postgresql // database and display a set number of results per page rather than // displaying them all on one page. // Define the db connect variables, the queries and the results per page // The example query is a table set up as: // // create table authors // ( first text, // second text); // // Also built in is a method for users to select how the results are sorted // name the db connection variables $host = "localhost"; $port = "5432"; $dbname = "predb"; // set up the queries, this could come from a form on another page $sort_default = array(" SELECT * FROM authors ", "Natural Sort"); $sort_second = array(" SELECT * FROM authors ORDER BY second ", "Last Name Sort"); $sort_first = array(" SELECT * FROM authors ORDER BY first ", "First Name Sort"); // set up a default query if none is set if (!IsSet($query) ) : $query = $sort_default[0]; endif; // allow users to select how the query is sorted echo "<form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"POST\">\n"; echo "<table summary=\"Select Sort Table\">\n"; echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td>\n"; echo "<select name=\"query\">\n"; // test values and put asterisk so users know the default sort echo "<option value=\"$sort_default[0]\""; if ($query == $sort_default[0]) { echo " SELECTED > "; } else { echo " >"; } echo "$sort_default[1]</option>\n"; echo "<option value=\"$sort_second[0]\""; if ($query == $sort_second[0]) { echo " SELECTED > "; } else { echo " >"; } echo "$sort_second[1]</option>\n"; echo "<option value=\"$sort_first[0]\""; if ($query == $sort_first[0]) { echo " SELECTED > "; } else { echo " >"; } echo "$sort_first[1]</option>\n"; echo "</select>\n"; echo "</td>\n"; echo "<td>\n"; echo "<input type=\"SUBMIT\" value=\"GO\">\n"; echo "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; echo "</table>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; // set how many records will appear per page $pagesize = 5; // if first time in to run query, test and set start variable if (!IsSet($start) ) : $start = 0; endif; // connect to the database, variables defined at top $conn = pg_Connect("$host", "$port", "", "", "$dbname"); if (!$conn) { echo "A Connect to DB Error Occured\n"; exit; } // run query on table in database $result = pg_Exec ($conn, "$query ;"); if (!$result) { echo "An error occured.\n"; exit; } // find out which is less, query results or start plus pagesize // assign that variable to last $last = min($start + $pagesize, pg_NumRows($result)); // let people know where they are as they walk through table echo "<table>\n"; echo "<caption>\n"; echo "$last of " . pg_NumRows($result); echo "</caption>\n"; echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td align=\"right\" width=\"100\">\n"; // if results of query less than the results to show per page // then do not show back, forth and top buttons if (pg_NumRows($result) <= $pagesize ) { echo "\n"; } else // begin show buttons { // if the value of last is not equal to pagesize then // show backward button, one or the other will show // along with the top button if ($last != $pagesize) { echo "<form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"POST\">\n"; // set value for start to start minus the page size to show $incback = ($start - $pagesize); echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"start\" value=\"$incback\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"query\" value=\"$query\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"SUBMIT\" value=\"<< Backward\">\n"; echo "</form>\n"; } echo "</td>\n"; // the top button will always show along with either // the backward or forward button(s) echo "<td align=\"center\">\n"; echo "<form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"POST\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"query\" value=\"$query\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"SUBMIT\" value=\"TOP\">\n"; echo "</form>\n"; echo "</td>\n"; echo "<td align=\"left\" width=\"100\">\n"; // if value of start plus page size is // NOT greater than or equal to rows returned // show forward button if (!( ($start + $pagesize) >= pg_NumRows($result) ) ) { echo "<form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"POST\">\n"; // set value for start to start plus the page size to show // no errors will occur if the start is greater than the // results available in showing results $incfor = ($start + $pagesize); echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"start\" value=\"$incfor\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"query\" value=\"$query\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"SUBMIT\" value=\"Forward >>\">\n"; echo "</form>\n"; } } // end show buttons echo "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; echo "</table>\n"; // now show loop through results from query for items while ($start < $last) { echo "<table border=\"1\">\n"; echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td width=\"100\">\n"; echo pg_Result($result, $start, "first"); echo "</td><td width=\"100\">\n"; echo pg_Result($result, $start, "second"); echo "</td>\n"; // show number in human format i.e. zero is one $startpos = $start + 1; echo "<td align=\"right\" width=\"36\">\n$startpos</td></tr>\n"; echo "</table>\n"; $start++; } // end display loop of items from query // free results and then close connection to database pg_FreeResult($result); pg_Close($conn); ?>