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Categories / Php / MySQL Database

PHP and MySQL scripting for Muyltiple CheckBoxes

// This code is useful for multiple checkboxes. I'm using array facility with in this code. <html> <form action = "sample_checkbox_1.php" method = "post"> Code: <input type = "text" name = "code" size = "10"><br> <input type = "checkbox" name = colors[] value = "red">Red <input type = "checkbox" name = colors[] value = "blue">Blue <input type = "checkbox" name = colors[] value = "green">Green <input type = "checkbox" name = colors[] value = "megenta">Megenta <input type = "submit" name "Submit" value = "Submit"> </form> </html> <? // In MySQL, pls make one table i.e. // colors: (colorcode varchar(20), colorname varchar(20)); //declare information for database connectivity mysql_connect(localhost,username,pwd); mysql_connect_db(databasename); $ecode = $_POST['code']; $ec = $_POST['colors']; //this function store ur values on the table. function print_selected_values($e_code,$area_array) { foreach($area_array as $color_value){ $query = "insert into colors(colors,code)values('$color_value','$e_code')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("query not made"); } print("entry successfully made....!"); } print_selected_values($ecode,$ec); ?>