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Categories / Php / MySQL Database

Ok, so heres the deal. This is a simple shout box that can display the comments

in your site usong inline frames with Mysql as a backend. Here goes :) This is the strcture. Yourew gonna have to create 2 files and edit the file in which you want your shout box. SQL: CREATE TABLE `comtbl` ( `postID` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `postTITLE` TEXT NOT NULL , `posterNAME` TEXT NOT NULL , `posterEMAIL` TEXT NOT NULL , `postTIME` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , `postTXT` TEXT NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `postID` ) ); comment.php <? //Edit only the line below $dbcnx = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password"); mysql_select_db("comments"); $result = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM comtbl ORDER BY postID DESC"); if (!$result) { echo("<b>Error performing query: " . mysql_error() . "</b>"); exit(); } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) { $msgTxt = $row["postTXT"]; $msgId = $row["postID"]; $SigName = $row["posterNAME"]; $SigDate = $row["postTIME"]; $msgTitle = $row["postTITLE"]; $url = $row["posterEMAIL"]; $yr = substr($SigDate, 2, 2); $mo = substr($SigDate, 4, 2); $da = substr($SigDate, 6, 2); $hr = substr($SigDate, 8, 2); $min = substr($SigDate, 10, 2); if ($hr > "11") { $x = "12"; $timetype = "PM"; $hr = $hr - 12; }else{ $timetype = "AM"; } if (!$url) { $url = "#"; }else{ $stat = $url; $url = "mailto:" . $url . ""; } echo("<p><b>$msgTitle</b> $msgTxt<br><div align=right> $hr:$min $timetype | $mo/$da/$yr | $msgId, <a href='$url'>$SigName</a></div></p>"); } ?> commentadd.php <? $assume = $_POST['assume']; $posterEMAIL = $_POST['postemail']; $postTXT = $_POST['posttxt']; $posterNAME = $_POST['poster']; $postTITLE = $_POST['posttitle']; if ($assume == "true") { $dbcnx = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password"); mysql_select_db("comments"); $sql = "INSERT INTO comtbl SET posterNAME='$posterNAME', posterEMAIL='$posterEMAIL', postTXT='$postTXT', postTITLE='$postTITLE'"; if (mysql_query($sql)) { echo("Your comment has been added"); } else { echo("Error adding entry: " . mysql_error() . ""); } } ?> Now in the file where you want this shout box to be displayed, use the following script where you want the box to appear <iframe name="shoutbox" width="175" height="225" src="comment.php"> Your browser does not support inline frames or is currently configured not to display inline frames.</iframe> <form action="commentadd.php" method=post> <input type="text" name="poster" size="23" value="name"><br /> <input type="text" name="posttitle" size="23" value="title"><br /> <input type="text" name="postemail" size="23" value=""><br /> <textarea cols=19 rows=3 name="posttxt" size=24 wrap="VIRTUAL">message</textarea><br /> <input type=hidden name=assume value=true> <input type="submit" value="submit"> Best of luck with your new shout box ;)