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MySQL Report generation in PHP

<?php define('FPDF_FONTPATH','yourdirectorypath/FPDF/font/'); require('yourdirectorypath/FPDF/fpdf.php'); class PDF extends FPDF { var $tablewidths; var $headerset; var $footerset; function _beginpage($orientation) { $this->page++; if(!$this->pages[$this->page]) // solved the problem of overwriting a page, if it already exists $this->pages[$this->page]=''; $this->state=2; $this->x=$this->lMargin; $this->y=$this->tMargin; $this->lasth=0; $this->FontFamily=''; //Page orientation if(!$orientation) $orientation=$this->DefOrientation; else { $orientation=strtoupper($orientation{0}); if($orientation!=$this->DefOrientation) $this->OrientationChanges[$this->page]=true; } if($orientation!=$this->CurOrientation) { //Change orientation if($orientation=='P') { $this->wPt=$this->fwPt; $this->hPt=$this->fhPt; $this->w=$this->fw; $this->h=$this->fh; } else { $this->wPt=$this->fhPt; $this->hPt=$this->fwPt; $this->w=$this->fh; $this->h=$this->fw; } $this->PageBreakTrigger=$this->h-$this->bMargin; $this->CurOrientation=$orientation; } } function Header() { global $maxY; // Check if header for this page already exists if(!$this->headerset[$this->page]) { foreach($this->tablewidths as $width) { $fullwidth += $width; } $this->SetY(($this->tMargin) - ($this->FontSizePt/$this->k)*2); $this->cellFontSize = $this->FontSizePt ; $this->SetFont('Arial','',( ( $this->titleFontSize) ? $this->titleFontSize : $this- >FontSizePt )); $this->Cell(0,$this->FontSizePt,$this->titleText,0,1,'C'); $l = ($this->lMargin); $this->SetFont('Arial','',$this->cellFontSize); foreach($this->colTitles as $col => $txt) { $this->SetXY($l,($this->tMargin)); $this->MultiCell($this->tablewidths[$col], $this->FontSizePt,$txt); $l += $this->tablewidths[$col] ; $maxY = ($maxY < $this->getY()) ? $this->getY() : $maxY ; } $this->SetXY($this->lMargin,$this->tMargin); $this->setFillColor(200,200,200); $l = ($this->lMargin); foreach($this->colTitles as $col => $txt) { $this->SetXY($l,$this->tMargin); $this->cell($this->tablewidths[$col],$maxY-($this->tMargin),'',1,0,'L',1); $this->SetXY($l,$this->tMargin); $this->MultiCell($this->tablewidths[$col],$this->FontSizePt,$txt,0,'C'); $l += $this->tablewidths[$col]; } $this->setFillColor(255,255,255); // set headerset $this->headerset[$this->page] = 1; } $this->SetY($maxY); } function Footer() { // Check if footer for this page already exists if(!$this->footerset[$this->page]) { $this->SetY(-15); //Page number $this->Cell(0,10,'Page '.$this->PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'C'); // set footerset $this->footerset[$this->page] = 1; } } function morepagestable($lineheight=8) { // some things to set and 'remember' $l = $this->lMargin; $startheight = $h = $this->GetY(); $startpage = $currpage = $this->page; // calculate the whole width foreach($this->tablewidths as $width) { $fullwidth += $width; } // Now let's start to write the table $row = 0; while($data=mysql_fetch_row($this->results)) { $this->page = $currpage; // write the horizontal borders $this->Line($l,$h,$fullwidth+$l,$h); // write the content and remember the height of the highest col foreach($data as $col => $txt) { $this->page = $currpage; $this->SetXY($l,$h); $this->MultiCell($this->tablewidths[$col],$lineheight,$txt,0,$this->colAlign[$col]); $l += $this->tablewidths[$col]; if($tmpheight[$row.'-'.$this->page] < $this->GetY()) { $tmpheight[$row.'-'.$this->page] = $this->GetY(); } if($this->page > $maxpage) $maxpage = $this->page; unset($data[$col]); } // get the height we were in the last used page $h = $tmpheight[$row.'-'.$maxpage]; // set the "pointer" to the left margin $l = $this->lMargin; // set the $currpage to the last page $currpage = $maxpage; unset($datas[$row]); $row++ ; } // draw the borders // we start adding a horizontal line on the last page $this->page = $maxpage; $this->Line($l,$h,$fullwidth+$l,$h); // now we start at the top of the document and walk down for($i = $startpage; $i <= $maxpage; $i++) { $this->page = $i; $l = $this->lMargin; $t = ($i == $startpage) ? $startheight : $this->tMargin; $lh = ($i == $maxpage) ? $h : $this->h-$this->bMargin; $this->Line($l,$t,$l,$lh); foreach($this->tablewidths as $width) { $l += $width; $this->Line($l,$t,$l,$lh); } } // set it to the last page, if not it'll cause some problems $this->page = $maxpage; } // Leave this as it is unless you are sure what changes you are making. // $host is generally localhost unless you are trying to interact with Database // on another server. function connect($host='localhost',$username='',$passwd='',$db='') { $this->conn = mysql_connect($host,$username,$passwd) or die( mysql_error() ); mysql_select_db($db,$this->conn) or die( mysql_error() ); return true; } function query($query){ $this->results = mysql_query($query,$this->conn); $this->numFields = mysql_num_fields($this->results); } function mysql_report($query,$dump=false,$attr=array()){ foreach($attr as $key=>$val){ $this->$key = $val ; } $this->query($query); // if column widths not set if(!isset($this->tablewidths)){ // starting col width $this->sColWidth = (($this->w-$this->lMargin-$this->rMargin))/$this->numFields; // loop through results header and set initial col widths/ titles/ alignment // if a col title is less than the starting col width / reduce that column size for($i=0;$i<$this->numFields;$i++){ $stringWidth = $this->getstringwidth(mysql_field_name($this->results,$i)) + 6 ; if( ($stringWidth) < $this->sColWidth){ $colFits[$i] = $stringWidth ; // set any column titles less than the start width to the column title width } $this->colTitles[$i] = mysql_field_name($this->results,$i) ; switch (mysql_field_type($this->results,$i)){ case 'int': $this->colAlign[$i] = 'R'; break; default: $this->colAlign[$i] = 'L'; } } // loop through the data, any column whose contents is bigger that the col size is // resized while($row=mysql_fetch_row($this->results)){ foreach($colFits as $key=>$val){ $stringWidth = $this->getstringwidth($row[$key]) + 6 ; if( ($stringWidth) > $this->sColWidth ){ // any col where row is bigger than the start width is now discarded unset($colFits[$key]); }else{ // if text is not bigger than the current column width setting enlarge the column if( ($stringWidth) > $val ){ $colFits[$key] = ($stringWidth) ; } } } } foreach($colFits as $key=>$val){ // set fitted columns to smallest size $this->tablewidths[$key] = $val; // to work out how much (if any) space has been freed up $totAlreadyFitted += $val; } $surplus = (sizeof($colFits)*$this->sColWidth) - ($totAlreadyFitted); for($i=0;$i<$this->numFields;$i++){ if(!in_array($i,array_keys($colFits))){ $this->tablewidths[$i] = $this->sColWidth + ($surplus/(($this->numFields)-sizeof ($colFits))); } } ksort($this->tablewidths); if($dump){ Header('Content-type: text/plain'); for($i=0;$i<$this->numFields;$i++){ if(strlen(mysql_field_name($this->results,$i))>$flength){ $flength = strlen(mysql_field_name($this->results,$i)); } } switch($this->k){ case 72/25.4: $unit = 'millimeters'; break; case 72/2.54: $unit = 'centimeters'; break; case 72: $unit = 'inches'; break; default: $unit = 'points'; } print "All measurements in $unit\n\n"; for($i=0;$i<$this->numFields;$i++){ printf("%-{$flength}s : %-10s : %10f\n", mysql_field_name($this->results,$i), mysql_field_type($this->results,$i), $this->tablewidths[$i] ); } print "\n\n"; print "\$pdf->tablewidths=\n\tarray(\n\t\t"; for($i=0;$i<$this->numFields;$i++){ ($i<($this->numFields-1)) ? print $this->tablewidths[$i].", /* ".mysql_field_name($this->results,$i)." */ \n\t\t": print $this->tablewidths[$i]." /* ".mysql_field_name($this->results,$i)." */\n\t\t"; } print "\n\t);\n"; exit; } } else { // end of if tablewidths not defined for($i=0;$i<$this->numFields;$i++){ $this->colTitles[$i] = mysql_field_name($this->results,$i) ; switch (mysql_field_type($this->results,$i)){ case 'int': $this->colAlign[$i] = 'R'; break; default: $this->colAlign[$i] = 'L'; } } } mysql_data_seek($this->results,0); $this->Open(); $this->setY($this->tMargin); $this->AddPage(); $this->morepagestable($this->FontSizePt); $this->Output(); } } $pdf = new PDF('L','pt','A3'); $pdf->SetFont('Arial','',9); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); // The first Parameter is localhost again unless you are retrieving data from a different server. // The second parameter is your MySQL User ID. // The third parameter is your password for MySQL. In many cases these would be the same as your OS ID and Password. // The fourth parameter is the Database you'd like to run the report on. $pdf->connect('localhost','UserID','PassWord','Database'); // This is the title of the Report generated. $attr=array('titleFontSize'=>24,'titleText'=>'MySQL Report generation using FPDF'); // This is your query. It should be a 'SELECT' query. // Reports are run over 'SELECT' querires generally. $pdf->mysql_report("SELECT * FROM Table",false,$attr); ?>