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Categories / Php / MySQL Database

MySQL Handler

Ok so this is one of my latest creations. This example is not too complicated to given example for. Just in case there is a small one at the end demonstrating just one function. You can use the rest in the same way. <?php class MySQLHandler { // Change these variables to your own database settings var $DATABASE = 'mysql'; var $USERNAME = 'root'; var $PASSWORD = ''; var $SERVER = 'localhost'; var $LOGFILE = "c:/mysql.log"; // full path to debug LOGFILE. Use only in debug mode! var $LOGGING = false; // debug on or off var $SHOW_ERRORS = true; // output errors. true/false var $USE_PERMANENT_CONNECTION = false; // Do not change the variables below var $CONNECTION; var $FILE_HANDLER; var $ERROR_MSG = ''; # Function: init # Parameters: N/A # Return Type: boolean # Description: initiates the MySQL Handler function init() { $this->logfile_init(); if ($this->OpenConnection()) { return true; } else { return false; } } # Function: OpenConnection # Parameters: N/A # Return Type: boolean # Description: connects to the database function OpenConnection() { if ($this->USE_PERMANENT_CONNECTION) { $conn = mysql_pconnect($this->SERVER,$this->USERNAME,$this->PASSWORD); } else { $conn = mysql_connect($this->SERVER,$this->USERNAME,$this->PASSWORD); } if ((!$conn) || (!mysql_select_db($this->DATABASE,$conn))) { $this->ERROR_MSG = "\r\n" . "Unable to connect to database - " . date('H:i:s'); $this->debug(); return false; } else { $this->CONNECTION = $conn; return true; } } # Function: CloseConnection # Parameters: N/A # Return Type: boolean # Description: closes connection to the database function CloseConnection() { if (mysql_close($this->CONNECTION)) { return true; } else { $this->ERROR_MSG = "\r\n" . "Unable to close database connection - " . date('H:i:s'); $this->debug(); return false; } } # Function: logfile_init # Parameters: N/A # Return Type: N/A # Description: initiates the logfile function logfile_init() { if ($this->LOGGING) { $this->FILE_HANDLER = fopen($this->LOGFILE,'a') ; $this->debug(); } } # Function: logfile_close # Parameters: N/A # Return Type: N/A # Description: closes the logfile function logfile_close() { if ($this->LOGGING) { if ($this->FILE_HANDLER) { fclose($this->FILE_HANDLER) ; } } } # Function: debug # Parameters: N/A # Return Type: N/A # Description: logs and displays errors function debug() { if ($this->SHOW_ERRORS) { echo $this->ERROR_MSG; } if ($this->LOGGING) { if ($this->FILE_HANDLER) { fwrite($this->FILE_HANDLER,$this->ERROR_MSG); } else { return false; } } } # Function: Insert # Parameters: sql : string # Return Type: integer # Description: executes a INSERT statement and returns the INSERT ID function Insert($sql) { if ((empty($sql)) || (!eregi("^insert",$sql)) || (empty($this->CONNECTION))) { $this->ERROR_MSG = "\r\n" . "SQL Statement is <code>null</code> or not an INSERT - " . date('H:i:s'); $this->debug(); return false; } else { $conn = $this->CONNECTION; $results = mysql_query($sql,$conn); if (!$results) { $this->ERROR_MSG = "\r\n" . mysql_error()." - " . date('H:i:s'); $this->debug(); return false; } else { $result = mysql_insert_id(); return $result; } } } # Function: Select # Parameters: sql : string # Return Type: array # Description: executes a SELECT statement and returns a # multidimensional array containing the results # array[row][fieldname/fieldindex] function Select($sql) { if ((empty($sql)) || (!eregi("^select",$sql)) || (empty($this->CONNECTION))) { $this->ERROR_MSG = "\r\n" . "SQL Statement is <code>null</code> or not a SELECT - " . date('H:i:s'); $this->debug(); return false; } else { $conn = $this->CONNECTION; $results = mysql_query($sql,$conn); if ((!$results) || (empty($results))) { $this->ERROR_MSG = "\r\n" . mysql_error()." - " . date('H:i:s'); $this->debug(); return false; } else { $i = 0; $data = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) { $data[$i] = $row; $i++; } mysql_free_result($results); return $data; } } } # Function: Update # Parameters: sql : string # Return Type: integer # Description: executes a UPDATE statement # and returns number of affected rows function Update($sql) { if ((empty($sql)) || (!eregi("^update",$sql)) || (empty($this->CONNECTION))) { $this->ERROR_MSG = "\r\n" . "SQL Statement is <code>null</code> or not an UPDATE - " . date('H:i:s'); $this->debug(); return false; } else { $conn = $this->CONNECTION; $results = mysql_query($sql,$conn); if (!$results) { $this->ERROR_MSG = "\r\n" . mysql_error()." - " . date('H:i:s'); $this->debug(); return false; } else { return mysql_affected_rows(); } } } # Function: Replace # Parameters: sql : string # Return Type: boolean # Description: executes a REPLACE statement function Replace($sql) { if ((empty($sql)) || (!eregi("^replace",$sql)) || (empty($this->CONNECTION))) { $this->ERROR_MSG = "\r\n" . "SQL Statement is <code>null</code> or not a REPLACE - " . date('H:i:s'); $this->debug(); return false; } else { $conn = $this->CONNECTION; $results = mysql_query($sql,$conn); if (!$results) { $this->ERROR_MSG = "\r\n" . "Error in SQL Statement : ($sql) - " . date('H:i:s'); $this->debug(); return false; } else { return true; } } } # Function: Delete # Parameters: sql : string # Return Type: boolean # Description: executes a DELETE statement function Delete($sql) { if ((empty($sql)) || (!eregi("^delete",$sql)) || (empty($this->CONNECTION))) { $this->ERROR_MSG = "\r\n" . "SQL Statement is <code>null</code> or not a DELETE - " . date('H:i:s'); $this->debug(); return false; } else { $conn = $this->CONNECTION; $results = mysql_query($sql,$conn); if (!$results) { $this->ERROR_MSG = "\r\n" . mysql_error()." - " . date('H:i:s'); $this->debug(); return false; } else { return true; } } } # Function: Query # Parameters: sql : string # Return Type: boolean # Description: executes any SQL Query statement function Query($sql) { if ((empty($sql)) || (empty($this->CONNECTION))) { $this->ERROR_MSG = "\r\n" . "SQL Statement is <code>null</code> - " . date('H:i:s'); $this->debug(); return false; } else { $conn = $this->CONNECTION; $results = mysql_query($sql,$conn); if (!$results) { $this->ERROR_MSG = "\r\n" . mysql_error()." - " . date('H:i:s'); $this->debug(); return false; } else { return true; } } } } ?> example1.php: <?php include('MySQLHandler.php'); //Setup the class //Be carefule wit the cases $db = new MySQLHandler; //Initialise $db -> init(); $db -> OpenConnection(); $db -> logfile_init(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `users`" $result = $db -> Select($sql); /* execute the $result the way you want */