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Categories / Php / MySQL Database

MySQL Class to ease Database connectivity

<?php Database Connection Class ************** What it's for: This Class Opens a Database Connection. It's useful if you need to make more than 1 SQL Statement in a single PHP Script. Use it with ReUseConn in the MySQLDatabase class. */ class DBConnection { var $iConnectId; /** Function: Open ************** Parameters: $szDatabase == Name of the Database to connect to. $szHost == Name of the Host on which szDatabase resides. Usually localhost $szUser == Name of User to connect as. $szPassword == Password of the User. Return: Return true if everything went well else it will return false. What it's for: This function actually opens the Database Connection. */ function Open( $szDatabase, $szHost, $szUser, $szPassword ) { $this->iConnectId = false; $iRet = true; $this->iConnectId = mysql_connect( $szHost , $szUser, $szPassword ); if( $this->iConnectId ) $iRet = mysql_select_db( $szDatabase, $this->iConnectId ); else $iRet = false; return $iRet; /*echo "DBConnection";*/ } /**** Function: Connection ************** Parameters: None Return: Returns the ConnectionID of the current Databae connection if a Database COnnection has been established else it will return false. What it's for: This function retruns the Database ConnectionID. Use can pass this functions return Value to the ReUseConn function of the MySQL Database Class. **/ function Connection() { return $this->iConnectId; } } /** MySQL Database Class ************** What it's for: This class is used to Communicate with a mySQL Database Server. */ class MySQLDatabase { // Class Variables var $iResultId; var $szSQLString; var $iNumRows; var $iCurrentRow; var $arRow; /** Function: Open ************** Parameters: $szDatabase == Name of the Database to connect to. $szHost == Name of the Host on which szDatabase resides. Usually localhost $szUser == Name of User to connect as. $szPassword == Password of the User. Return: Return true if everything went well else it will return false. What it's for: This function actually opens the Database Connection. */ function Open( $szDatabase, $szHost, $szUser, $szPassword ) { $this->iConnectId = false; $this->szSQLString = ""; $this->iResultId = false; $this->iNumRows = false; $this->arRow = false; $this->iCurrentRow = 0; $iRet = true; $this->iConnectId = mysql_connect( $szHost , $szUser, $szPassword ); if( $this->iConnectId ) { $iRet = mysql_select_db( $szDatabase, $this->iConnectId ); if( !$iRet ) echo "Selected Database doesn't exist!!!"; } else { echo "Connect didn't work out!!!"; $iRet = false; } return $iRet; } /* Function: ReUseConn ************** Parameters: $iDBConnection == A valid ConnectionID to a mySQL Database. Return: None What it's for: This function reuses an already established Database connection. */ function ReUseConn( $iDBConnection ) { $this->iConnectId = false; $this->szSQLString = ""; $this->iResultId = false; $this->iNumRows = false; $this->arRow = false; $this->iCurrentRow = 0; $this->iConnectId = $iDBConnection; } /** Function: Query ************** Parameters: $szSelect == This parameter is a little misnamed. It should probably be called $szQueryString Return: true on ok. false on error. What it's for: This function will actually Query the Database and set or reset some internal Variables which are needed. */ function Query( $szSelect ) { $this->szSQLString = ""; $this->szSQLString = $szSelect; $this->iResultId = false; $this->iNumRows = false; $this->arRow = false; $this->iCurrentRow = 0; $iRet = true; if( $this->iConnectId != 0) { if( strlen( $this->szSQLString ) > 0 ) { $this->iResultId = mysql_query( $this->szSQLString, $this->iConnectId ); if( $this->iResultId ) { $tok = strtok($this->szSQLString," "); $tok = strtoupper( $tok ); if( !strcmp( $tok, "SELECT" ) ) $this->iNumRows = mysql_num_rows( $this->iResultId ); else $this->iNumRows = mysql_affected_rows( $this->iResultId ); } else { //echo "Error no ResultIndex!!!"; $iRet = false; } } else { echo "Open called without any SQL Query!!!"; $iRet = false; } } return $iRet; } /* Function: NumRows ************** Parameters: None Return: The number of Rows affected by the last Query.. What it's for: This function will return the number of affected Rows. Regardless if the last Query was a SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT Statment.. */ function NumRows() { if( $this->iConnectId ) return $this->iNumRows; else return false; } /** Function: MoveTo ************** Parameters: int $iRow == The Row to move to. Return: true on success, else false. What it's for: Moves the recordset to the specified row in the resultset. !!!! I implemented this function but haven't tested it yet!!!! *sorry* */ function MoveTo( $iRow ) { if( $this->iConnectId && ($iRow <= $this->iNumRows) ) { if( mysql_data_seek( $this->iResultId , iRow ) ) { $this->arRow = mysql_fetch_array( $this->iResultId ); $this->iCurrentRow = $iRow; return true; } else return false; } else return false; } /*** Function: GetField ************** Parameters: $szFeldName == Ups, some German slipped in here. The field name for which to retrieve the Data. Return: The Vaule of the Field. What it's for: Retrieve the Vaule for Field in the current Row. */ function GetField( $szFeldName ) { return $this->arRow[$szFeldName]; } /** Function: EchoFeld ************** Parameters: $szFeldName == Ups, some German slipped in here. The field name for which to retrieve the Data. Return: None. What it's for: Echo the Vaule for Field in the current Row. */ function EchoFeld( $szFeldName ) { echo $this->arRow[$szFeldName]; } /** Function: NextRow ************** Parameters: None Return: true if all OK. If something went wrong it will return false. What it's for: Move to the NextRow in the result Set. This Function has to called directly after a query has been executed, otherwise no Data is available for retrieval. */ function NextRow() { $iRet = true; if( $this->iNumRows ) { $this->arRow = mysql_fetch_array( $this->iResultId ); if( $this->arRow ) $this->iCurrentRow++; else $iRet = false; } else { $iRet = false; } return $iRet; } /** Function: Close ************** Parameters: None Return: true on OK else false. What it's for: Close a Databse Connection. Carefull here, if use initialised the Class with the function ReUSeConn. All query on this database connection will fail. This also counts for other instanceses of this Class. */ function Close() { return mysql_close( $this->iConnectId ); } } $database_inc_php3 = 1; ?>