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Categories / Php / MySQL Database

Microsoft DAO 3.5 compliant data access to MySQL database

<? // ************ set these constants to automatically connect to the local MySQL listener $gcon_mysqlhost = "localhost"; $gcon_mysqluid = "username"; $gcon_mysqlpwd = "password"; // *************************************************************************** *********** function opendatabase($dbname) { return new dao_database($dbname); } class dao_database { //*** public properties*** //DAO properties var $databasename; // (get only) //MySQL Back-Door Properties (use these only when absolutely necessary, or not at all!) var $connection_handle; // (get only) var $databased_select_handle; // (get only) //*** private *** // (note: its my own convention that private varaibles are given the "l_" prefix, for "local") var $l_databasename; var $l_ch; var $l_dsh; //*** constructor **** function dao_database($dbname) { //make available the globals for mysql connectivity within this class (PHP does this funny- like) global $gcon_mysqlhost, $gcon_mysqluid, $gcon_mysqlpwd; //DAO users: don't use this method directly, use the more familiar opendatabase() function $this->l_ch=mysql_connect($gcon_mysqlhost, $gcon_mysqluid, $gcon_mysqlpwd); $this->l_dsh = mysql_select_db($dbname,$this->l_ch); //error check if ((intval($this->l_ch)==0)||(intval($this->$l_dsh)==0)) return false; $this->databasename=$dbname; $this->l_databasename=$dbname; return true; } function openrecordset($sql) { return new dao_recordset($sql,$this->l_ch); } function execute($sql) { mysql_query($sql,$this->l_ch); return true; } function close() { //note: this does not remove the database object from PHP, nor does it close the MySQL connection (as mysql_connect() re-uses connection handles and we may inadvertently close another database object's connection) //what does it do then? Right now nothing, but in the near future it will close access to the object's methods, returning an error. return true; } } class dao_recordset{ //*** public *** //DAO properties var $eof; //(get only) var $nomatch; //(get only) var $fields_count; //(get only) var $recordcount; //(get only) //*** private *** var $l_res; var $l_sql; var $l_numrows; var $l_currownum; //this is the result set's current internal seek index var $l_currow; //this is the row array returned by mysql_fetch_row containing the current rows literal data; //*** private helper functions *** (DO NOT CALL PUBLICALLY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!) function translate_fieldname_to_ordinal($fn) { for ($a=0;$a<$this->fields_count;$a++) { //make it fieldnames case insensitive (important DAO feature!) $fn=strtolower($fn); if (strtolower($this->fields_name($a))==$fn) return $a; } return -1; } //*** constructor *** function dao_recordset($sql,$ch) { $this->l_res=mysql_query($sql,$ch); //set the internal vars to correct values $this->l_sql = $sql; $this->l_numrows = intval(mysql_num_rows($this->l_res)); $this->l_currow = 0; $this->fields_count=mysql_num_fields($this->l_res); //remember that it is possible to have a recordset WITH ZERO ROWS! if ($this->l_numrows==0) { $this->eof=true; $this->l_currow=NULL; } else { $this->eof=false; $this->l_currow=mysql_fetch_row($this->l_res); } //set the DAO property "Recordcount" $this->recordcount=intval($this->l_numrows); return true; } //*** methods *** function value($fn) { //Pain-in-the-butt: Microsoft's object model allows definition of a "default" property // that allows the following usage (in VB): // // r$ = recordset1("userid") // // but in PHP (because of language limitations), you must use the "value" method to // return the data in a field, like this (in PHP): // // $r=recordset1->value("userid"); //IMPORTANT: Technically, DAO formally perpetuates the field type to the variable type, but since // PHP does NOT support variable typing (neither does MySQL for that matter) the variable // will always be intepreted as a STRING (i.e. a CHAR or a VARCHAR for you DB junkies out there!) //note: DAO allows access via field name or field ordinal, see what it is if (intval($fn)==0) $fn=$this->translate_fieldname_to_ordinal(strval($fn)); return strval($this->l_currow[intval($fn)]); } function movenext() { if ($this->eof!=true) { $this->l_currow=mysql_fetch_row($this->l_res); if ($this->l_currow==false) { $this->eof=true; $this->l_currownum=-1; } else { $this->l_currownum++; } } } function movefirst() { mysql_data_seek($l_res,0); $l_currownum=0; $l_currow=mysql_fetch_row($l_res); if ($l_numrows>0) $eof=false; } function movelast() { mysql_data_seek($l_res,$l_numrows); $l_currownum=$l_numrows; $l_currow=mysql_fetch_row($l_res); $eof=true; } function moveprevious() { if ($l_currownum==0) { $bof=true; return false; } mysql_data_seek($res,$l_currownum-1); $l_currownum--; $l_currow=mysql_fetch_row($l_res); return true; } /* // findfirst and findnext are NOT IMPLEMENTED IN THIS VERSION OF DAO.PHP3 function find($wc) { //let's see if you can figure out what I am doing here! //form a modified version of the record set's source SQL $s=strtolower($this->l_sql); $insert_pos=strpos(1,$s,"where"); if (($insert_pos)==false) { //there is no where clause in the original SQL, place one after " ...FROM tablename..." $insert_pos=strpos(1,$s," from "); $sc=0; for ($a=$insert_pos;($a<strlen($s))&&($sc<4);$a++) { $c=substr($s,$a,1); if ($c==" ") $sc++; } $insert_pos=$a; if ($insert_pos==strlen($s)) $ms="$s where $wc"; else $ms=substr($s,0,$insert_pos)." where $wc ".substr($s,$insert_pos+1); } else { $ms=substr($s,0,$insert_pos+4)." and ($wc) ".substr($s,$insert_pos+5); } //debug echo("Original: $this->l_sql<p>Modified: $ms<p>\n"); } // findfirst($whereclause); // findnext($whereclause); */ function fields_name($fo) { return mysql_field_name($this->l_res,intval($fo)); } function fields_type($fo) { $ft=mysql_field_type($this->l_res, intval($fo)); //we really should translate this type value from MySQL native value to //one recognizable to DAO users (i.e. convert VARCHAR codes to "char" codes, and TEXT/BLOB codes to "Memo" codes return $ft; } function close() { mysql_free_result($this->l_res); $this->l_sql=""; $this->eof=true; $this->bof=true; $this->l_currow=NULL; $this->l_currownum=0; $this->l_numrows=0; $this->recordcount=0; $this->nomatch=true; } } ?> Example : ======== <html> <? //remember to set up the global constants in dao.php3 before using... include("dao.php3"); $db=opendatabase("yourdatabasename"); $rs1=$db->openrecordset("select * from users"); echo($rs1->recordcount." records were returned.\n"); if ($rs1->recordcount>0) { echo("<table border=1 cellpadding=3>\n"); while ($rs1->eof==false) { $username=$rs1->value("username"); $password=$rs1->value("password"); echo("<tr><td><center>$username</td><td><center>$password</td></tr>\n"); $rs1->movenext(); } echo("</table>\n"); } $rs->close(); ?> </html>