Mega Code Archive

Categories / Php / MySQL Database

Limit the display of records on each page from mysql

//A sample function that I made that will limit the number of //rows from mysql to be display each page where $start is //the starting row, $trows is the total number of rows and $rown //is the number of rows to be display each page. <?php $host=""; //hostname $user=""; //user $password="";//password $db="dbname"; //database name $tbl="table"; //table name $rown="5"; //number of rows to be display each page //The functions function first($start,$trows,$rown) { if ($start == $trows-intval($trows%$rown)&&$trows>$rown ||$start<>intval(0)) { $first="<a href=$SCRIPT_NAME?start=0>First</a>";} else { $first="First"; } return $first; } function previous($start,$trows,$rown) { if ($start >= $trows-intval($trows%$rown)&&$trows>$rown||$start<>intval(0)) { $prev=$start-$rown; $previous="<a href=$SCRIPT_NAME?start=$prev>Previous</a>"; } else { $previous="Previous"; } return $previous; } function next1($start,$trows,$rown) { if ($start < ($trows-intval($trows%$rown))&&(($start+$rown)-$trows<>"0")) { $next=$start+$rown; $next="<a href=$SCRIPT_NAME?start=$next>Next</a>"; } else { $next="Next"; } return $next; } function last($start,$trows,$rown) { if ($start < $trows-intval($trows%$rown)&&(($start+$rown)-$trows<>"0")) { if (($rem=$trows%$rown)==0){$rem=$rown;} $last=intval($trows-$rem); $last="<a href=$SCRIPT_NAME?start=$last>Last</a>"; } else { $last="Last"; } return $last; } //end of the functions mysql_connect($host,$user,$password); mysql_select_db($db); $query="select * from $tbl"; $result=mysql_query($query); $numrows=mysql_num_rows($result);//total number of rows equal to $trows; if ($start=="") {$start=0;} $query="$query limit $start,$rown"; //limit output $rown=5 rows starting $start $result=mysql_query($query); print"<table border=1> <tr> <td>Field1</td> <td>Field2</td> <td>Field3</td> <td>Field4</td> <td>Field5</td> </tr>"; while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { print"<tr> <td>$row[0]</td> <td>$row[1]</td> <td>$row[2]</td> <td>$row[3]</td> <td>$row[4]</td> </tr>"; } print"</table>"; print"<table><tr> <td>".first($start,$numrows,$rown)."</td> <td>".previous($start,$numrows,$rown)."</td> <td>".next1($start,$numrows,$rown)."</td> <td>".last($start,$numrows,$rown)."</td> </tr></table>"; ?>