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Categories / Php / MySQL Database

Dynamic WHERE CLAUSE depending on number of FORM FIELDS

<HTML> <BODY BACKGROUND="/images/bkjaune.gif"> <? function Error_Handler( $msg, $cnx ) { echo "$msg \n"; // in case of persistent connexion, it is important to close it before exiting. odbc_close( $cnx); exit(); } // create an ODBC connection, returned in $cnx $cnx = odbc_connect( 'INSTANCE' , 'user', 'pass' ); $sqlquery=" SELECT pof_a, pof_nm, pof_chnm, pof_mr, pof_dept, pof_labo, pof_adr1, pof_adr2, pof_pobox, pof_pc1, pof_tnm, cy_cynm, pof_org FROM ampere.fi_pof,ampere.fi_cy WHERE pof_dpc = 'RBG4' AND substr(pof_a,4,4) = '4003' AND cy_code = pof_cy AND cy_lge = 'EN' "; if ( $GCODE ){ $wherecl1 = " AND pof_a in (select ept_a from ampere.fi_ept where ept_a = pof_a and ept_ept = '$GCODE')"; } if ($MCODE){ $wherecl2 = " AND pof_a in (select ept_a from ampere.fi_ept where ept_a = pof_a and ept_ept = '$MCODE')"; } if ($LCODE){ $wherecl3 = " AND pof_a in (select ept_a from ampere.fi_ept where ept_a = pof_a and ept_ept = '$LCODE')"; } if ($GRPCY){ $wherecl4 = " AND pof_cy in (select lib_lib1 from ampere.fi_lib where lib_table = 'GRPCY' and lib_lge = 'XX' and lib_code = '$GRPCY')"; } if ($CYCODE){ $wherecl5 = " AND pof_cy = '$CYCODE'"; } if ($YEAR){ $wherecl6 = " AND TO_CHAR(pof_dcrea) > '01-$MONTH-$YEAR'"; } if ($USED){ $wherecl7 = " AND pof_a in (select ept_a from ampere.fi_ept where ept_a = pof_a and ept_ept = '$USED')"; } if ($SURNAME){ $wherecl8 = " AND pof_nm like upper('%$SURNAME%')"; } if ($EXPNUMBER){ $wherecl9 = " AND pof_a like '%$EXPNUMBER%'"; } $sql = $sqlquery . $wherecl1 . $wherecl2 . $wherecl3 . $wherecl4 . $wherecl5 . $wherecl6 . $wherecl7 . $wherecl8 . $wherecl9 ; //print $sql; if( ! $cnx ) { Error_handler( "Error in odbc_connect" , $cnx ); } // send a simple odbc query . returns an odbc cursor $cur= odbc_exec( $cnx, $sql); if( ! $cur ) { Error_handler( "Error in odbc_exec( no cursor returned ) " , $cnx ); } echo "<CENTER><H2>Evaluation Expert(s) matching your criteria</H2></CENTER>\n"; echo "<CENTER><H5>SURNAME=($SURNAME) EXPNUMBER=($EXPNUMBER) GCODE=($GCODE) MCODE=($MCODE) LCODE=($LCODE) CYCODE=($CYCODE) GRPCY=($GRPCY) USED=($USED) </H5></CENTER>\n"; echo "<CENTER><TABLE BORDER=1>\n"; $nbrow=0; // fetch the succesive result rows while( odbc_fetch_row( $cur ) ) { $nbrow++; $pof_a= odbc_result( $cur, 1 ); $pof_nm= odbc_result( $cur, 2 ); $pof_chnm= odbc_result( $cur, 3 ); $pof_mr= odbc_result( $cur, 4 ); $pof_debt= odbc_result( $cur, 5 ); $pof_labo= odbc_result( $cur, 6 ); $pof_adr1= odbc_result( $cur, 7 ); $pof_adr2= odbc_result( $cur, 8 ); $pof_pobox= odbc_result( $cur, 9 ); $pof_pc1= odbc_result( $cur, 10 ); $pof_tnm= odbc_result( $cur, 11 ); $cy_cynm= odbc_result( $cur, 12 ); $pof_org= odbc_result( $cur, 13 ); echo "<tr><td width=140 units=pixels><h4><A HREF=\"/expdet.php3?$pof_a\">$pof_a</A></h4></td>\n"; echo "<td width=400 units=pixels><H5>$pof_mr $pof_nm $pof_chnm<BR>$pof_org<BR>$pof_debt<BR> $pof_labo <BR> $pof_adr1 $pof_adr2 $pof_pobox <BR> $pof_pc1 $pof_tnm <BR> $cy_cynm</H5></td></tr>\n"; } echo "<tr><td colspan=2>$nbrow entries </td></tr></TABLE></CENTER>\n"; // close the connection. important if persistent connection are "On" odbc_close( $cnx); ?> </BODY> </HTML>