Mega Code Archive

Categories / Php / MySQL Database

Dynamic table columns

THIS IS NOT WORKING OUT OF THE BOX this is a small bit of code i did the other day that i found very usefull and maybe you will too ;) $catsCnt is the result from count() ing a result from mysql_fetch_array. The first line of this file is where you define how many columns you want in your table. you need to edit this code to fit your site and maybe even just remove the part marked important <?php define('NUM_COLS', 2); require_once ('../includes/'); if (!isset($_SESSION['user']['auth'])) { header ("Location: http://www"); ob_end_clean(); exit(); } else { // set the page title $page_title = 'NYASPDP Browse Subjects'; include ('../includes/reg_header.htm'); // connect to the database require_once ('../includes/dbconnect.php'); // START THE IMPORTANT STUFF $query = "SELECT cat_id, cat_name FROM catg WHERE cat_name !='!INSTRUCTOR SELECT ONE'"; $result = @mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $cats = array(); while($cat=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($cats, $cat); } $catsCnt = count($cats); echo "\n<h1>Select A Subject</h1>"; echo "\n<table border='0' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='2' width='90%' align='center'>"; echo "\n<tr>"; for($x=0; $x < $catsCnt; $x++) { if(($x+1) % NUM_COLS == 0) { echo "<td class='tblData' width='".(100/NUM_COLS)."%' NOWRAP><a href='courses.php?sid=".$cats[$x]['cat_id']."' class='normal'>".$cats[$x]['cat_name']."</a></td></tr>"; if ($x!=($catsCnt-1)) echo "\n<tr>"; } else { echo "<td class='tblData' width='".(100/NUM_COLS)."%' NOWRAP><a href='courses.php?sid=".$cats[$x]['cat_id']."' class='normal'>".$cats[$x]['cat_name']."</a></td>"; } } $numSpaces=$catsCnt%NUM_COLS; if ($numSpaces!=0) { for ($i=0;$i<=$numSpaces;$i++) { echo "<td width='".(100/NUM_COLS)."%' NOWRAP> </td>"; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "\n</table>"; // END THE IMPORTANT STUFF // Include the HTML footer. include ('../includes/reg_footer.htm'); } ?>