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Categories / Php / MySQL Database

DB Operations - Handles almost all routine mysql queries

<?php // database variables // change variables accordingly to suit your database settings $server = "localhost"; $database = "printorder"; $user = ""; $pass = ""; // define variables define("br","<br>"); ?> <?php * FUNCTIONS LIST: * function connect() // connect to mysql server and select db * function delete() // delete records from a table without using clause * function deleteClause() // delete records from a table using clause * function update() // update records of a table * function dropTable() // drop a table from a database * function createTable() // create a table * function insertValuesIntoTable() // insert values into a table * function showTables() // show all tables in a database * function showDatabases() // show all databases * function GetAllRecordsFromTable() // fetch/display all records from a table * function close() // close database connection * * ************************************************************************************/ // main class dbOperations class DBOperations { var $connection; var $db; var $del; var $update; var $sql; var $row; var $drop; var $insert; var $create; var $close; var $query; var $count; var $fields; var $results; var $values; var $getrecords; var $numrows; var $records; // connect to server function connect(){ include("database.php"); $this->connection = @mysql_connect($server,$user,$pass); $this->db = @mysql_select_db($database); if(!$this->connection) echo "Failed to connect to MySQL server. Check whehter MySQL server is running or not.",br; if(!$this->db) echo "Failed to select db. Check whether DB $database exists or not.",br; } // delete records without using clause function delete($table){ $this->del = @mysql_query("DELETE FROM $table"); if(!$this->del) echo "Delete failed without using clause. Delete table name: ",$table,br; } // delete records using clause function deleteClause($table,$clause){ $this->del = @mysql_query("DELETE FROM $table WHERE $clause"); if(!$this->del) echo "Delete failed using clause. Delete table name: ",$table,br; } // update records function update($table,$clause){ $this->update = @mysql_query("UPDATE $table $clause"); if(!$this->update) echo "Update failed. Update table name: ",$table,br; } // drop table function dropTable($table){ $this->drop = @mysql_query("DROP TABLE $table"); if(!$this->drop) echo "Failed to drop the table. Check whether table $table exists or not.",br; } // create table function createTable($table,$clause){ $this->create = @mysql_query("CREATE TABLE $table $clause"); if(!$this->create) echo "Failed to create the table. Create table name: ",$table,br; } // insert values into table function insertValuesIntoTable($table,$fields,$values){ $this->insert = @mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table ($fields) VALUES($values)"); if(!$this->insert) echo "Failed to insert values into the table: $table",br; } // show tables in a database function showTables($db_name){ $this->query = @mysql_query("SHOW TABLES FROM $db_name"); $this->count = @mysql_num_rows($this->query); for($i=0;$i<$this->count;$i++){ while($this->row=@mysql_fetch_array($this->query)){ echo $this->row[$i],br; } } if(!$this->query) echo "Failed to show tables from $db_name",br; } // show databases function showDatabases(){ $this->query = @mysql_query("SHOW DATABASES"); $this->count = @mysql_num_rows($this->query); for($i=0;$i<$this->count;$i++){ while($this->row=@mysql_fetch_array($this->query)){ echo $this->row[$i],br; } } if(!$this->query) echo "Failed to show databases",br; } // show all records from a table function GetAllRecordsFromTable($db_name,$table){ $this->query = @mysql_list_fields($db_name,$table); $this->fields = @mysql_num_fields($this->query); $this->results = array(); $this->values = array(); for($i=0; $i<$this->fields;$i++){ $this->row = @mysql_field_name($this->query,$i); $this->results[$i] = $this->row; } $this->count = count($this->results); $this->getrecords = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $table"); $this->numrows = @mysql_num_rows($this->getrecords); for($j=0;$j<$this->numrows;$j++){ $this->records = @mysql_fetch_array($this->getrecords); $this->values[$j] = $this->records; } foreach($this->values as $this->v){ for($k=0;$k<$this->count;$k++){ echo $this->v[$k]." "; } echo br; } if(!$this->query) echo "Failed to get field names",br; if(!$this->getrecords) echo "Failed to show records",br; } //close connection function close(){ $this->close = @mysql_close($this->connection); } } ?> <?php include("dboperations.php"); // connect to server and database DBOperations::connect(); // specify the name of the table to delete records :: use this for deleting all the records // replace $table with the name of the table from which you want to delete records DBOperations::delete($table); // use this for deleting records with where clause // replace $table with table name and $clause respectively // for example name of the table=>"test" id='12' DBOperations::deleteClause($table,$clause); // use this for updating records // replace $table with table name and $clause i.e $table name=>"test", $clause=>"set username='Red' WHERE id='21'" DBOperations::update($table,$clause); // use this for creating a table // replace $table with table name and $clause i.e. //$table name=>"test", $clause=>" (`id` INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT, `username` VARCHAR (30), `password` VARCHAR (30), PRIMARY KEY(`id`))" DBOperations::createTable($table,$clause); // use this for dropping a table // replace $table with the name of the table name i.e. $table name=>"test" DBOperations::dropTable($table); // use this for inserting values into a table // replace the $table with the name of the table name i.e. $table name=>"test" // replace the $clause with cleasue i.e. "username,password","'Red','yellow'" DBOperations::insertValuesIntoTable($table,$clause); // use this for displaying all the tables in a database // replace the $db_name with respective database name DBOperations::showTables($db_name); // use this for displaying all the databases // replace the $db_name with respective database name DBOperations::showDatabases($db_name); // use this for fetching/displaying all records from a table // replace $db_name and $table with respective database and table names i.e. $db_name=>"mysql" $table=>"test" DBOperations::GetAllRecordsFromTable($db_name,$table); // close database connection DBOperations::close(); ?>