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Categories / Php / MySQL Database

A very simple and efficient split bar the B-Z bar , for mysql and php

<? /* B-Z stand for be Zen */ function BZ_splitbar ( $total , $actual , $step , $file ) { $thebar="" ; // the string to be output $last = $total- ($total % $step) ; // the last step if( $total > $step ) { // i have to do one bar if ( ereg ( "&split" , $file ) ) { // does i have a &split= something ? $anArr = explode ( "&" , $file ); $steptr = $anArr[count( $anArr)-1] ; $file = ereg_replace( "&".$steptr , "" ,$file ); } ; // delete it if ($actual ==0 ) { $thebar= "." ;} else { $thebar= " <a href='$file&split=0'>B</a> " ; } for( $i = $step ; $i < ($total-$step) ; $i += $step ) { if ($i==$actual ) {$thebar .= "." ;} else { $thebar .= "<a href='$file&split=$i'>z</a> " ; } } if ($actual ==$last ) {$thebar .= "." ;} else { $thebar .= "<a href='$file&split=$last'>E</a>" ; }} return $thebar ; } /// done -----BEGIN FRAGMENT has it is really used : $mysql_result = mysql_query( $query) ; // original query $numRows = mysql_numrows($mysql_result ); if ( $split =="" ) { $thebar = BZ_splitbar ( $numRows ,0 , 10 , $REQUEST_URI ) ; $theLimit = "LIMIT 0 , 10 " ; } else { $thebar = BZ_splitbar ( $numRows , $split ,10 , $REQUEST_URI ) ; $theLimit = "LIMIT $split , 10 " ; } $query = $query.$theLimit ; $mysql_result = mysql_query( $query) ; // do the query with LIMIT -----END FRAGMENT /// do you stufff ...BZ_split will take care of the bad stuff /// just echo $thebar where you want :)))