Mega Code Archive

Categories / Php / MySQL Database

A template script to provide the ability to get the next or previous n records

from a MySQL database. <?php require( ""); /* Check the mysql daemon */ /* This is a template for a script that will return the next n records from a MySQL database query. It uses the LIMIT option in the MySQL SELECT syntax Data Dictionary * $fgcolour Foreground colour of document * $bgcolour Background colour of document * $leftarr Image to use for Previous image * $rightarr Image to use for Next image * $database Database to query * $table Table to query * $lower Lowest number of the records currently on display * $upper Highest number of the records currently on display * $NUM_RECS Number of records to be diplayed per page * $offset Use for OFFSET value in 'SELECT' statement * $searchon Field to be searched on * $searchfor Value to be searched for */ function formDropDown($name,$value,$labels) { $html = "<SELECT NAME=\"$name\">\n"; $key = key($labels); while($key != "") { if ($key == $value) { $selected = "SELECTED"; } else { $selected = ""; } $html .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"$key\" $selected>$labels[$key]\n"; next($labels); $key = key($labels); } $html .= "</SELECT>\n"; return $html; } /* Some attributes that can be changed */ /* Set fore and background colour values */ $fgcolour = "#009999"; $bgcolour = "#000033"; /* And the images to use for arrows. */ $leftarr = "/gifs/cyan_left.gif"; $rightarr = "/gifs/cyan_right.gif"; /* Name of the database and table to use for the query */ $database = "database"; $table = "table"; ?> <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>Title</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=" <?php echo $bgcolour?>" TEXT=" <?php echo $fgcolour?>"> <H1>Search</H1> Search for references. <P> <HR> <FORM ACTION=" <?php echo $PHP_SELF?>" METHOD="POST"> <CENTER> <TABLE ALIGN=center CELLSPACING="15" BORDER=0> <!-- Build your input form here --> <TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER">View the results <?php /* This builds a dropdown list to provide the choices for number of records to display per page */ $labels = array( "5"=> "5", "10"=> "10", "15"=> "15", "20"=> "20"); $match = (empty($NUM_RECS) ? "5" : $NUM_RECS); $box = formDropDown( "NUM_RECS",$match,$labels); echo $box; ?> per page <TD ALIGN=center><INPUT TYPE=submit NAME="search" VALUE="Search"> <TD ALIGN=center><INPUT TYPE=reset></TD> </TABLE></CENTER> </FORM> <HR> <?php /* First time through on a new search $offset should be zero, $lower should be one and $upper should be $NUM_RECS */ if(empty($lower)): $lower = 1; endif; if(empty($upper)): $upper = $NUM_RECS; endif; if(empty($offset)): $offset = 0; endif; if(!empty($next_x)): /* The Next button has been selected */ $lower += $NUM_RECS; $upper += $NUM_RECS; $offset += $NUM_RECS; endif; if(!empty($prev_x)): /* The Previous button has been selected */ $lower -= $NUM_RECS; $upper -= $NUM_RECS; $offset -= $NUM_RECS; endif; /* echo "Offset: " . $offset . ": Lower: " . $lower . ": Upper: " . $upper . "<BR>"; */ switch($search): case "Search": /* Build the query string from the data passed in. */ $NUM_RECS = intval($NUM_RECS); $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $table . " WHERE " . $searchon; $query .= " LIKE '%" . $searchfor . "%' LIMIT " . ($offset != 0 ? "$offset, " : "$NUM_RECS"); /* Countquery gets the number of records that are be retuned by the 'real' query */ $countquery = "SELECT count(*) AS numrows FROM " . $table. " WHERE " . $searchon; $countquery .= " LIKE '%" . $searchfor . "%'"; $countresult = mysql_db_query($database, $countquery); $countrow = mysql_fetch_array($countresult); $result = mysql_db_query($database, $query); $numrows = intval($countrow[0]); ?> <IMG SRC="/gifs/searchresults.gif" ALT="Search Results" WIDTH="480" HEIGHT="15"><P> <?php switch($numrows): case 0: echo "There were no matches to your search for <FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">" . $searchfor; echo "</FONT> in " . $searchon . ". You may wish to try again with a different search phrase."; break; default: /* (!empty($offset) ? $lower = ($offset - $NUM_RECS) + 1 : $lower = 1); $upper = $offset + $NUM_RECS; */ echo "<FONT FACE=\"LucidaTypewriter, Arial, Helvetica\">"; if($numrows <= $NUM_RECS): echo "Displaying all ". $numrows; else: echo "Displaying matches " . $lower . " to " . ($upper > $numrows ? $numrows : $upper). " of " . $numrows; endif; echo " matches for '<FONT COLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">" . $searchfor . "</FONT>'</FONT>"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)): ?> <P> <! Lay out your returned values here however you like --> <HR> <?php endwhile; break; endswitch; /* Numrows */ break; default: /* No search - throw up the search entry form */ endswitch; /* Search */ if($numrows > $NUM_RECS): ?> <CENTER> <FORM ACTION=" <?php echo $PHP_SELF?>" METHOD="POST"> <TABLE ALIGN="CENTER"><TR VALIGN=MIDDLE CELLSPACING="10"> <TD WIDTH="31"> <?php if($lower != 1): /* Show the left arrow and text */ ?> <INPUT NAME="prev" TYPE=image SRC=" <?php echo $leftarr?>" BORDER="0" WIDTH="31" HEIGHT="31" ALT="<<="> <TD><FONT COLOR=" <?php echo $fgcolour?>"> <?php else:?> <TD><FONT COLOR=" <?php echo $bgcolour?>"> <?php endif;?> Previous <?php echo $NUM_RECS?> matches</FONT> ???????????? <TD>???????????? <?php if($upper < $numrows): /* Show the right arrow and text */ ?> <FONT COLOR=" <?php echo $fgcolour?>">Next <?php echo $NUM_RECS?> matches</FONT><TD WIDTH="31"> <INPUT NAME="next" TYPE=image SRC=" <?php echo $rightarr?>" BORDER="0" WIDTH="31" HEIGHT="31" ALT="=>>"> <?php else:?> <FONT COLOR=" <?php echo $bgcolour?>">Next <?php echo $NUM_RECS?> matches</FONT><TD WIDTH="31"> <?php endif;?> </TABLE> <!-- Use the hidden fields to pass the search criteria, current location, number of records etc to the next form --> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="searchon" VALUE=" <?php echo $searchon?>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="searchfor" VALUE=" <?php echo $searchfor?>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="NUM_RECS" VALUE=" <?php echo $NUM_RECS?>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="search" VALUE=" <?php echo $search?>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="offset" VALUE=" <?php echo $offset?>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="upper" VALUE=" <?php echo $upper?>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="lower" VALUE=" <?php echo $lower?>"> </FORM> </CENTER> <?php endif; ?> </BODY> </HTML>