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Categories / Php / HTML

Class form HTML build your HTML Forms from PHP

<? /* This class will provide you a way to automate the creation of HTML form */ class formHTML //Class to generate HTML form with any king of INPUT, SELECT or TEXTAREA { var $numFields; //Number of elements in the html form var $Method; //Method to send the data var $Action; //Script that will process the data var $EncType; //Type of Data in form var $Name; //form Name var $Text; //Array of values for Input field types (SUBMIT|RESET|RADIO|CHECKBOX|FILE|TEXT|HIDDEN|IMAGE|BUTTON|PASSWORD) var $TextArea; //Array of values for Text Area Input type var $List; //Array of values for Select Input type var $BrOn; //Just if you want to add a <br> after each field var $FocusField; //Name of the field that you want to be selected before page load var $FieldName; //Array store each field name var $FieldType; //Array store each Type of each field var $OnSubmit; //For JavaScript added 09/05/2005 function formHTML() { global $_SERVER; //Needed for access the $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] varaible $this->numFields=0; //Setting to 0 $this->Method="POST"; //Setting by default to POST $this->Action=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; //Setting by default to $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] $this->EncType=""; //Setting by default to empty $this->Name="form" . uniqid(time());//Setting a defualt Unique form name $this->BrOn=true; //Setting by default to true $this->Text['MaxSize']=10; //Setting by default to 10 $this->Text['Size']=10; //Setting by default to 10 } function open() { //Just print the form tag echo "<form name=\"" . $this->Name ."\" Method=\"" .$this->Method . "\" Action=\"" . $this->Action . "\" ENCTYPE=\"" . $this->EncType ."\""; if (isset($this->OnSubmit)) echo " OnSubmit=\"" . $this->OnSubmit . "\""; echo ">"; echo "\r"; //Just to keep the html code in order see the page generated code } function close() { //Print echo "</form>\r"; if (isset($this->FocusField)) { echo "<script languaje=\"JavaScript\">\r function setFocus() \r\t{\r\t document." . $this->Name . "." .$this->FocusField . ".focus();\r\t"; if ($this->FindType($this->FocusField)!="SELECT") { echo " document." . $this->Name . "." .$this->FocusField . ".select();"; } echo "\r} setFocus();\r</script>"; } echo "\r";//Just to keep the html code in order see the page generated code } function FindType($Field) { //Find the type of any form field $encontrado =""; for ($x=0;$x<$this->numFields;$x++) { if (strtoupper($Field)==strtoupper($this->FieldName[$x])) { $encontrado = $this->FieldType[$x]; break; } } return $encontrado; } function AddField() //General Porpuse form input //supported types SUBMIT RESET RADIO CHECKBOX FILE TEXT HIDDEN IMAGE BUTTON PASSWORD { if (isset($this->Text['Type'])) { if (!((strtoupper($this->Text['Type'])!="SUBMIT") && (strtoupper($this->Text['Type'])!="RESET") && (strtoupper($this->Text['Type'])!="RADIO") && (strtoupper($this->Text['Type'])!="CHECKBOX") && (strtoupper($this->Text['Type'])!="FILE") && (strtoupper($this->Text['Type'])!="TEXT") && (strtoupper($this->Text['Type'])!="HIDDEN") && (strtoupper($this->Text['Type'])!="IMAGE") && (strtoupper($this->Text['Type'])!="BUTTON") && (strtoupper($this->Text['Type'])!="PASSWORD"))) { // begin if block echo "\t"; if (isset($this->Text['Label'])) { echo $this->Text['Label'] . " "; } echo "<input type=\"" . $this->Text['Type'] . "\" "; if (isset($this->Text['Style'])) { echo " class=\"" . $this->Text['Style'] . "\" "; } if (!isset($this->Text['Name'])) // auto asign name // if name is null { $this->Text['Name'] = "field" . uniqid(time()); } echo " name=\"" . $this->Text['Name'] . "\" "; if (!isset($this->Text['Value'])) { switch ($this->Text['Type']) { case "SUBMIT": $this->Text['Value']="SUBMIT"; break; case "RESET" : $this->Text['Value']="CANCEL"; break; default : $this->Text['Value']=""; } } echo " value=\"" . $this->Text['Value'] . "\" "; if (isset($this->Text['Checked']) and $this->Text['Checked']==true) { echo " Checked "; } if (isset($this->Text['Disable']) and $this->Text['Disable']==true) { echo " disable=\"true\" "; } if (isset($this->Text['JavaEvent']) && isset($this->Text['Java'])) { echo $this->Text['JavaEvent'] . "=\"" . $this->Text['Java'] . "\" "; } if (isset($this->Text['Id'])) { echo "Id=\"" . $this->Text['Id'] . "\" "; } if (isset($this->Text['Src'])) { echo " src=\"" . $this->Text['Src'] . "\" "; } if (isset($this->Text['MaxSize'])) { echo " maxlength=\"" . $this->Text['MaxSize'] . "\" "; } if (!isset($this->Text['Size'])) // default asign { echo " size=\"" . $this->Text['Size'] ."\""; } echo " >"; if ($this->BrOn) echo "<br>\r"; else echo "\r"; $this->FieldType[$this->numFields]=$this->Text['Type']; $this->FieldName[$this->numFields]=$this->Text['Name']; $this->numFields++; }//end if type } unset($this->Text['Name']); unset($this->Text['Type']); unset($this->Text['Value']); unset($this->Text['Style']); unset($this->Text['Java']); unset($this->Text['JavaEvent']); unset($this->Text['Label']); unset($this->Text['MaxSize']); unset($this->Text['Size']); unset($this->Text['Checked']); unset($this->Text['Src']); unset($this->Text['Disable']); } //end function function ListOpen() { echo "\t"; if (!isset($this->List['Name'])) // auto asign name { $this->List['Name'] = "field" . uniqid(time()); } echo "<select name=\"" . $this->List['Name'] . "\" "; if (isset($this->List['Multiple']) && ($this->List['Multiple']==true)) { echo " Multiple "; } if (isset($this->List['Size'])) { echo " size=\"" . $this->List['Size'] . "\" "; } if (isset($this->List['JavaEvent']) && isset($this->List['Java'])) { echo $this->List['JavaEvent'] . "=\"" . $this->List['Java'] . "\" "; } if (isset($this->List['Id'])) { echo "Id=\"" . $this->List['Id'] . "\" "; } echo ">\r"; $this->FieldType[$this->numFields]="SELECT"; $this->FieldName[$this->numFields]=$this->List['Name']; $this->numFields++; unset($this->List['Name']); unset($this->List['Multiple']); unset($this->List['Style']); unset($this->List['Java']); unset($this->List['JavaEvent']); unset($this->List['Label']); unset($this->List['MaxSize']); unset($this->List['Size']); unset($this->List['Checked']); unset($this->List['Src']); unset($this->List['Id']); } //end function function ListAddItem($value,$label,$selected=false) //value, label, true|false { if ($value!="") { echo "\t\t<option value=\"$value\" "; if (($selected==true) || ((isset($this->List['Default'])) && ($this->List['Default']==$value))) { echo " selected "; } echo ">"; if ($label!="") { echo $label; } else { echo $value; } echo "</option>\r"; } } //end function function ListClose() { echo "\t</select>\r"; if ($this->BrOn) echo "<br>\r"; else echo "\r"; unset($this->List['Default']); } //end function function AddList() { echo "\t"; if (!isset($this->List['Name'])) // auto asign name { $this->List['Name'] = "field" . uniqid(time()); } echo "<select name=\"" . $this->List['Name'] . "\" "; if (isset($this->List['Multiple']) && ($this->List['Multiple']==true)) { echo " Multiple "; } if (isset($this->List['Size'])) { echo " size=\"" . $this->List['Size'] . "\" "; } if (isset($this->List['JavaEvent']) && isset($this->List['Java'])) { echo $this->List['JavaEvent'] . "=\"" . $this->List['Java'] . "\" "; } if (isset($this->List['Id'])) { echo "Id=\"" . $this->List['Id'] . "\" "; } echo ">\r"; if (isset($this->List['Value'])) { for ($x=0;$x<sizeof($this->List['Value']);$x++) { echo "\t\t<option value=\"" . $this->List['Value'][$x] . "\" "; if (isset($this->List['Default'][$x]) && ($this->List['Default'][$x]==true)) { echo " selected "; } echo ">"; if (isset($this->List['Label'][$x])) { echo $this->List['Label'][$x]; } else { echo $this->List['Value'][$x]; } echo "</option>\r"; } }//and if value echo "\t</select>\r"; if ($this->BrOn) echo "<br>\r"; else echo "\r"; $this->FieldType[$this->numFields]="SELECT"; $this->FieldName[$this->numFields]=$this->List['Name']; $this->numFields++; unset($this->List['Name']); unset($this->List['Multiple']); unset($this->List['Default']); unset($this->List['Style']); unset($this->List['Java']); unset($this->List['JavaEvent']); unset($this->List['Label']); unset($this->List['MaxSize']); unset($this->List['Size']); unset($this->List['Checked']); unset($this->List['Src']); unset($this->List['Id']); } //end function function AddTextArea() { echo "\t"; // <textarea name="textarea" cols="50" rows="5" wrap="VIRTUAL"></textarea> if (!isset($this->TextArea['Name'])) // auto asign name { $this->TextArea['Name'] = "field" . uniqid(time()); } echo "<textarea name=\"" . $this->TextArea['Name'] . "\" "; if (isset($this->TextArea['Cols'])) { echo "cols=\"" . $this->TextArea['Cols'] . "\" "; } if (isset($this->TextArea['Rows'])) { echo "rows=\"" . $this->TextArea['Rows'] . "\" "; } if (isset($this->TextArea['Wrap'])) { echo "wrap=\"" . $this->TextArea['Wrap'] . "\" "; } if (isset($this->TextArea['JavaEvent']) && isset($this->TextArea['Java'])) { echo $this->TextArea['JavaEvent'] . "=\"" . $this->TextArea['Java'] . "\" "; } if (isset($this->TextArea['Id'])) { echo "Id=\"" . $this->TextArea['Id'] . "\" "; } echo ">"; if (isset($this->TextArea['Value'])) { echo $this->TextArea['Value']; } echo "</textarea>\r"; if ($this->BrOn) echo "<br>\r"; else echo "\r"; $this->FieldType[$this->numFields]="TEXTAREA"; $this->FieldName[$this->numFields]=$this->TextArea['Name']; $this->numFields++; unset($this->TextArea['Name']); unset($this->TextArea['Type']); unset($this->TextArea['Value']); unset($this->TextArea['Style']); unset($this->TextArea['Java']); unset($this->TextArea['JavaEvent']); unset($this->TextArea['Label']); unset($this->TextArea['MaxSize']); unset($this->TextArea['Size']); unset($this->TextArea['Checked']); unset($this->TextArea['Src']); unset($this->TextArea['Rows']); unset($this->TextArea['Cols']); unset($this->TextArea['Wrap']); unset($this->TextArea['Id']); } //end function } // end Class // and example $forma = new formHTML; $forma->Name="mainForma"; $forma->Method="POST"; $forma->Action=$ACCION; $forma->OnSubmit=$onsubmit; $forma->open(); $forma->Text['Type']="HIDDEN"; $forma->Text['Name']="modulo"; $forma->Text['Value']=$modulo; $forma->AddField(); $forma->Text['Type']="HIDDEN"; $forma->Text['Name']="submodulo"; $forma->Text['Value']=$submodulo; $forma->AddField(); $forma->close(); ?>