Mega Code Archive

Categories / Php / Graphics

Thumbnail Script

<?php /* Configuration: set $thumb_size to be a default maximum width/height if not passed via get set $no_image to be an image to be used when GIF files are passed to the script (The GD library no longer supports gif images) set $site_config['path_thumbnail'] to be a write-permissable folder on your server relative to the DOCUMENT_ROOT for storing images so they cache on the server. set $quality to be a value 0-100 for the resulting thumbnail jpeg quality ______________________________________________________________________ Usage: <img src="thumb.php?file=FILE&size=SIZE"> Where: FILE = the file to retrieve SIZE = the maximum size of the thumbnail in pixels ______________________________________________________________________ */ //script configuration $thumb_size = 128; //all thumbnails are this maximum width or height if not specified via get $no_image = '/preview/images/no_image.png'; // used if no image could be found, or a gif image is specified $site_config['path_thumbnail']='/images/thumbnails/'; //where to cache thumbnails on the server, relative to the DOCUMENT_ROOT $quality = 70; //define size of image (maximum width or height)- if specified via get. if ($_GET["size"]<>0) { $thumb_size=$_GET["size"]; } //determine filesystem - *nix or windows - and set document_root. if the file is outside of the web server root path, the document_root is ignored and the absolute path of the image is used instead. if (substr_count(strtolower($_ENV['OS']), "windows")>0) { //w32 filesystem $site_config['document_root'] = str_replace(str_replace("/","\\\\",$_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]),"",$_SERVER["PATH_TRANSLATED"]); if (file_exists(str_replace("/","\\\\",$_GET['file']))) { $filename=str_replace("/","\\\\",$_GET['file']); } else { $filename=$site_config['document_root']."\\\\".str_replace("/","\\\\",$_GET['file']); } } else { //linux filesystem $site_config['document_root'] = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; if (file_exists($_GET["file"])) { $filename=$_GET["file"]; } else { $filename=$site_config['document_root'].'/'.$_GET["file"]; } } $no_image=$site_config['document_root'].$no_image; if (file_exists($site_config['document_root'].$site_config['path_thumbnail'].md5($filename.$thumb_size).'.jpeg')) { Header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); Header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 2030 05:00:00 GMT"); Header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename='.str_replace('/','',md5($filename.$thumb_size).'.jpeg')); echo (join('', file( $site_config['document_root'].$site_config['path_thumbnail'].md5($filename.$thumb_size).'.jpeg' ))); exit; //no need to create thumbnail - it already exists in the cache } //determine php and gd versions $ver=intval(str_replace(".","",phpversion())); if ($ver>=430) { $gd_version=gd_info(); } $filename=str_replace("\'","'",$filename); //define the right function for the right image types $image_type_arr=getimagesize($filename); $image_type=$image_type_arr[2]; switch ($image_type) { case 2: // JPG $image = ImageCreateFromJPEG ($filename); break; case 3: // PNG $image = ImageCreateFromPNG ($filename); break; case 1: // GIF - replace file with a 'no image' png default: $image = ImageCreateFromPNG ($no_image); break; } //define size of original image $image_width = imagesx($image); $image_height = imagesy($image); //define size of the thumbnail $thumb_width = $thumb_size; //$image_width/$resize_factor; $factor = $image_width/$thumb_size; $thumb_height = $image_height / $factor; //($image_width.$width_factor); //$resize_factor; if ($thumb_height>$thumb_size) { $thumb_height = $thumb_size; //$image_width/$resize_factor; $factor = $image_height/$thumb_size; $thumb_width = $image_width / $factor; //($image_width.$width_factor); //$resize_factor; } //define size if sizex and sizey given if ($_GET["sizex"]<>0) { $thumb_width=$_GET["sizex"]; $thumb_height=$_GET["sizey"]; } $memsize=filesize($filename); //create the thumbnail if ($image_width<2000) //no point in resampling images larger than 2000 pixels wide - too much server processing overhead - a resize is more economical { if (substr_count(strtolower($gd_version['GD Version']), "2.")>0) { //GD 2.0 $thumbnail = ImageCreateTrueColor($thumb_width, $thumb_height); imagecopyresampled($thumbnail, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $image_width, $image_height); } else { //GD 1.0 $thumbnail = imagecreate($thumb_width, $thumb_height); imagecopyresized($thumbnail, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $image_width, $image_height); } } else { if (substr_count(strtolower($gd_version['GD Version']), "2.")>0) { //GD 2.0 $thumbnail = ImageCreateTrueColor($thumb_width, $thumb_height); imagecopyresized($thumbnail, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $image_width, $image_height); } else { //GD 1.0 $thumbnail = imagecreate($thumb_width, $thumb_height); imagecopyresized($thumbnail, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $image_width, $image_height); } } //create thumbnail in the cache because it doesn't exist yet. Header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); Header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 2030 05:00:00 GMT"); Header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename='.str_replace('/','',md5($filename.$thumb_size).'.jpeg')); imagejpeg($thumbnail,$site_config['document_root'].$site_config['path_thumbnail'].md5($filename.$thumb_size).'.jpeg',$quality); echo (join('', file( $site_config['document_root'].$site_config['path_thumbnail'].md5($filename.$thumb_size).'.jpeg'))); //clear memory imagedestroy ($image); imagedestroy ($thumbnail); ?>