Mega Code Archive

Categories / Php / Graphics

Show all images and related information

<? /* If your image bin is not named "images", change the name below. */ $dir_name = "images"; $dir = opendir($dir_name); // start the table: $file_list = "<table>"; while ($file_name = readdir($dir)) { // skip documents: if (($file_name != ".") && ($file_name != "..") && (!preg_match("/.htm/i", "$file_name")) && (!preg_match("/.php/i", "$file_name"))) { $file_list .= "<tr><td width=250><ul> <li>name: <strong>$file_name</strong><br>"; $image_file = "$dir_name/$file_name"; $image_size = getimagesize($image_file, &$image_info); while(list($key, $value) = each($image_size)) { // make the output easier to read switch($key){ case 0: $key = "<li>width:&nbsp;"; break; case 1: $key = "<li>height:&nbsp;"; break; case 2: $key = "<li>type:&nbsp;"; break; case 3: $key = "<li>string:<br>"; break; case bits: $key = "bits per sample:"; break; } if ($key == "type"){ switch($value){ case 1: $value = "GIF image"; break; case 2: $value = "jpeg image"; break; case 3: $value = "PNG image"; break; } } $file_list .= ($key . $value . "<BR>\n"); } // close that part of the table and make the next one for the image $file_list .= "</ul></td><td> <img src=\"$dir_name/$file_name\" $image_size[3]> </td></tr><tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>"; } } // finish the table $file_list .= "</table>"; closedir($dir); ?> <html> <head><title>List of images</title></head> <body background="rulerbackground.gif"> <h1>The images in "<? echo "$dir_name"; ?>"</h1> <? echo "$file_list"; ?> </body> </html>