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Categories / Php / Graphics

Quick PHP GD JPG Thumbnailer Script

<?php // quick thumbnailer // pretty self explanatory, uses PHP GD to thumbnail photographs in the directory marked by $config['path']; // just a three minute script thats good for people looking for an easy quick thumbnailer. // ~dovka $config = array(); $config['path'] = "./"; $config['t_width'] = 120; $config['t_height'] = 98; $config['ignore'] = array("",".",".."); $config['prefix'] = "thumb_"; // don't edit below this line // start with defining variables $done = 0; define("IMAGE_JPG", 2); define("ENDL", "\n"); if($handle = opendir($config['path'])) { while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if(!array_search($file,$config['ignore'])) { // check for JPG list($im_width, $im_height, $type) = getimagesize($file); if($type != IMAGE_JPG) { continue; } $op .= "found -> <a href='{$file}'>$file</a>" . ENDL; $im = @imagecreatefromjpeg($file); if(!$im) { $op .= "fail -> couldn't create sour image pointer." . ENDL; continue; } if(file_exists($config['prefix'] . $file) || substr($file, 0, strlen($config['prefix'])) == $config['prefix']) { $op .= "note -> this file has already got a thumbnail." . ENDL; continue; } $to = imagecreatetruecolor($config['t_width'],$config['t_height']); if(!$to) { $op .= "fail -> couldn't create dest image pointer." . ENDL; continue; } if(!imagecopyresampled($to, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $config['t_width'], $config['t_height'], $im_width, $im_height)) { $op .= "fail -> couldn't create thumbnail. php fail." . ENDL; continue; } // save file imagejpeg($to, $config['prefix'] . $file); $op .= "done -> created thumb: <a href='{$config['prefix']}{$file}'>{$config['prefix']}{$file}</a>" . ENDL; $done++; } } } closedir($handle); $op .= "fin -> {$done} file(s) written" . ENDL; echo "<pre>"; echo $op; echo "</pre>"; exit; ?>