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Categories / Php / Graphics

GD2+ thumbnail image manipulation class

<?php class Thumbnail { function Thumbnail($resource_file, $base_file, $destination_file="", $compression=80, $transform="") { $this->a = $resource_file; // image to be thumbnailed $this->b = $base_file; // size defining base image - just a blank image or something $this->c = $transform; /* specified transformation - blank for simple resizing * 'bevel' - shaded bevelled edges ( edge width, hex light colour, hex dark colour ) * 'greyscale' basic black n white ( int red, int green, int blue ) * 'ellipse' ellipse on bg colour ( hex background colour ) * 'round_edges' corner trimming ( edge_radius, background colour, anti-alias width ) * 'merge' overlay merge image ( merge image, x start [neg = from right], y start [neg = from base], opacity, transparent colour on merge image ) * 'frame' plain raised border ( hex light colour, hex dark colour, int width of mid bit ) * 'drop_shadow' more like a dodgy motion blur [semi buggy] ( shadow width, hex shadow colour, hex background colour ) * 'motion_blur' fading parallel lines ( int number of lines, hex background colour ) */ $this->d = $destination_file; // thumbnail saved to $this->e = $compression; // compression ration for jpeg thumbnails $this->compile(); // creates base images and sets dimension values to vars if($this->c !== "") { $this->manipulate(); // effects an array of manipulations on the thumbnail image - optional $this->create(); // saves to file, cleans up waste } } function compile() { $this->h = getimagesize($this->a); // specs for resource image $this->i = $this->h[0]; $this->j = $this->h[1]; $this->k = $this->h[2]; $this->l = getimagesize($this->b); // specs of base image - ie max width and/or max height of created thumb $this->m = $this->l[0]; $this->n = $this->l[1]; $this->o = ($this->i / $this->m); $this->p = ($this->j / $this->n); $this->q = ($this->o > $this->p) ? $this->m : round($this->i / $this->p); // width of created thumb $this->r = ($this->o > $this->p) ? round($this->j / $this->o) : $this->n; // height of created thumb $this->s = ($this->k < 4) ? ($this->k < 3) ? ($this->k < 2) ? imagecreatefromgif($this->a) : imagecreatefromjpeg($this->a) : imagecreatefrompng($this->a) : Null; $this->t = imagecreatetruecolor($this->q, $this->r); // created thumbnail reference $this->u = imagecopyresampled($this->t, $this->s, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->q, $this->r, $this->i, $this->j); } function hex2rgb($hex_value) { $this->decval = hexdec($hex_value); return $this->decval; } function bevel($edge_width=10, $light_colour="FFFFFF", $dark_colour="000000") { $this->edge = $edge_width; $this->dc = $dark_colour; $this->lc = $light_colour; $this->dr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->dc,0,2)); $this->dg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->dc,2,2)); $this->db = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->dc,4,2)); $this->lr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->lc,0,2)); $this->lg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->lc,2,2)); $this->lb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->lc,4,2)); $this->dark = imagecreate($this->q,$this->r); $this->nadir = imagecolorallocate($this->dark,$this->dr,$this->dg,$this->db); $this->light = imagecreate($this->q,$this->r); $this->zenith = imagecolorallocate($this->light,$this->lr,$this->lg,$this->lb); for($this->pixel = 0; $this->pixel < $this->edge; $this->pixel++) { $this->opac = 100 - (($this->pixel+1) * (100 / $this->edge)); ImageCopyMerge($this->t,$this->light,$this->pixel,$this->pixel,0,0,1,$this->r-(2*$this->pixel),$this->opac); ImageCopyMerge($this->t,$this->light,$this->pixel-1,$this->pixel-1,0,0,$this->q-(2*$this->pixel),1,$this->opac); ImageCopyMerge($this->t,$this->dark,$this->q-($this->pixel+1),$this->pixel,0,0,1,$this->r-(2*$this->pixel),max(0,$this->opac-10)); ImageCopyMerge($this->t,$this->dark,$this->pixel,$this->r-($this->pixel+1),0,0,$this->q-(2*$this->pixel),1,max(0,$this->opac-10)); } ImageDestroy($this->dark); ImageDestroy($this->light); } function greyscale($rv=38, $gv=36, $bv=26) { $this->rv = $rv; $this->gv = $gv; $this->bv = $bv; $this->rt = $this->rv+$this->bv+$this->gv; $this->rr = ($this->rv == 0) ? 0 : 1/($this->rt/$this->rv); $this->br = ($this->bv == 0) ? 0 : 1/($this->rt/$this->bv); $this->gr = ($this->gv == 0) ? 0 : 1/($this->rt/$this->gv); for( $this->dy = 0; $this->dy <= $this->r; $this->dy++ ) { for( $this->dx = 0; $this->dx <= $this->q; $this->dx++ ) { $this->pxrgb = imagecolorat($this->t, $this->dx, $this->dy); $this->rgb = ImageColorsforIndex( $this->t, $this->pxrgb ); $this->newcol = ($this->rr*$this->rgb['red'])+($this->br*$this->rgb['blue'])+($this->gr*$this->rgb['green']); $this->setcol = ImageColorAllocate( $this->t, $this->newcol, $this->newcol, $this->newcol ); imagesetpixel( $this->t, $this->dx, $this->dy, $this->setcol ); } } } function ellipse($bg_colour="FFFFFF") { $this->bgc = $bg_colour; $this->br = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgc,0,2)); $this->bg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgc,2,2)); $this->bb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgc,4,2)); $this->dot = ImageCreate(6,6); $this->dot_base = ImageColorAllocate($this->dot, $this->br, $this->bg, $this->bb); $this->zenitha = ImageColorClosest($this->t, $this->br, $this->bg, $this->bb); for($this->rad = 0;$this->rad<6.3;$this->rad+=0.005) { $this->xpos = floor(($this->q)+(sin($this->rad)*($this->q)))/2; $this->ypos = floor(($this->r)+(cos($this->rad)*($this->r)))/2; $this->xto = 0; if($this->xpos >= ($this->q/2)) { $this->xto = $this->q; } ImageCopyMerge($this->t,$this->dot,$this->xpos-3,$this->ypos-3,0,0,6,6,30); ImageCopyMerge($this->t,$this->dot,$this->xpos-2,$this->ypos-2,0,0,4,4,30); ImageCopyMerge($this->t,$this->dot,$this->xpos-1,$this->ypos-1,0,0,2,2,30); ImageLine($this->t,$this->xpos,($this->ypos),$this->xto,($this->ypos),$this->zenitha); } ImageDestroy($this->dot); } function round_edges($edge_rad=3, $bg_colour="FFFFFF", $anti_alias=1) { $this->er = $edge_rad; $this->bgd = $bg_colour; $this->aa = min(3,$anti_alias); $this->br = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgd,0,2)); $this->bg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgd,2,2)); $this->bb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgd,4,2)); $this->dot = ImageCreate(1,1); $this->dot_base = ImageColorAllocate($this->dot, $this->br, $this->bg, $this->bb); $this->zenitha = ImageColorClosest($this->t, $this->br, $this->bg, $this->bb); for($this->rr = 0-$this->er; $this->rr <= $this->er; $this->rr++) { $this->ypos = ($this->rr < 0) ? $this->rr+$this->er-1 : $this->r-($this->er-$this->rr); for($this->cr = 0-$this->er; $this->cr <= $this->er; $this->cr++) { $this->xpos = ($this->cr < 0) ? $this->cr+$this->er-1 : $this->q-($this->er-$this->cr); if($this->rr !== 0 || $this->cr !== 0) { $this->d_dist = round(sqrt(($this->cr*$this->cr)+($this->rr*$this->rr))); $this->opaci = ($this->d_dist < $this->er-$this->aa) ? 0 : max(0, 100-(($this->er-$this->d_dist)*33)); $this->opaci = ($this->d_dist > $this->er) ? 100 : $this->opaci; ImageCopyMerge($this->t,$this->dot,$this->xpos,$this->ypos,0,0,1,1,$this->opaci); } } } imagedestroy($this->dot); } function merge($merge_img="", $x_left=0, $y_top=0, $merge_opacity=70, $trans_colour="FF0000") { $this->mi = ($merge_img == "") ? $this->b : $merge_img; $this->xx = ($x_left < 0) ? $this->q+$x_left : $x_left; $this->yy = ($y_top < 0) ? $this->r+$y_top : $y_top; $this->mo = $merge_opacity; $this->tc = $trans_colour; $this->tr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->tc,0,2)); $this->tg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->tc,2,2)); $this->tb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->tc,4,2)); $this->md = getimagesize($this->mi); $this->mw = $this->md[0]; $this->mh = $this->md[1]; $this->mm = ($this->md[2] < 4) ? ($this->md[2] < 3) ? ($this->md[2] < 2) ? imagecreatefromgif($this->mi) : imagecreatefromjpeg($this->mi) : imagecreatefrompng($this->mi) : Null; for($this->ypo = 0; $this->ypo < $this->mh; $this->ypo++) { for($this->xpo = 0; $this->xpo < $this->mw; $this->xpo++) { $this->indx_ref = imagecolorat($this->mm, $this->xpo, $this->ypo); $this->indx_rgb = imagecolorsforindex($this->mm, $this->indx_ref); if($this->indx_rgb['red'] !== $this->tr && $this->indx_rgb['green'] !== $this->tg && $this->indx_rgb['blue'] !== $this->tb) { imagecopymerge($this->t, $this->mm, $this->xx+$this->xpo, $this->yy+$this->ypo, $this->xpo, $this->ypo, 1, 1, $this->mo); } } } imagedestroy($this->mm); } function frame($light_colour="FFFFFF", $dark_colour="000000", $mid_width=4 ) { $this->rw = $mid_width; $this->dh = $dark_colour; $this->lh = $light_colour; $this->fr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->dh,0,2)); $this->fg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->dh,2,2)); $this->fb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->dh,4,2)); $this->gr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->lh,0,2)); $this->gg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->lh,2,2)); $this->gb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->lh,4,2)); $this->zen = ImageColorClosest($this->t, $this->gr, $this->gg, $this->gb); $this->nad = ImageColorClosest($this->t, $this->fr, $this->fg, $this->fb); $this->mid = ImageColorClosest($this->t, ($this->gr+$this->fr)/2, ($this->gg+$this->fg)/2, ($this->gb+$this->fb)/2); imageline($this->t, 0, 0, $this->q, 0, $this->zen); imageline($this->t, 0, 0, 0, $this->r, $this->zen); imageline($this->t, $this->q-1, 0, $this->q-1, $this->r, $this->nad); imageline($this->t, 0, $this->r-1, $this->q, $this->r-1, $this->nad); imageline($this->t, $this->rw+1, $this->r-($this->rw+2), $this->q-($this->rw+2), $this->r-($this->rw+2), $this->zen); // base in imageline($this->t, $this->q-($this->rw+2), $this->rw+1, $this->q-($this->rw+2), $this->r-($this->rw+2), $this->zen); // right in imageline($this->t, $this->rw+1, $this->rw+1, $this->q-($this->rw+1), $this->rw+1, $this->nad); imageline($this->t, $this->rw+1, $this->rw+1, $this->rw+1, $this->r-($this->rw+1), $this->nad); for($this->crw = 0; $this->crw < $this->rw; $this->crw++) { imageline($this->t, $this->crw+1, $this->crw+1, $this->q-($this->crw+1), $this->crw+1, $this->mid); // top imageline($this->t, $this->crw+1, $this->r-($this->crw+2), $this->q-($this->crw+1), $this->r-($this->crw+2), $this->mid); // base imageline($this->t, $this->crw+1, $this->crw+1, $this->crw+1, $this->r-($this->crw+1), $this->mid); //left imageline($this->t, $this->q-($this->crw+2), $this->crw, $this->q-($this->crw+2), $this->r-($this->crw+1), $this->mid); // right } } function drop_shadow($shadow_width, $shadow_colour="000000", $background_colour="FFFFFF") { $this->sw = $shadow_width; $this->sc = $shadow_colour; $this->sbr = $background_colour; $this->sr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->sc,0,2)); $this->sg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->sc,2,2)); $this->sb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->sc,4,2)); $this->sbrr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->sbr,0,2)); $this->sbrg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->sbr,2,2)); $this->sbrb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->sbr,4,2)); $this->dot = ImageCreate(1,1); $this->dotc = ImageColorAllocate($this->dot, $this->sr, $this->sg, $this->sb); $this->v = imagecreatetruecolor($this->q, $this->r); $this->sbc = imagecolorallocate($this->v, $this->sbrr, $this->sbrg, $this->sbrb); $this->rsw = $this->q-$this->sw; $this->rsh = $this->r-$this->sw; imagefill($this->v, 0, 0, $this->sbc); for($this->sws = 0; $this->sws < $this->sw; $this->sws++) { $this->s_opac = max(0, 90-($this->sws*(100 / $this->sw))); for($this->sde = $this->sw; $this->sde < $this->rsh+$this->sws+1; $this->sde++) { imagecopymerge($this->v, $this->dot, $this->rsw+$this->sws, $this->sde, 0, 0, 1, 1, $this->s_opac); } for($this->bse = $this->sw; $this->bse < $this->rsw+$this->sws; $this->bse++) { imagecopymerge($this->v, $this->dot, $this->bse, $this->rsh+$this->sws, 0, 0, 1, 1, $this->s_opac); } } imagecopyresampled($this->v, $this->t, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->rsw, $this->rsh, $this->q, $this->r); imagecopyresampled($this->t, $this->v, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->q, $this->r, $this->q, $this->r); imagedestroy($this->v); imagedestroy($this->dot); } function motion_blur($num_blur_lines, $background_colour="FFFFFF") { $this->nbl = $num_blur_lines; $this->shw = ($this->nbl*2)+1; $this->bk = $background_colour; $this->kr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bk,0,2)); $this->kg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bk,2,2)); $this->kb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bk,4,2)); $this->w = imagecreatetruecolor($this->q, $this->r); $this->shbc = imagecolorallocate($this->w, $this->kr, $this->kg, $this->kb); $this->rsw = $this->q-$this->shw; $this->rsh = $this->r-$this->shw; imagefill($this->w, 0, 0, $this->shbc); $this->rati = $this->r / $this->rsh; for($this->lst = 0; $this->lst < $this->nbl; $this->lst++) { $this->opacit = max(0, 70-($this->lst*(85 / $this->nbl))); for($this->yst = 0; $this->yst < $this->rsh; $this->yst++) { imagecopymerge($this->w, $this->t, $this->rsw+(2*$this->lst)+1, $this->yst+(2*$this->lst)+2, $this->q-1, $this->yst*$this->rati, 1, 1, $this->opacit); } for($this->xst = 0; $this->xst < $this->rsw; $this->xst++) { imagecopymerge($this->w, $this->t, $this->xst+(2*$this->lst)+1, $this->rsh+(2*$this->lst)+1, $this->xst*$this->rati, $this->r-1, 1, 1, $this->opacit); } } imagecopyresampled($this->w, $this->t, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->rsw, $this->rsh, $this->q, $this->r); imagecopyresampled($this->t, $this->w, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->q, $this->r, $this->q, $this->r); imagedestroy($this->w); } function manipulate() { if($this->c !== "") { eval("\$this->maniparray = array(".$this->c.");"); foreach($this->maniparray as $manip) { eval("\$this->".$manip.";"); } } } function create() { if($this->d !== "") { ob_start(); imagejpeg($this->t, $this->d, $this->e); ob_end_clean(); } imagedestroy($this->s); imagedestroy($this->t); } } ?>