Mega Code Archive

Categories / Php / Graphics

Array img_resize(string path to source image, string path to destination image

, string mode, int size function img_resize($path2image,$path2thumb,$axis,$size) { $imageName = basename($path2image); $thumbName = basename($path2thumb); if (ereg("\.gif$",$img_name) || ereg("\.jpe?g",$img_name)) { $djpeg = "/usr/bin/djpeg"; $cjpeg = "/usr/bin/cjpeg"; $pnmscale = "/usr/bin/pnmscale"; $giftopnm = "/usr/bin/giftopnm"; $ppmtogif = "/usr/bin/ppmtogif"; $ppmquant = "/usr/bin/ppmquant"; $imageAttributes = GetImageSize($path2image); $imageWidth = $imageAttributes[0]; $imageHeight = $imageAttributes[1]; if ($imageWidth < $size && $imageHeight < $size) { @exec("cp $path2image $path2thumb"); chmod($path2thumb, 0666); } else { if ($axis == "h" || $axis == "a" && $imageHeight > $imageWidth) { switch ($imageAttributes[2]) { case 1: exec("$giftopnm $path2image | $pnmscale -height $size | $ppmquant 256 | $ppmtogif -interlace > $path2thumb"); chmod($path2thumb, 0666); break; case 2: exec("$djpeg $path2image | $pnmscale -height $size | $cjpeg -outfile $path2thumb"); chmod($path2thumb, 0666); break; case "": return(""); break; } } if ($axis == "w" || $axis == "a" && $imageWidth > $imageHeight) { switch ($imageAttributes[2]) { case 1: exec("$giftopnm $path2image | $pnmscale -width $size | $ppmquant 256 | $ppmtogif -interlace > $path2thumb"); chmod($path2thumb, 0666); break; case 2: exec("$djpeg $path2image | $pnmscale -width $size | $cjpeg -outfile $path2thumb"); chmod($path2thumb, 0666); break; case "": return(""); break; } } } } else { echo '<FONT SIZE=4>' .'Unable to complete Resize Function, The file being processed is not a valid image file. Please use only .GIF or .JPG files' .'<BR CLEAR=ALL>' .'</FONT>' ."Hit your browser's back button to continue" .'<P>'; } }