Mega Code Archive

Categories / Php / Functions

Multi Column Output

<html> <h1><center>Output to 2 columns</center></h1> <table border="1" align="center"> <? //you need this - it tells the data what collumn to go to $count = 1; $column = 1; //db connect and select $link = mysql_connect( "localhost", "root", "password" ); mysql_select_db( "dbname" ); $result=mysql_query ("select * from table_name"); //loop statement while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) { // this is the column 1 if ($column == 1) { printf("<tr><td><b>$count</b>%s</td>",$myrow[value]); } else{ //this is the column 2 printf("<td><b>$count</b>%s</td></tr>",$myrow[value]); } //increment the count $count += 1; // this is a modulus operator it gets the remainder of the equation $column = $count % 2; } ?> </table> </html>