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JPEG Directory thumbnail system

thumbs.php <?php /* Will generate a pages width of thumbnailed GIF's and JPG's from a secified directory. Will work in a directory with other files in it with no problems. Thumbnail variables are set in gen.php */ // Comments will be throughout // Set variables $default_dir = "./images"; // Relative to current location // Directory Scan if(!($dp = opendir($default_dir))) die("Cannot open $dir"); // Place images into image tag while($file = readdir($dp)){ if($file != '.' && $file != '..' && stristr($file,"jpg")) echo "<a href=\"$default_dir/$file\"><img src=\"./gen.php?$default_dir/$file\"></a>\r\n"; } closedir($dp); ?> end thumbs.php gen.php <?php /* Will generate a pages width of thumbnailed GIF's and JPG's from a secified directory. Will work in a directory with other files in it with no problems. Part 2. The image creator. Aspect ratio is not supported. */ // Comments will be throughout $t_width = 100; // Thumbnail width $t_height = 100; // Thumbnail height // get and display jpeg images if(stristr($QUERY_STRING,".jpg")){ header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); $srcimage = imagecreatefromjpeg($QUERY_STRING); $destimage = imagecreate($t_width,$t_height); $width = imageSX($srcimage); $height = imageSY($srcimage); imagecopyresized ($destimage,$srcimage,0,0,0,0,$t_width,$t_height,$width,$height); ImageJPEG($destimage); ImageDestroy($destimage); } /* //Support for GIF unavailable at this time elseif(stristr($QUERY_STRING,".gif")){ header("Content-type: image/gif"); $srcimage = imagecreatefromgif($QUERY_STRING); $destimage = imagecreate(100,100); $width = imageSX($srcimage); $height = imageSY($srcimage); imagecopyresized ($destimage,$srcimage,0,0,0,0,$t_width,$t_height,$width,$height); ImageGIF($destimage); ImageDestroy($destimage); } */ // on a problem geneterate an image with ERROR in it else { $im = imagecreate(100,100); $blue = imagecolorallocate($im,0,0,200); $red = imagecolorallocate($im,255,0,0); imagestring($im,2,2,5,"ERROR",$red); imageGIF($im); imagedestroy($im); } ?>