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Categories / Php / File Directory

File size with label

<?php /* This function read the filesize from a selected file and convert the number of bytes into KB, MB etc. Just define the file and the path and the size is give by the function. */ // the $file without the path, put the path in the $path-variable (based on the doc. root) function file_size($file, $path = "") { global $DOCUMENT_ROOT; $bytes = array("B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB"); $file_with_path = $DOCUMENT_ROOT."/".$path."/".$file; // replace (possible) double slashes with a single one $file_with_path = str_replace("//", "/", $file_with_path); $size = filesize($file_with_path); $i = 0; while ($size >= 1024) { //divide the filesize (in bytes) with 1024 to get "bigger" bytes $size = $size/1024; $i++; } if ($i > 1) { // you can change this number if you like (for more precision) return round($size,1)." ".$bytes[$i]; } else { return round($size,0)." ".$bytes[$i]; } } // example for using echo file_size("example.txt", "myFolder"); ?>