Mega Code Archive

Categories / Php / File Directory

Directory viewer, customize how you display the file structure, easy to

<?php $temp = getenv( "QUERY_STRING"); $dir_name = "$temp"; if($dir_name == "") $dir_name = "."; $handle=opendir($dir_name); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { // Extract dir content $filelst = "$filelst,$file";// save into string } closedir($handle);// $filelist = explode(",",$filelst); // Brake string up into array sort($filelist); // sort the array acendingly, I suggest you make your own sort because this one sux for ($count=1;$count<count($filelist);$count++) { print "<TR>"; $filename=$filelist[$count]; $file_path = "$dir_name/$filename"; $filesize = filesize($file_path); // You can use another function to format this, but you get the idea. if (is_file($file_path)) { // fleBLK.gif is a small icon of a file (draw yourself one and use that or use anything you want) echo "<TD><img src=fleBLK.gif height=20 width=24></TD>"; echo "<TD><A HREF=\" $dir_name/$filename\" > $filename </A></TD>"; echo "<TD>$filesize bytes</TD>"; // I suggest you change "File" to a function returning a better description or remove it completely (make sure you take them all out though) echo "<TD>File</TD>"; } elseif(($filename != ".") && ($filename != "..")) { // DirBLK.gif is a small icon of a folder (draw yourself one and use that or use anything you want) echo "<TD><img src=DirBLK.gif height=20 width=24></TD>"; echo "<TD><A HREF=\"$filename\" > $filename </A></TD>"; echo "<TD> dir </TD>"; // I suggest you change "Directory" to a function returning a better description or remove it completely (make sure you take them all out though) echo "<TD>Directory</TD>"; } print "</TR>"; } ?> </table> </BODY> </HTML>