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Categories / Php / File Directory

Directory browser

<?php if($pageAction=="add") { chdir(".".$dirname); mkdir($directory,0); Header("Location: index.php3?dirname=$dirname"); } if($pageAction=="delete") { chdir(".".$dirname); rmdir($directory); Header("Location: index.php3?dirname=$dirname"); } ?> <html> <head> <title>Directory Browser</title> </head> <body> <?php echo "<table width=\"600\" border=\"0\">"; if($dirname) { $myDirectory=opendir(".".$dirname); chdir(".".$dirname); echo "<tr>"; echo "<td width=\"60\">"; echo "<table width='60' border='0'>"; echo "<tr valign='center'><td align='center'>"; $list=explode("/", $dirname); for($i=1;$i<sizeof($list)-1;$i++) { $olddir=$olddir . "/" . $list[$i]; } echo "<a href='index.php3?dirname=$olddir'><img border='0' src='http://localhost/DirAcc/dirback.gif'></a>"; echo "<br>"; echo "<a href='index.php3?dirname=$olddir'><font face='tahoma' size='1'>Back</font></a><br>"; echo "</tr></td>"; echo "</table>"; echo "</td>"; $dir_count=1; $dir_count_tot=1; } else { $myDirectory=opendir("."); $dir_count=0; $dir_count_tot=0; } while($entryName=readdir($myDirectory)) { if(!is_file($entryName)) { if($entryName!=".." && $entryName!=".") { if($dir_count==0) { echo "<tr>"; } echo "<td width=\"60\">"; $toopen=$dirname . "/" . $entryName; echo "<table width=\"60\" border=\"0\"><tr><td align=\"center\">"; $dirs[]=$entryName; echo "<a href=\"index.php3?dirname=$toopen\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"http://localhost/NewDirAcc/dir.gif\"></a><br>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php3?dirname=$toopen\"><font face=\"tahoma\" size=\"1\">$entryName</font></a><br>"; echo "</td></tr></table>"; echo "</td>"; $dir_count++; $dir_count_tot++; if($dir_count==10) { $dir_count=0; echo "</tr>"; } } } else { if(strstr($entryName, ".gif") || strstr($entryName, ".gif")) { if($entryName!="dir.gif" && $entryName!="dirback.gif") { $images[]=$entryName; } } } } $i=0; while($i<count($images)) { if($dir_count==0) { echo "<tr>"; } echo "<td width=\"60\">"; $toopen=$dirname . "/" . $images[$i]; echo "<table width=\"60\" border=\"0\"><tr><td align=\"center\">"; $theImg="/NewDirAcc" . $dirname . "/" . $images[$i]; echo "<a href=\"$theImg\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"$theImg\" width=\"30\" height=\"30\"></a><br>"; echo "<a href=\"$theImg\"><font face=\"tahoma\" size=\"1\">$images[$i] </font></a><br>"; echo "</td></tr></table>"; echo "</td>"; $dir_count++; $dir_count_tot++; if($dir_count==10) { $dir_count=0; echo "</tr>"; } $i++; } while($dir_count_tot<10) { echo "<td width=\"60\">"; echo "<table width=\"60\" border=\"0\"><tr><td align=\"center\">"; echo "<br>"; echo "</td></tr></table>"; echo "</td>"; $dir_count_tot++; } echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; echo "<p>"; echo "<hr width=\"650\" align=\"left\">"; echo "<p>"; ?> <?php echo "<form action=\"index.php3?dirname=$dirname\" method=\"post\">"; ?> <input type="hidden" name="pageAction" value="add"> Add Directory: <input name="directory" type="text"> <input type="submit" value="Create"> </form> <?php echo "<form action=\"index.php3?dirname=$dirname\" method=\"post\">"; ?> <input type="hidden" name="pageAction" value="delete"> Delete Directory: <select name="directory"> <option selected value="none">Please Select</option> <?php $i=0; while($i<count($dirs)) { echo "<option value=\"$dirs[$i]\">$dirs[$i]</option>"; $i++; } ?> </select> <input type="submit" value="Delete"> </form> <form> Image: <input type="text"> <input type="submit" value="Upload"> Not Working Yet! </form> to do: Also read directories into an array first like with the images. Then we can list alphabetically too!!! Need to do the upload (simple) then thats pretty much it... </body> </html>