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Class for INI Files

<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); class ini { var $ini_data = array (); // Array to store all ini data var $ini_data_files = array (); // Array to store all file names var $crlf = "\n"; // "Carriage return", SEE function connect var $f_temp = "tempA9B4E3F4C9_"; // The temporary file, SEE function connect var $set_waiting_limit = 10; // The maximum waiting time in seconds, SEE function connect // Return: Link_Identifier (integer) function connect($file) { $temp = $this->f_temp; $this->f_temp .= $file; $t = 0; // Set the counter var // While another file is bussy... wait wait wait while (@is_array(file($this->f_temp))) { $t++; // IMPORTANT // // If someone does not use the function Close, the temporary file will not be deleted. // But if you open the file for the second time, the function Connect notices that // the temporary file already exists. So the functions 'thinks' some other file is busy. But // that is not true, the file has not been deleted. // To solve this problem, the function writes the timestamp in the temporary file. When the // function notices that the file already exists, it checks whether or not the last opened // timestamp is too old. If the timestamp is too old, the function notices that the function // Close probably is not used. So the function deletes the temporary file and goes on... // // IMPORTANT // Get the time out of the file, when the last time the script is parsed $time = file($this->f_temp); // If the time is too old, delete the file and break the while-statement if ((time() - $this->set_waiting_limit) > $time[0]) { unlink($this->f_temp); break; } sleep(1); // Check every second... if ($t > $this->set_waiting_limit) break; } // Create the temporary file $fp = fopen($this->f_temp, "w+"); fwrite($fp, time()); fclose($fp); $this->f_temp = $temp; // If the file does not exist, return -1 if (!file_exists($file)) return (-1); // Check whether or not there already is a connection with the selected file for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->ini_data_files); $i++) if ($this->ini_data_files[$i] == $file) return ($i); // Get all ini data and store it in an Array $ini_array = parse_ini_file($file, TRUE); // Add the Array to ini_data[] $this->ini_data[] = $ini_array; // Store the filename in $ini_data_files[] $this->ini_data_files[] = $file; // Return the new Link_Identifier return (sizeof($this->ini_data) - 1); } // Return: Boolean function close($link = "") { $data_string = ""; // If the parameter $link is empty, get the last Link_Identifier if (empty($link)) $link = sizeof($this->ini_data) - 1; if (sizeof($this->ini_data) == 0) return (FALSE); // Get all ini data corresponding to the Link_Identifier $get_data_from_array = $this->ini_data[$link]; $array_keys = array_keys($get_data_from_array); // Build the new String... for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($get_data_from_array); $i++) { $get_data_from_key = $get_data_from_array[$array_keys[$i]]; $key_array_keys = array_keys($get_data_from_key); $data_string .= "[" . $array_keys[$i] . "]" . $this->crlf; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($key_array_keys); $j++) $data_string .= $key_array_keys[$j] . "=" . $get_data_from_key[$key_array_keys[$j]] . $this->crlf; } // Get the filename $filename = $this->ini_data_files[$link]; // If the file does not exist, return FALSE if (!file_exists($filename)) return (FALSE); @unlink($this->f_temp . $filename); // Try to write all data into the file $fp = fopen($filename, "w+"); fwrite($fp, $data_string); fclose($fp); // Delete the old data unset($this->ini_data[$link]); // Delete the old filename unset($this->ini_data_files[$link]); return (TRUE); } // Return: Boolean function drop_key($section, $key, $link) { // If the parameter $link is empty, get the last Link_Identifier if (empty($link)) $link = sizeof($this->ini_data) - 1; // If there is no connection to any INI file, return FALSE if (sizeof($this->ini_data) == 0) return (FALSE); // If the section does not exist, return FALSE if (!$this->section_exists($section)) return (FALSE); // If the key does not exist, return FALSE if (!$this->key_exists($section, $key)) return (FALSE); // Unset the key in the chosen section unset($this->ini_data[$link][$section][$key]); return (TRUE); } // Return: Boolean function drop_section($section, $link) { // If the parameter $link is empty, get the last Link_Identifier if (empty($link)) $link = sizeof($this->ini_data) - 1; // If there is no connection to any INI file, return FALSE if (sizeof($this->ini_data) == 0) return (FALSE); // If the section does not exist, return FALSE if (!$this->section_exists($section)) return (FALSE); // Unset the section unset($this->ini_data[$link][$section]); return (TRUE); } // Return: Array function get_keys($section, $link = "") { // If the parameter $link is empty, get the last Link_Identifier if (empty($link)) $link = sizeof($this->ini_data) - 1; // If there is no connection to any INI file, return FALSE if (sizeof($this->ini_data) == 0) return (FALSE); // If the section does not exist, return FALSE if (!$this->section_exists($section, $link)) return (FALSE); // Get all keys and return them $get_data = $this->ini_data[$link][$section]; return(array_keys($get_data)); } // Return: Array function get_sections($link = "") { // If the parameter $link is empty, get the last Link_Identifier if (empty($link)) $link = sizeof($this->ini_data) - 1; // If there is no connection to any INI file, return FALSE if (sizeof($this->ini_data) == 0) return (FALSE); $get_data = $this->ini_data[$link]; return(array_keys($get_data)); } // Return: Boolean function key_exists($section, $key, $link = "") { // If the parameter $link is empty, get the last Link_Identifier if (empty($link)) $link = sizeof($this->ini_data) - 1; // If there is no connection to any INI file, return FALSE if (sizeof($this->ini_data) == 0) return (FALSE); // If the section does not exist, return FALSE if (!$this->section_exists($section, $link)) return (FALSE); // Get all keys $keys = $this->get_keys($section, $link); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($keys); $i++) if ($keys[$i] == $key) return (TRUE); // If no section is found, return FALSE return (FALSE); } // Return: Boolean function section_exists($section, $link = "") { // If the parameter $link is empty, get the last Link_Identifier if (empty($link)) $link = sizeof($this->ini_data) - 1; // If there is no connection to any INI file, return FALSE if (sizeof($this->ini_data) == 0) return (FALSE); // Get all sections $sections = $this->get_sections($link); // Check whether or not the section exists for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($sections); $i++) if ($sections[$i] == $section) return (TRUE); // If no section is found, return FALSE return (FALSE); } // Return: String function read($section, $key, $link = "") { // If the parameter $link is empty, get the last Link_Identifier if (empty($link)) $link = sizeof($this->ini_data) - 1; // If there is no connection to any INI file, return FALSE if (sizeof($this->ini_data) == 0) return (FALSE); // If the section does not exist, return FALSE if (!$this->section_exists($section, $link)) return (FALSE); // If the key does not exist, return FALSE if (!$this->key_exists($section, $key, $link)) return (FALSE); return ($this->ini_data[$link][$section][$key]); } // Return: Boolean function write($section, $key = "", $value = "", $link = "") { // If the parameter $link is empty, get the last Link_Identifier if (empty($link)) $link = sizeof($this->ini_data) - 1; // If there is no connection to any INI file, return FALSE if (sizeof($this->ini_data) == 0) return (FALSE); if (empty($section)) return (FALSE); // If the section does not exist, make a new section if (!$this->section_exists($section)) $this->ini_data[$link][$section] = array (); // If the key is not empty... if (!empty($key)) $this->ini_data[$link][$section][$key] = $value; return (TRUE); } } // Make a new instance of the Class... $ini = new ini; ?>