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Clever Email Validation Function - E-Mail validation function with an eregi

expression and socket connection. <? function SnowCheckMail($Email,$Debug=false) { global $HTTP_HOST; $Return =array(); // Variable for return. // $Return[0] : [true|false] // $Return[1] : Processing result save. if (!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $Email)) { $Return[0]=false; $Return[1]="${Email} is E-Mail form that is not right."; if ($Debug) echo "Error : {$Email} is E-Mail form that is not right.<br>"; return $Return; } else if ($Debug) echo "Confirmation : {$Email} is E-Mail form that is not right.<br>"; // $Username : lsm // $Domain : // list function reference : // split function reference : list ( $Username, $Domain ) = split ("@",$Email); // That MX(mail exchanger) record exists in domain check . // checkdnsrr function reference : if ( checkdnsrr ( $Domain, "MX" ) ) { if($Debug) echo "Confirmation : MX record about {$Domain} exists.<br>"; // If MX record exists, save MX record address. // getmxrr function reference : if ( getmxrr ($Domain, $MXHost)) { if($Debug) { echo "Confirmation : Is confirming address by MX LOOKUP.<br>"; for ( $i = 0,$j = 1; $i < count ( $MXHost ); $i++,$j++ ) { echo "????????Result($j) - $MXHost[$i] <BR>"; } } } // Getmxrr function does to store MX record address about $Domain in arrangement form to $MXHost. // $ConnectAddress socket connection address. $ConnectAddress = $MXHost[0]; } else { // If there is no MX record simply @ to next time address socket connection do . $ConnectAddress = $Domain; if ($Debug) echo "Confirmation : MX record about {$Domain} does not exist.<br>"; } // fsockopen function reference : $Connect = fsockopen ( $ConnectAddress, 25 ); // Success in socket connection if ($Connect) { if ($Debug) echo "Connection succeeded to {$ConnectAddress} SMTP.<br>"; // Judgment is that service is preparing though begin by 220 getting string after connection . // fgets function reference : if ( ereg ( "^220", $Out = fgets ( $Connect, 1024 ) ) ) { // Inform client's reaching to server who connect. fputs ( $Connect, "HELO $HTTP_HOST\r\n" ); if ($Debug) echo "Run : HELO $HTTP_HOST<br>"; $Out = fgets ( $Connect, 1024 ); // Receive server's answering cord. // Inform sender's address to server. fputs ( $Connect, "MAIL FROM: <{$Email}>\r\n" ); if ($Debug) echo "Run : MAIL FROM: <{$Email}><br>"; $From = fgets ( $Connect, 1024 ); // Receive server's answering cord. // Inform listener's address to server. fputs ( $Connect, "RCPT TO: <{$Email}>\r\n" ); if ($Debug) echo "Run : RCPT TO: <{$Email}><br>"; $To = fgets ( $Connect, 1024 ); // Receive server's answering cord. // Finish connection. fputs ( $Connect, "QUIT\r\n"); if ($Debug) echo "Run : QUIT<br>"; fclose($Connect); // Server's answering cord about MAIL and TO command checks. // Server about listener's address reacts to 550 codes if there does not exist // checking that mailbox is in own E-Mail account. if ( !ereg ( "^250", $From ) || !ereg ( "^250", $To )) { $Return[0]=false; $Return[1]="${Email} is address done not admit in E-Mail server."; if ($Debug) echo "{$Email} is address done not admit in E-Mail server.<br>"; return $Return; } } } // Failure in socket connection else { $Return[0]=false; $Return[1]="Can not connect E-Mail server ({$ConnectAddress})."; if ($Debug) echo "Can not connect E-Mail server ({$ConnectAddress}).<br>"; return $Return; } $Return[0]=true; $Return[1]="{$Email} is E-Mail address that there is no any problem."; return $Return; } ?>