Mega Code Archive

Categories / Php / Date Time

This is now an object, with its interface defined in comments at the beginning

of the code. No hooks for graphics yet. I may take some time to do this. <?php class tableCalendar { # Create an html calendar for a month. # Interface: # $calendar = new tableCalendar; # # Set necessary variables: # $calendar->setDay($day); # Integer # $calendar->setMonth($month); # Integer # $calendar->setYear($year); # Integer # $calendar->setFrameTarget($target_string); # String # $calendar->setHrefString($href_string); # String # # $calendar->printCal(); # This'll print your table for you. var $selectedDay, $selectedMonth, $selectedYear; var $days; var $frametarget, $href; var $DEBUGGING_SET = 0; function setDay ($day) { $this->selectedDay = $day; } function setMonth ($month) { $this->selectedMonth = $month; } function setYear ($year) { $this->selectedYear = $year; } function setFrameTarget($target_string) { $this->frametarget = "target = \"$target_string\""; } function setHref($href_string) { $this->href = $href_string; } function setAndCheckDefaults () { if (!$this->selectedDay ) { $this->selectedDay = date( 'd'); } if (!$this->selectedMonth) { $this->selectedMonth = date( 'm'); } if (!$this->selectedYear) { $this->selectedYear = date( 'Y'); } $this->days = array(0=> 'Sun',1=> 'Mon',2=> 'Tue',3=> 'Wed', 4=> 'Thu',5=> 'Fri',6=> 'Sat'); } function printCal () { $monthOrig; $monthTest; $monthName; $firstday; $dayRow; $lastday = 31; $this->setAndCheckDefaults(); # make sure we do the right thing(s) # Find out the first day of the week! $firstday = date( 'w',mktime(0,0,0,$this->selectedMonth,1,$this->selectedYear)); # have to perform a loop to test from 31 backwards, # to see what the last day of the month is $lastday = 31; do { $monthOrig = date( 'm',mktime(0,0,0,$this->selectedMonth,1,$this->selectedYear)); $monthTest = date( 'm',mktime(0,0,0,$this->selectedMonth,$lastday,$this->selectedYear)); if ($monthTest != $monthOrig) { $lastday -= 1; }; } while ($monthTest != $monthOrig); $monthName = date( 'F',mktime(0,0,0,$this->selectedMonth,1,$this->selectedYear)); if($this->DEBUGGING_SET != 0) { print( "<p>first day of the first week of $selectedMonth $selectedYear is $firstday (from 0 to 6) <p>\n"); print( "The last day of $selectedMonth $selectedYear is $lastday\n<p>"); } $this->printTable($monthName, $firstday, $lastday); } function printHref($day) { $href = ''; if($this->href) { print( "<A HREF=\"$this->href?month=$this->selectedMonth&day=$day&year=$this->selectedYear\" $this- >frametarget>$day</a>"); } } function printTable ($monthName, $firstDay, $lastDay) { $dayRow = 0; $day = 0; $targetString; $adjustedDay; print( "<table bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">"); print( "<caption valign=\"center\"><b>$monthName $this->selectedYear</b></caption>"); print( "<tr>\n"); # Print days along the top. for($i=0; $i<=6; $i++) { print( "<td width=10%>".$this->days[$i]. "</td>\n"); } print( "</tr>\n"); print( "<tr>\n"); while($dayRow < $firstDay) { print( "<td><!-- This day in prior month --></td>"); $dayRow += 1; } while($day < $lastDay) { if(($dayRow % 7) == 0) { print( "</tr>\n<tr>\n"); } $adjustedDay = $day+1; print( "<td>"); $this->printHref($adjustedDay); print( "</td>"); $day += 1; $dayRow += 1; } print( "\n</tr>\n</table>\n"); } } ?>