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PcCalendar class - Allows for the creation of calendars in HTML pages

<? class pcCalendar { var $gaWeekTitles; function pcCalendar() { /* initialise the global variables */ $this->gaWeekTitles[] = "Sunday"; $this->gaWeekTitles[] = "Monday"; $this->gaWeekTitles[] = "Tuesday"; $this->gaWeekTitles[] = "Wednesday"; $this->gaWeekTitles[] = "Thursday"; $this->gaWeekTitles[] = "Friday"; $this->gaWeekTitles[] = "Saturday"; } function intShowCalendar( $intYear = 0, $intMonth = 0 ) { /* if month and/or year not set, change to current month and year */ $intMonth = ( $intMonth == 0 ) ? strftime( "%m" ) : $intMonth; $intYear = ( $intYear == 0 ) ? strftime( "%Y" ) : $intYear; /* determine total days in month */ $lintTotalDays = 0; while ( checkdate( $intMonth, $lintTotalDays + 1, $intYear ) ) $lintTotalDays++; /* build table */ $this->intStartTable(); $this->intStartRow(); for ( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++ ) $this->intDisplayWeekTitle( $i ); $this->intFinishRow(); $this->intStartRow(); /* ensure that enough blanks are put in so that the first day of the month lines up with the proper day of the week */ $lintOffset = date( "w", mktime( 0, 0, 0, $intMonth, 1, $intYear ) ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $lintOffset; $i++ ) $this->intDisplayDay( "?" ); /* start filling in the days of the month */ for ( $lintDay = 1; $lintDay <= $lintTotalDays; $lintDay++ ) { $this->intDisplayDay( $lintDay ); /* terminate row if we're at on the last day of the week */ $lintOffset++; if ( $lintOffset > 6 ) { $lintOffset = 0; $this->intFinishRow; if ( $lintDay < $lintTotalDays ) $this->intStartRow(); } } /* fill in the remainder of the row with spaces */ if ( $lintOffset > 0 ) $lintOffset = 7 - $lintOffset; for ( $i = 0; $i < $lintOffset; $i++ ) $this->intDisplayDay( "?" ); $this->intFinishRow(); $this->intFinishTable(); } function intStartTable() { /* this function should be overridden with your own routines */ echo '<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" width="100%">'; } function intFinishTable() { /* this function should be overridden with your own routines */ echo '</table>'; } function intStartRow() { /* this function should be overridden with your own routines */ echo '<tr>'; } function intFinishRow() { /* this function should be overridden with your own routines */ echo '</tr>'; } function intDisplayWeekTitle( $intWeekDay ) { /* this function should be overridden with your own routines */ echo '<th><b><font face="Arial">', $this->gaWeekTitles[ $intWeekDay ], '</font></b></th>'; } function intDisplayDay( $intDay ) { /* this function should be overridden with your own routines */ echo '<td>', $intDay, '</td>'; } } ?>