Mega Code Archive

Categories / Php / Date Time

Checks Date-Input from HTML-Forms and converts to YYYY-MM-DD

Format for MySQL Date-Fields <? // This function is made to check date-input from an HTML-form // and bring it to the YYYY-MM-DD format that it can be // insertet in a Date-Field of a MySQL-Table. // // Input-Formats can be: // "d.m.y" or "y.m.d" or "d.m" or "d" // if year or month and year are missing, these values are // taken from the current date. // // When the result-String is empty, the date-input was wrong. // // Usage: $date_ok = input2date($date_from_form_field); // function input2date($idate) { $token="-./ "; $p1 = strtok($idate,$token); $p2 = strtok($token); $p3 = strtok($token); $p4 = strtok($token); $date=""; $y=""; $m=""; $d=""; // check 'd.m.y' if (($p1>0 && $p1<32) && ($p2>0 && $p2<13) && ($p3>32)) { $y=$p3; $m=$p2; $d=$p1; } // check 'y.m.d' if ($y == "" && ($p1>32) && ($p2>0 && $p2<13) && ($p3>0 && $p3<32)) { $y=$p1; $m=$p2; $d=$p3; } // check 'd.m' if ($y == "" && ($p3=="") && ($p2>0 && $p2<13) && ($p1>0 && $p1<32)) { $y=date("Y"); $m=$p2; $d=$p1; } // check 'd' if ($y == "" && ($p3=="") && ($p2=="") && ($p1>0 && $p1<32)) { $y=date("Y"); $m=date("m"); $d=$p1; } // add 1900 or 2000 to year if ($y!="" && $y<=99) { if ($y>=70) $y = $y + 1900; if ($y<70) $y = $y + 2000; } if ($y!="") { if (checkdate($m, $d, $y)) $date="$y-$m-$d"; } return $date; } ?>