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Categories / Php / Date Time

Calendar for any month any year

<?php # # *** Set time stamp.Check for month requested(value from request form) # *** If no value has been set then make it for current month # if(!$year){$year=2000; } if(!$req_month || $req_month=="none") { $dt_and_tm=time(); } else { $dt_and_tm=mktime(0,0,0,$req_month,1,$year); } # # *** Find out the month number from the time stamp we just created # *** Find out the day of the week from the same(0 to 6 for Sunday to # *** Saturday) add "1" so that it becomes 1 to 7 # $month=date("n",$dt_and_tm); $week_day=date("w",$dt_and_tm)+1; # # *** Set number days in requested month # if($month==1 || $month==3 || $month==5 || $month==7 || $month==8 || $month==10 || $month==12) { $no_of_days=31; } elseif($month==4 || $month==6 || $month==9 || $month==11) { $no_of_days=30; } # # *** If the month requested is Feb. Check whether it is Leap Year # elseif($month==2) { if(date("L",$dt_and_tm)) { $no_of_days=29 ;} else {$no_of_days=28;} } $month_full=date("F",$dt_and_tm); # # ******* HTML code goes from here # ******* First row in HTML table displays month and year # ******* Second row is allotted for week days # ******* Table contains six more rows (total 42 table cells) # ?> <html> <body> <table width=300> <tr bgcolor="#003366"><td colspan=7> <font face="Arial , Times New Roman " size=2 color="#ffffff"><b><?php echo "$month_full $year" ; ?></b></font></td></tr> <tr bgcolor="#006699"> <td><font face="Arial , Times New Roman " size=2 color="#ffffff">Sun</fon></td><td><font face="Arial , Times New Roman " size=2 color="#ffffff">Mon</font></td><td><font face="Arial , Times New Roman " size=2 color="#ffffff">Tue</font></td><td><font face="Arial , Times New Roman " size=2 color="#ffffff">Wed</font></td><td><font face="Arial , Times New Roman " size=2 color="#ffffff">Thu</font></td><td><font face="Arial , Times New Roman " size=2 color="#ffffff">Fri</font></td><td><font face="Arial , Times New Roman " size=2 color="#ffffff">Sat</font></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="silver"> <?php # # *** We need to start form week day and print total number of days # *** in this month.For that we need to find out the last cell. # *** While looping end current row and start new row for each 7 cells # $last_cell=$week_day+$no_of_days; for($i=1;$i<=42;$i++) { if($i==$week_day){$day=1;} if($i<$week_day || $i>=$last_cell) { echo "<td>?</td>"; if($i%7==0){echo "</tr><tr bgcolor=\"silver\">\n";} } else { echo "<td>$day</td>"; $day++; if($i%7==0) { echo "</tr><tr bgcolor=\"silver\">\n"; } } } ?> </table></body></html>