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This is a currency convertor which allows a user to get the latest currency

conversions from Yahoo <? //our currencies $currency = array("Yen","US Dollars","German mark","french franc","Australian dollar"); //the various URLS for the currency conversions $conv[0]=file(''); $conv[1]=file(''); $conv[2]=file(''); $conv[3]=file(''); $conv[4]=file(''); //loop through results for($i=0; $i<sizeof($conv); $i++) { $conv[$i] = join("",$conv[$i]); //parse out the relevant information $conv[$i] = ereg_replace(".*<table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>",'',$conv[$i]); $conv[$i] = ereg_replace("</table>.*",'',$conv[$i]); $conv[$i] = ereg_replace("</b>.*",'',$conv[$i]); $conv[$i] = ereg_replace(".*<b>",'',$conv[$i]); //display results echo "1 Pound(£) = ".$conv[$i]." ".$currency[$i]."<br>\n"; } ?>