Mega Code Archive

Categories / Php / Calendar

Calendar example

<? include( 'pccalendar.php3' ); class myCalendar extends pcCalendar { function myCalendar() { /* Override the constructor function. Default is to use long names for the days of the week, but we want a small and cute calendar. */ $this->gaWeekTitles[] = "Su"; $this->gaWeekTitles[] = "Mo"; $this->gaWeekTitles[] = "Tu"; $this->gaWeekTitles[] = "We"; $this->gaWeekTitles[] = "Th"; $this->gaWeekTitles[] = "Fr"; $this->gaWeekTitles[] = "Sa"; } function intStartTable() { /* define how the table should be presented */ echo '<table border=3>'; } function intDisplayWeekTitle( $intWeekDay ) { /* define how titles of the week are to be displayed */ echo '<td><font class="font-family: Arial; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000"><b>'; echo $this->gaWeekTitles[ $intWeekDay ]; echo '</b></font></td>'; } function intDisplayDay( $intDay ) { /* define how the days of the month are to be displayed */ echo '<td><font class="font-family: Arial; font-size: 8pt; color: #000000">'; echo $intDay; echo '</font></td>'; } } /* no other functions in the pcCalendar need to be overridden. */ /* create new Calendar instance */ $cal = new myCalendar; /* display calendar for current month & year */ $cal->intShowCalendar(); ?>