Mega Code Archive

Categories / Php / Algorithms

Recursive function to move files on a filesystem

It can be minor changed in order to copy recursively <? function mover($src,$dst) { $handle=opendir($src); // Opens source dir. if (!is_dir($dst)) mkdir($dst,0755); // Make dest dir. while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if (($file!=".") and ($file!="..")) { // Skips . and .. dirs $srcm=$src."/".$file; $dstm=$dst."/".$file; if (is_dir($srcm)) { // If another dir is found mover($srcm,$dstm); // calls itself - recursive WTG } else { copy($srcm,$dstm); unlink($srcm); // Is just a copy procedure is needed } // comment out this line } } closedir($handle); rmdir($src); // and this one also :) } ?>