Mega Code Archive

Categories / Oracle PLSQL / Cursor

Define and use reference cursor

SQL> -- Define and use reference cursor SQL> SQL> create table myTable as select * from all_users; Table created. SQL> SQL> variable myReferenceCursor refcursor; SQL> SQL> begin   2     open :myReferenceCursor for select * from myTable;   3  end;   4  / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> SQL> delete from myTable; 14 rows deleted. SQL> SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> SQL> print myReferenceCursor; USERNAME                          USER_ID CREATED ------------------------------ ---------- --------- BOB                                    36 30-AUG-06 FLOWS_020100                           35 07-FEB-06 FLOWS_FILES                            34 07-FEB-06 HR                                     33 07-FEB-06 MDSYS                                  32 07-FEB-06 ANONYMOUS                              28 07-FEB-06 XDB                                    27 07-FEB-06 CTXSYS                                 25 07-FEB-06 DBSNMP                                 23 07-FEB-06 TSMSYS                                 20 07-FEB-06 DIP                                    18 07-FEB-06 USERNAME                          USER_ID CREATED ------------------------------ ---------- --------- OUTLN                                  11 07-FEB-06 SYSTEM                                  5 07-FEB-06 SYS                                     0 07-FEB-06 14 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> drop table myTable; Table dropped. SQL> SQL>